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Everything posted by hombre_paulo

  1. Looks like the dreaded crack pipe has given up the ghost on the VR, after 136k (good going i say). Although only leaking slightly I`m not one to leave things so will be doing the job this weekend. As the original has lasted as long as it has I'm not going to replace with a gruven one when a vag one can be had for £10, which will hopefully see another 136k I`ve done some reading up on it so am fairly confident in how to get it done but just wanted to ask if anyone who has done it before had any hints or tips to make the job as straight forward as possible? I`m planning on using the removal of front end technique
  2. http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/news/default.asp?storyId=23121 Anyone know the car? Thoughts on the article? Initial thought will be that it will get bought and broken up at that price.
  3. HIDs dont work properly with corrado lenses. Get the loom upgrade and some Osram Nightbreakers or Phillips Extreme bulbs :wave:
  4. Not a fan at all. The cabrio they made looks alright. But the standard coupe is defo the better looking of the bunch
  5. No longer required, found some. Mods feel free to lock
  6. I picked up a new one on ebay for £30 posted recently, had to swap over the resistor though. It is far from genuine but seems to work well and is nice and quiet. Might be worth a try, i think it was Volkbits selling.
  7. Totally agree with Dukest above. As time goes by more and more poorly maintained examples will head to the scrap yar leaving only well looked after examples which should drive prices higher.
  8. I do think that the corrado (particularly the VR6) is due a sharp price rise in the near future. I cant help but compare it the E30 M3, I know they are worlds apart from what they offer but are both classics in their own right. VRs though make between 1-5k, yet a decent E30 makes ~10k with some examples up to 15k. I do feel that our cars should be worth alot more than the current market value, but then the market value is just that, what someone is willing to pay. The current price isnt so much of a concern for me as I picked mine up for a good price and currently have little/no intention to sell. If i did and the prices had gone up then happy days. If not I`ve enjoyed owning a very very good car
  9. I have a B&M one on mine (fitted by the previous owner). I have to say when i first cought the car i hated it with a passion, it felt far to close together and I would often hit the wrong gear. However a couple of months later i wouldnt do without it, The shift is nice a crisp and due to the mechanism you get a nice satisfying clack of metal on metal when you cahnge gears. I would recommend it but if you have the patience to get used to it
  10. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=27844 101 pages of forced induction goodness. Enjoy.
  11. There is one just behind and below the expansion tank. It come out in the passenger footwell but you`ll need to remove the tray under the glove box to get at it, and mybe lift the carpet back slightly.
  12. Might have some next weekend. Replacing my current ones as the micro switches appear to be broken.
  13. I suppose unless you have the generic one should be near enough to cope with light breathing mods
  14. Are superchips able to tweak their chips/maps to account for breathing mods? BMC/Ported tb/exhaust?
  15. They look like the cheap ebay coilovers aswell. Poor fitting wheels and not a lot else Defo spend a bit more time having a look around and try to actually go a see some for sale to give you a better idea of a good c. you can get alot better for your money.
  16. Took it to the garage to have the brakes done, have got the car back and 3rd is fine. I should go back and ask what he did.
  17. A stunning combination of cheese and peas, put together to create ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  18. I'm currently running KU31's all round and am very impressed (previously had Pirelli). Cant comment on wether or not the grip levels are better or worse than other brands but I do find that the feel/response from them is very communicative and certainly lets you know when you a pushing a bit to much prior to them letting go altogether. Paid 50 a corner fitted
  19. +1 for no problems after disconnecting the battery without doing the "Basic Settings" in Vagcom
  20. Anyone else seen the state of the A35 just outside Christchurch recently? Its like an off-road course. You simply cant avoid the potholes there are that many. The annoying thing is that the Council are clearly aware as they have considerately put up a sign! "Caution : Uneven Road Surface" F****G FIX IT THEN!
  21. Superb. That confirms its not just my Vr that takes a while to get up to temp
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