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About twinbeltg60

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  1. Cressa, Not about this topic, but another thing I messaged you about, can you check messages please.
  2. Is is on Classic parts, you had incorrect part nr, should be 535 827 761. Hinged fastener for Corrado Product no.: 535 827 761 In stock €27.99 prices excluding VAT, shipping costs and import fees Quantity Add to shopping cart Go to Product details Go to Delivery information
  3. Lovely Job Chris, For anyone who wonders what a brand new Corrado VR6 looked like, check out the one coming up for auction on 20th Dec, by Bonhams Auction's :https://carsonline.bonhams.com/en/listings/volkswagen/corrado-vr6/ its as close as you are going to get to a new car, just 5k miles.... Fat wallet necessary though ! Starting price around £20k ?
  4. Great job, silly question maybe, but did you drive it out or push ?
  5. Note, This is for very early Instrument Clusters , from "M" Chassis Build onwards it was integrated into the main board on the cluster, and non replaceable.
  6. Well done, professional quality re-make, a dab hand at the sewing, you could start making a living doing this sort of thing. 🍺
  7. Not the best of pics, but I blame the low winter sun etc...! No space in my small garage to photo these, middle pic of brake lines shows the pipe end crimp, this was not easy, steel is pretty hard to work with, if you don't have factory hydraulic presses.
  8. Hi, ABV, That is quite an audacious project, like you I was after UV Recaro's but long unobtainable, so I will stick with my factory chairs. Wish you all the success with it though, and thanks for keeping us informed. You might remember me posting about brake piping, well soon after that I did make up a straightening tool, from steel offcuts of square section tube, and did all the brake lines (4.75mm), clutch feed pipe (6mm) in factory steel, not turned out too bad at all. took a fair bit of time, the rear axle feed's to caliper's were blooming awkward! Also painted the gearbox and re-plated the bolts using my DIY kit, must post some pics up.
  9. Right, thanks for that, just wondered.
  10. Hi.

    I am in the process of making new mouldings. I think they will be available in 4-6 weeks.





  11. Hi.

    I am in the process of making new mouldings. I think they will be available in 4-6 weeks. And then available under the following link:







  12. Hi, Re you original post for replacement early style Corrado scripted sill strips in 2018, do you still do these ? Posted August 13, 2018 Please look at our new "Corrado" - strip: https://www.pic-upload.de/view-35786063/20180723_153845.jpg.html
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