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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Does sound like your alarm, yes. It could be the cause, for sure.
  2. It tells you that whatever is on the second fuse is pulling current ... What's the second fuse?
  3. Doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with your battery ...
  4. And I'm saying it doesn't mean that the stereo isn't the cause of the problem..! The stereo could still be shorting somewhere.
  5. Removing the stereo's fascia does not disconnect it from the power! If it's only happening since the stereo went in, remove the stereo and triple check every wire ..
  6. Sounds like a failed CV joint to me.
  7. Sounds fine. Hardly going anywhere.. It'll still start the car till it reaches about 11.8V (though it'll struggle).
  8. Technically there's three chains .. Though the design is as you mention, the early 12v VR6s used a TWIN chain for the upper section. Later 12v engines used a single upper chain that was obviously a little wider.
  9. AFAIK yes, though there may be minor differences in the cams and the inlet manifold, depending on what car you source your 2.8 from.
  10. Depends on your amps .. Most VRs have an alternator in the 70/90/120 amp range. Do the maths on your amplifiers.
  11. 2.9 block is a rebored 2.8, straight from the factory, they are otherwise identical. 3.1 is pushing your luck a little though, by all accounts.
  12. Well if you're the unsatisfied kind you'll never be happy. Buy a Veyron and have it chipped. How fast you want your car to go depends on how much cash you have to spend.
  13. What ads? I was looking forward to those ... :) I'm a little sceptical that the tow truck got there in 40 seconds, too ..
  14. 1. Buy one 2. There is no 2. 3. Why are you still reading?
  15. dr_mat

    VR6 oil pressure

    That's the figures for 2000 rpm iirc. There are four data points to match up if you're testing "by the book", including another two for hot/cold operation at 4000 rpm.
  16. Wasn't trying to start an argument (for once :) ), just commenting because in my experience Peugeots have been the most reliable cars I've ever known. They may be engineered quite lightweight, but that does tend to mean they're less stressed and as long as you don't thrape 'em they're much more reliable than any ageing VW. There's a reason why the Pug 306 TDi is the 2nd car of choice for Corrado owners: you know it will ALWAYS get you to the garage to get the bits you need for the C, even if you didn't service it (or drive it) for the last five years..! :)
  17. Nightmare dude. I wouldn't expect fuel or spark till the engine was turning, the ECU isn't that stupid. Crank sensor always reports an error if the engine isn't turning. The fuel pump will only prime once; as soon as the lines are up to pressure it won't run again. What's the voltage coming out of the battery? Is the engine turning freely by hand? Perhaps the starter engages (click) and then simply can't turn the engine?
  18. Just trying to bring a bit of even-handedness to a forum full of people who seem to believe that VWs never break down, despite all the evidence to the contrary .. ! And take the piss. of course.. ;)
  19. Trolley jacks are cheap from Argos too, they're doing one for £18 now ..
  20. .. to the garage, most likely ... ;)
  21. Pretty sure there's a number of threads with "how to test your alternator" in .. You just need a voltmeter.
  22. You put in the number of days it was there for ... ;) Perhaps that would be more useful information anyway..! Mine spent four days off the road this year.
  23. Spot the glass-half-empty person! VR6s rarely die so badly that they're written off! It just sounds like you probably blew up the oil cooler or something .. ! Iff it's *that* dead, you might be lucky on getting a complete engine from VW for a reasonable price, but it will be a rebored 2.8, the only full block 2.9s left are hugely expensive. I've heard a number of tales of woe around VW refurbed engines too, but at least the warranty on them is unbreakable (you just have to keep going back).. Other than that a VEGE refurbed engine will cost a couple of grand fitted, and a full rebuild will cost £2-3k too. TBH a lot of people are finding that the 2.8 24v transplant is a good way to go for about the same cost.
  24. I think any VR6 that will stand idle for 2-3 weeks and THEN START without any assistance must have so many electrical faults that it's not worth fixing!! ;)
  25. As said above, that's the brake load balance valve. WD40 + waggle it if the arm has siezed.
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