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Everything posted by C488ADO

  1. rules... http://www.fantasy-f1.net/game/goViewRules.do scoring..... http://www.fantasy-f1.net/game/goViewRu ... g&gameId=1 just need someone to set it up for us........
  2. so we need to do the fantasy f1 thing............ anyone up for it???
  3. yea i seen him done a good job on his mk1 with banding all the arches....are you coming to any sw dubs meets??? last thursday of every month ten tors
  4. i want i want i want i want i want :clap: :clap: i cant wait! :grin: :nuts:
  5. i want for my car.............................. :bad-words:
  6. i just wanted to know 1) where to get the spray and 2) what do you do exactly ?? im only asking as i cant quite see how the paint will stick to the plastic lens... ok scotch pad it up lightly as to not leave scratches but how do you laquer the rest of the light ....i dont want to laquer the red part of the light that are already red do i?? plus doesnt the laquer make the red bit you have just tinted shiney?? and wouldnt that look crap??
  7. Im guessin you ment me lol I live in edginswell where abouts are you what colour is yours because i have seen a red one a grey one and a blue one. Nathan.[/quote:20m2nogu] !!! what are the chances of two people in torquay both called Nathan and both own corrado's?? and both live within 2 mins of each other!!! mine is blackberry i live in the ilsham marine hele part lol lol
  8. millerman can we have some more pics of the front of your car please... any shots will do close up the lens internal of the light i have never seen these up close so it would be a good idea... cheers bud obviously i love the colour of your rado better than anyother!!!! :norty:
  9. dude where the hell are you in torquay?? im in torquay but i havenever seen your rado!! cheers Nate
  10. im still looking for the guide can anyone help with tinting the rear lights.... this thread has been usful!
  11. what do you mean they sit further back than the normal headlight?? have you any pics side on?? stupids question... why did you not just by the black ones to begin with or were they not available at the time... im asking all this as i am about to go this route myself with the head and fog lights.. i prefer the black they look awesome imo gives a real mean look to the front of the car...
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