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Everything posted by C488ADO

  1. So the posts I put up where do you need them really??
  2. Lol hate it love it polish it love it!
  3. Eh up chap how's it going!
  4. i got rid of the wing reapeters 18 months 2 years ago, so it was high time i fitted these! lol
  5. cant upload any more than 4 pics at a time??? pain in the arse for when adding a monster post..
  6. a quick trip to the garage to offer it up on the car to see how it looks... no bumper iron in this so its a bit flopy to support te section of the side marker with the screw in i unforunatly will hae to eave you to your own devices i used 15mm talon pipe clip cut down and mitre bonded in and then drilled a small hole so the self tapper could bite onto it to secure the unit in place im sure someone can do this beter what with the day running on and me not feeling any better it was the best i could do in a rush! as always i hope this helps someone out! cheers nate
  7. i then needed to locate the unit in the hole and stop it from falling through so i thought about plastic welding in some tabs.. for the spring on the back of the marker using a bit of the off cut bumper i made the tabs it doesnt have to be pretty its not going to be on show..
  8. so its a trial and fit trial and fit process time consuming i guess so holding the side marker in position try and get a decent gap between that and the bumper remember you have got to get it out...
  9. so i naturally just started hacking away thinking **** if i f this up i need a new bumper.....
  10. i made the stencil from cardboard i took some card made a rough hole in it stuck the light in it and then drawing a line round the outside of the light unit gave me a fairly decent stencil... ok so when ouve finished arseing about with where ou are going to put them you just need to get stuck in and go for it..............bring on the nibbler!! the nibbler this little beauty is brilliant variable speed and diffeent heads its awesome
  11. right another day another how to!.................. quite literally today ive been off work ( my day off) ....(ill) needed to get this done been putting it off for ages and wasnt really sure how to go about it , so in a true me fashion just went with it and see how it went.... im sure someone out there will have better way ? easier way of doing this , but with limited brain power due to being ill and generally not very bright i kinda just done t this way. ok step 1! first and formost get yourself an slc bumper from the states and save yourself all this hassle!! screw in the side markers extend the loom job done! lol i wish it were that simple... get yourself some sidemarkers... i got mine from tps took like 3-4 days so not too bad also get the bulb holders and screws too asthey are only pence then what you need to do is to mark out where you actually want the lights... on mine i wanted them to look as factory as i could make them useing my limited skills and budget, i reaserched the images on google and forums etc and finaly decided where to put them and how to line them up.. after all who am i kidding its touch and go wheather or not this is gonna work...
  12. havent forgotton you bud just trying to get some net access....
  13. shamelssly stolen from another forum , but i think it might have legs for here.... just for fun can you think (pics are a must ) of any cars young or old basic or exotic that share the same parts??? heres to start... aston martin virage used mk2 scirrocco tail lights!!
  14. yes they do bud need to speak to someone more helpful there.... the only thing with blue is they are toooo bright they are abit of a nuisence when driving at night thats why i opted for the red they are not as in your face if that makes sence.....
  15. i got my LED's from maplins.... i used 3mm all the way you can use 5mm for the instrument cluster if you so wish..... i can show that in another write up if required as there are a couple more things you need to know and i have pics...
  16. chers fla... can you or anybody else tell me what the blue /black wire and black wire do ?? i mean why do you have to move them? what is thier purpose?
  17. clean as per furniture clinic instructions... leather prep (cellulose thinners) then wipe with alcohol cleaner (neat alcohol) then sponge on colour dry with hair dryer sponge on more colour dry etc etc build up colour slowly then spray with air brush to get all over even finish then gloss finish then sation finish if you want a factory look or you could go gloss finish or matt finish or semi gloss etc etc the results ive had on the plastic it looks fantastic and is exetremly hard wearing....
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