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Everything posted by Dox

  1. The site only exists thanks to Toby, it makes a loss, so his time is better spent on other projects to pay his bills just like the rest of us. he doesn’t own a corrado anymore either, I suspect this is what we have, use it or lose it. its a bit flunky but still better than fb with all the AI generated rubbish that’s factually flawed
  2. Modern tester are used to cassette type bearings with zero play, if you set tapers to do the same when warm they would be so tight they’d squeegee the grease away and the bearings would fail quickly. If they're not noisy leave them. Slight rock on the wheel at 3 and 9 o’clock is good, excessive at 6 and 12 o’clock indicate worn stub axles- if you try and adjust this out it kills the bearings (see first paragraph).
  3. I have a gearbox condition unknown, flywheel sold I'd have thought you'd find either locally TBH
  4. Be careful, scammers lurk and dm rather than post
  5. fb - I'm noticing more and more click bait, pages taking an age to load due to the amount adverts......... A1 created features with so much incorrect info........... On top of general poor advice / info being offered in groups (not Corrado groups ATM). Maybe the forums that survived could make a come back?
  6. Pork n Ham? I usually look on eBay for tyres, Demon Tweeks usually have good prices
  7. Dox

    Vr6 won’t idle

    OBD1 cars run like a bag of shite if the battery has been disconnected / gone flat, it takes several drive cycles to settle down as the eco needs to relearn the perimeters of the sensors. Randomly disconnecting sensors puts the eco into limp exaggerating your stall issues. Battery off over night, drive for several days without tinkering, then review the issues you have
  8. For the miss, pull one plug lead off at a time as the engine runs, find one that has the least effect and you've located the cylinder. Plug Lead Coil Injector Compression
  9. Delivered a Hyundai ioniq5 N type, 650BHP, 21" wheels, brakes only just fit inside them, drove it like a grandad....... On a Sunday
  10. https://www.mathewsons.co.uk/auction/lot/512-1995-volkswagen-corrado-vr6/?lot=38476 Tapatalk will……. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. This car is for sale at Matthewsons auction in November Forum won’t let me paste a link….
  13. Yes, give it a go. I built my first MK2 loom and didn't know which pin did what, 9v clicked the relay and I built it around that. 85 / 86 close the contacts 30 - 87, let there be light
  14. You can use a 9v tv remote type battery to test a relay in conjunction with a multimeter, the pins spacing on the battery means you don’t need wires Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. The relays will be the same, switch them around to prove your theory? Get someone to operate the switches whilst touching the relays to feel for the click
  16. I have H and R ARBs I bought off Billcor on the forum 8 / 10 years ago, unused in my garage loft
  17. I think easypops has the solution using a bicycle cable welcome to the forum
  18. I suspect the gellifying of modern E10 fuels causes starvation due to choking the pump via the screen to the point the screen gets sucked into the pump causing a bigger issue than the Gell?
  19. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I'm sure I saw it advertised last year as needing bodywork?
  21. Pirtek do all sorts of hydraulic fittings, usually you’ll find one locally to you
  22. As have most classics post COVID boom Any old owners tempted back?
  23. It's still in its box lol, too much other stuff going on atm, want to drain the tank as I suspect the pre filter was blocked leading to it going missing and ultimately seized the pump.
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