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Posts posted by paddy26

  1. If you sit into the car and lock it.

    Then pull the interior door handle on the passenger side to get a feel for the resistance on it. Do the same for the drivers interior door handle.

    Then unlock the car and check both handles and report back here.

    Also check is there much resistance if you try to unlock the doors using the door lock pull.



  2. Westie I have sent you some pics via email.


    Paddy the number on the helper springs is 20-60-80 26G11.

    If you want I can send you a photo if you give me your email address.


    Thanks. For reference in case anyone is looking in the furure, mine are:

    Front: helper: 20-60-80-GBHC

    Main spring: 70-170* GBFC


    Rear: helper: same as front

    Main: 50-200*GBFC



  3. Sorry to jump in but can you get a photo of the part number on the helper spring?

    I have a set of v3's and am curious to see if they all use the same helper spring, as I'd like to change to a softer one if possible.



  4. If you're removing trim pieces to tape them up you could go for a drive before refitting the trim. You'll eventually find the source of the rattle but you might have the full interior removed by then..... :)


  5. There are tabs on that trim piece at the top which slot into the c pillar trim. It's hard to tell from your pic but maybe part of that tab is missing which prevents it from securing properly.

    Here's a pic of what it should look look like.




  6. I love finding a thread like this that i haven't read before.

    Great write-up and videos and some amazing work over the winter.


    Most disappointing bit about the thread was getting to the end but I'm sure you'll have some more exciting updates during the year.

    Best of luck with the rest of the season.



  7. Vag-hag's one will fit so. I bought a new clamp from the dealers and there was only 1 part number for all models.


    FYI, in engineering distances between 2 holes/points is measured centerpoint to centerpoint(which is the same as LHS to LHS or RHS to RHS if talking about circles).



  8. I got pics today so I want to update the thread.

    I had a part organised from the 2014 Audi Le Mans car, but that fell through shortly before the wedding.

    A week before the wedding I contacted Dude VR6 again and he sent me 2 pieces of titanium. It arrived the day before the wedding.

    I travelled 30miles to an engineering company owned by my managers dad. Within 3 hours we had the wedding band finished.


    Here's a few pics of the wedding bands





    And a pic of my Rado



    Massive thanks to Dude VR6 for coming through at such short notice. We can't thank you enough.



  9. Congrats.

    I got married last month aswell.

    I didn't have my Rado ready on time though.



    So had to use a Rolls


    The power steering was leaking onto the exhaust and smoke started coming from under the bonnet.

    The smoke had cleared before we got the pic.



  10. the only cambelt issue you can have is when it snaps, and you'll know when that happens....

    the engine is most likely going into limp mode.

    the issue could be with any or multiple sensors on the engine(maf, o2, temp, etc), vacuum leaks, coils, sticky turbo or actuator, etc.

    have you a diagnostic port connected for the engine?

    a scan will definitely narrow down the issue.



  11. Hey guys,

    How do you check for "correct play" in the wheel bearings? I have to swap wheels again and fancy checking mine while she is jacked up.


    I presume your talking about rear bearings.

    You should be able to move the washer with a screwdriver with minimal pressure.

    I posted the quote from the Bentley in a post a while ago in another thread.



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