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Everything posted by tandino

  1. Id say any VR with the early upper tensioner with mileage in excess of 100k is on borrowed time tensioner wise. Doesnt matter if they are quiet - that can mean that they have worn through the top rivets so have nothing left to rattle on :lol: Mine was silent chain wise but the rivets were long gone
  2. Im saying that quote above was the sweeping statement and it could be interpreted as such, If it wasnt meant to be then fair enough. RWD obviously has more grip off the line due to weight transfer. Personally i dont think the 200SX in S14 guise at least is what id call slippy slidey round bends unless provoked, Sure it can push the back end wide under provocation pretty much the same way any RWD car with a decent amount of poke can do so if your brutal. Having owned 325i E30, Alpina B3 2.7,E36 328 Sport,E34 BMW 540i manual, E34 M5 3.8 amongst others all could be made to step out at will, the 325 was labelled as a bit of a handfull in the wet yet in the dry you would get understeer before oversteer,the E36 would also understeer and so would the E34's. Its very rare for most modern'ish RWD cars to oversteer first, understeer usually preceeds this. The 200's make great drift cars because they're cheap, well balanced and have plenty of power especially when played with. I did the boost upgrade mod to my mates S14 which took it straight upto approx 250-260bhp for nothing. I also fitted a Walbro pump. Id say most of what you meet on the roads is down to driver skill and how far someone wants to push things, going fast in a straight line is easy.
  3. Tappet noise possibly? Good idea about getting a sound clip.
  4. Good idea but whoever invented the spring clips needs their nuts cut off with a rusty shears.
  5. Bit of a sweeping generalisiation there!. Thats a bit like saying every front wheel drive car will understeer off into the hedge at every corner :lol: Not really. He mentions RWD at the beginning of the sentence as a generalisation, and then everything after the comma is particular to the 200sx to which he is referring. You know this because he says "the car" and not "the cars" or "them" which he would if he was making a sweeping generalisation. Basic grammar. It can be taken two ways, Upto the comma could be rear wheel drive in general and after specific to the 200sx and thats how i interpreted it (and so did my Missus who has a degree in English Language!). Not going to get into another discussion as a difference of opinion towards the Corrado is frowned upon it seems. Horses for courses, some prefer RWD aand some FWD. Ive had both. In general RWD is quicker on or near the limit, FWD everytime poor weather comes into the equation.
  6. Bit of a sweeping generalisiation there!. Thats a bit like saying every front wheel drive car will understeer off into the hedge at every corner :lol:
  7. I'd happily put a standard VR up against that... And id love to see a stock VR pull 156 on a GPS not speedo which would equate to what 165 on the clock?......
  8. That bored you just couldnt help but reply :wave: See ya!
  9. Ok Someone with a stock VR6 organise a day at Santa Pod RWYB and ill show you how much quicker a Coupe 20vt is... I drive both back to back and in a straight line its a one sided race. I love my VR6 but there is no way it would keep up with the 20vt, Im ruling out driver error here as i drive both, comparing two cars on the road with two different drivers is crap.. This is an unbiased opinion as your going to get..... Believe what you want to believe, when someone shows me a stock Vr6 running high 13's/low 14's stock at the Pod then ill believe that its as quick as a Coupe, until then i know the real answer, no touching of nerves at all just no one sided BS...........
  10. Couple of rich Merchant Bankers if you ask me. 2am on a deserted motorway fine. Rush hour... = knobs......
  11. To avoid any further confusion you should just give them to me. PM me your address and ill come and collect them.
  12. Just get yourself a Miltek chap. Very good quality, nice looking OE'ish tailpipe and a lovely sound. Not intrusive at all until your giving it beans then it sounds wonderful! 8)
  13. Standard filter in a drilled airbox works for me. Drilled on the cold side so not hot air entering. Best of both worlds - filtration of a proper paper filter and the noise to boot.
  14. Depends what you want mate. Obviously power per Pound the 1.8t is hard to beat if you can do the convo yourself. If you want a refined road car without a buzzy engine note go VR6. G60 i always found was great if your in the mood but can be a pain of your not, nowhere near as refined as a Vr day to day. All depends as ive said what you want........
  15. tandino


    Santa Pod this Sunday mate. Plenty of people from this forum going.
