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Everything posted by C488ADO

  1. yeah i know iirc he lost his dad earlier this year and he came home to sort out family issues, amongst that he has something wrong with a disc in his back and has got to have an operation in a couple months so he is selling the car going to oz and indonesia and then having op time for some r&r then not sure what he's up to....car sounds ace though doesnt it!
  2. my mate jake loves his filming and we were thinking of some other things he could film instead of wrestling or fighting etc so we asked our friend andre who has a mk3 with an r32 motor in it if he wouldnt mind a promo vid done of his car.... this was the outcome. 1 hour filming 2 mins vid lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQUsqwiw4GM looking for as much feed back as poss giuys good and bad as it is all useful cheers enjoy!
  3. dude if i can do it anybody can this is a totally awesome little mod well worth the money as it is just that little bit different i took a couple pics when i fitted mine this is just so you can see whats what...(the instructions he gives you are perfect.....)
  4. C488ADO


    look guys , ive pissed a few people off on here, i dont really know any of you, ive never really got on with this forum, ive done the right thing by just going, its no great shakes. people come and go end of, the fall out with henny is well a shitter for he and i, i could have should have handled it differently but i didnt, so i got my desserts on that one, when you have other things going on in the background the car stuff doesnt come first,its not important, im not really one for wanting to explain personal stuff to strangers, there was some bad timing and some bad decisons on my part thats all i can say. lol this is the most interest my thread has had since i started it ,kinda says it all to me..........
  5. lol *Mod Edit - Silly comment removed*
  6. i was led to believe 45 were made in total.. mine is not a storm but it is an auto... i know of one other that has been converted to manual..
  7. it would make no difference if your arch was rusty or had filler... the work involved in pulling your arches is about the same just would be a little longer in time to cut out the bad metaland put new in.... look through my build thread and it will show you how they pull an arch there are some close up pics of the car sitting exactly how i wanted it and they made the arch around that... hth
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