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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. I spoke to him this morning, he "strongly recommended" the VT. We didn't discuss it at great length...
  2. No! That's my point, I'm quite prepared to believe the 2nd hand 1995 engine mount is close to being knackered. I don't want one of those! Look at it this way - you buy a computer. I upgrade the CPU to one that uses the SAME power as the original one, but the guy in the shop tries to sell me a "uprated" power supply. What do you do?
  3. Are you saying I'm not a sad old man? Thanks for the compliment! :)
  4. My feeling is simple - VW spent a ton of money designing and building the bits for this car. Some of them are rubbish, that's true, but the vast majority of VR6's leave the factory and never have a new front engine mount fitted in their entire lives...
  5. I think the engine is more or less perfectly vertical, it's just that the bonnet slopes off to the left a lot, and it makes the engine *look* as if it's tilted. Look down the left hand side of the engine block - the belt components are parallel to the bulkhead wall, more or less.
  6. I've heard of them breaking, sure, but that's normal. Anything gets metal fatigue and eventually breaks when put under force. I'm sure the VT mount is *breakable*, even if it's a LOT stronger than the OE, so maybe when it gets to 10 years old you'll start seeing failures. That's why I think fitting a new OE mount is a good idea - it won't be suffering from metal fatigue for another 10 years... :) Come on lads, prove it to me, make me believe!! ;) ;)
  7. "too tight": You betcha!! ;) But torque is torque, there's no time units involved. 180lbft is 180 lbs at 1ft, if it's applied for 10 seconds or 1 second it's still 180 lbs at 1 ft... You're right - I don't understand what you're trying to get at Kev... If the engine was going to produce 250lbft or more (at any revs) fine, I'd totally appreciate the point. But it's not! The Shrek just widens the torque curve, it doesn't make it (much) more torquey. My point is this - if the OE engine mount is designed to be fine with 180lbft from the standard engine, and I fitted a custom engine that developed 180lbft RIGHT through the revs from 500rpm to 8000rpm (actually a large electric traction motor..), then the engine mount would be FINE for that too. Sure, it would wear quicker if it was constantly subjected to high torque, but you can keep it constantly subjected to high torque with the standard engine aswell... Now - what am I missing? :)
  8. I understand what you're saying Kev, but I have to point out the engine won't be producing significantly more torque than it was before. Stock figures say "181lbft" at high revs. It doesn't matter what revs that's generated at, it's still 181lbs force at 1ft from the centre of rotation. Given that standard VR6s range from average - 175-180lbft to the rare 195-200lbft from the factory, the OE mount is clearly capable of handling that. They'd have changed it otherwise. The Schrick improves response at low revs, sometimes giving up to 200lbft at 3500rpm, but as even that is no greater than the torque produced by a standard engine in some circumstances... We're back to square 1.. The bonnet issue is significant, however, and even with your VT mount Phat that's a bit too close for comfort.. That's why most people cut a small section out of that strut on the bonnet when fitting schricks, to give it room to breathe.. And no, I can't get a painted bonnet for £90..
  9. dr_mat

    VR6 head work?

    Welcome to the world of VR ownership. Constant paranoia can overtake your life. I think I need a spare car just to prevent the hair loss..!! :roll:
  10. That's why I think a new OE mount will suffice...
  11. True enough, but the OE mount is already more than capable of handling 180lbft of torque at 4500 rpm, so why's the lower revs so different? Ok it might move slightly more than the VT one..
  12. Spoke to Vince - he's been told the Schricks have been *shipped* (surface mail), but has not so far been given an ETA for delivery, so my booking for next week will remain for now. He seriously recommends the VT front mount though for the Corrado (but at £130 + VAT it's a bit pricy :( ), but a new OE might be a good alternative at about £40..
  13. My sarcasm filter wasn't on, sorry.. otherwise that message would never have been posted.
  14. Where's my Schrick?? * matt kicks the cat
  15. dr_mat

    Strange noise

    Gotta be a fuel pump problem...
  16. You were driving too fast, clearly you're not supposed to exceed 70mph in the UK, so your ABS light was trying to warn you of this. ;)
  17. Ah, that makes more sense. It's the timing chains, init? "Common Corrado Problem", well "Common VW VR6 Problem".
  18. You have a G60, jims16v (confusingly), so nowt particularly that springs to mind. My appointment may be pushed out to the 7th May if the Schricks don't get in by early next week (which I am beginning to doubt now) for my "the full kevhaywire" service...
  19. The switch controls what mode the alarm goes into when you arm it. IIRC one position enables the cabin motion detectors, and the other position leaves these disabled.
  20. Well, kev, it's tempting, given that it sounds like VR6s chew timing chains, camshafts, need replacement injectors, aux belt pulleys.. and then you're having to start replacing bits in the coolant system and it starts getting *really* pricey..
  21. Now you're being ridiculous. Coke cans don't contain the correct hardness of material. Boddingtons cans, every time..
  22. Au contraire, Mr Haywire, I think cleaning sounds great, as it implies CHEAPNESS!! ;)
  23. I think steel grey might look better, if you have to have something other than normal silver finish. IMHO. :)
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