  16. Hi, Have you ever done these before mate and how hard is it to do as mine desperately need doing? Thanks, Darren Nah - never done the chains on a VR before but ive done countless engine swaps,conversions,upgrades,timing chains on other cars etc etc!. You name it ive pretty much done it!. Got fed up years ago of paying serious wedge for some monkey to f**k my car up!. Its a bit of a shit job to be honest, if you can get it done for a decent price labourwise with someone you trust then get them to do it. Its pretty labourious as nigh on everything has to come off bar leaving the block & head suspended from the drivers side engine mount. Also unless youve got either a hoist of a mate to help you with the box forget doing it on your own, i have a hoist but convieniently ive left it at a amtes house from doing an engine conversion on his car. I had my mate with me who owe's me about a years worth of favours and even with towo of us getting the box clear on the way out and again on the way in was a mission. Parts came in at about 100 quid for both chains, both tensioners and both upper and lower guide rails, i upgraded to the later Mk4 upper tensioner and pad. If your going to do it then you will need a weekend to do it - too much to do in a day if you want to do it properly and clean as you go. Good luck! Pete.
  17. Well ive done two jobs now this week on mine and the Better Halfs car both of them jobs i really didnt want to do but had to! Cracked Exhasut manifold on her Fiat Coupe 20vt which ive been putting off for 18 months and the dreaded timing chains on the VR. 157000 miles on these chains, why they wrent done when the clutch was changed about 30 odd thousand agon ill never know but hey ho! The guide rails top and bottom were in very good shape as was the lower tensioner with only a bit of wear on the lower edge but the top tensioner was shot to bits.....
  18. Well for starters its 30bhp difference and approx 50lb/ft of torque. Okay okay perhaps kick the living daylights was a bit much but owning both cars back to back id say the Fiat is significantly quicker in a straight line. Mid range overtaking is great as you have power in the mid range that you have to wind the VR6 up for.And hhaving owned plenty of fast cars in my time the Coupe still really impresses me with its grunt. And how can a man not like the headlights - styled on a ladies arse :lol:
  19. No way will a stock Vr6 get anywhere near a 20vt. They run sub 14 sec 1/4 stock. Also 156mph standard. Show me a stock Vr6 that will get anywhere near those figures. Im not wanting an arguement but i just know from experience and owning/driving both cars back to back and ruling out driver error or differences in driving style - no comparison.... Theyre both great cars in their own rights and i love both of them.
  20. Im hardly anti VW, Been driving VW for longer than most - 17 yrs........ I just hate reading unsubstatiated ill informed BS from people who dont know what theyre talking about, especially when the blinkers are down on other Marques. For the record, i didnt really like Fiat much before i bought the Coupe for the missus 3 yrs ago, Since then its needed nothing more than routine maintenance, a new front wishbone (ball joints built in so has to be replaced complete), a new front hub when the guys replacing the tyres sheared two wheel bolts,and ive just replaced the manifold as it had cracked. Unreliable! Pah..... Oh and on the road it would kick the living daylights out of most things, Corrado VR6 included. Yes the handling is not quite as tidy as the Corrado when nearing the limit, but it has good'ish brakes,excellent traction out of bends, a slick gearchange, great engine note and jaw dropping grunt especially when coupled with a remap. Doesnt mean to say i dont love my Corrado but i can appreciate the merits of something with a non German badge on the front.
  21. Well seeing as everything works on ours and its coming upto 10 yrs old in September i think VW should perhaps ask Fiat for some pointers on wiring.....
  22. Thats nothing to do with the reliability. Tandino, you're not making sense. Im making perfect sense, The engines go pop because the owners run them low on oil. This is not the engine being unreliable.
  23. Thats nothing to do with the reliability. The engines are very strong, at least as strong as the VR6 etc. Problem is the engines like a drink, the dipstick is not the easiest to read and more often than not the Coupe was bought by ladies attracted to its prettyness when new and didnt think that a new car would use 1litre of oil every 1000 miles..... Make sure the engine has good quality synthetic and check it regulary and they will do 150000 miles+
  24. I also own a Fiat COupe 20vt, Had it for 3 years, Pretty much faultless in terms of reliability in that time bar normal servicing, In the three years ive replaced:- Nearside front wishbone, wheel bearing and hub (only because the tyre place sheared two of the four wheel bolts with an airgun!). Central door locking actuator on pass side as it seized (doing this next wk) Exhaust manifold (again - doing this next week) - this is adesign fault on these cars, old ones crack on no.5, noisy when cold but shuts up when warm. Build quality is great, no rattles or creaks (unlike the Rado!, no rust to mention, only the front panel gets a bit scabby under the bonnet. Watch for car park dints on the sides as the cars are very prone to it due to the curvature of the doors and no 'bump' strips on the sides. Performance is fantastic especially with the FCCUK club chip, 40 quid and 260bhp. you can get 300bhp pretty cheaply,so dont know what your mate had spent and why he'd spent so much? Shouldnt have done... Great traction as Viscous Diff stock, handling is not bad, not quite in the same league as the Corrado but still V.good. They are bargains for what they are, if i didnt already have one (well its the missus car but i paid for it!) then id have bought one for myself instead of the Corrado!
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