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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. Hello mate, thanks for doing that!! Was a little late aye, they went in for re-furb this morning! Thanks tho dude :thumbleft:
  2. Bladdy hell!! They should look spanking afterwards for that price dude! :) Yeh they are a nice wheel hadn't really noticed them before til some came up for sale on here - think they look pretty spot on tbh have a quick gander at the new photos if u like mate on the last page http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?43921-V-Dubstar-s-VR-New-shoes-6-2-2012 Fair play dude they came up really nice, good work!! Don't think I'd have the patience to polish them up myself if I'm completely honest, took 'em into Lepson's earlier today to get them all done in a very bright dark chrome, should be picking up next Friday :D ---------- Post added at 4:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 3:57 PM ---------- Nice cheers for the link mate, had already checked them out but a little too far away unfortunately, especially at those prices and work quality!! That photo of ur motor on there looks well tidy, paintwork looks flawless!!
  3. Anyone by anychance got any RH adapters 5x112 to 5x100? Looking for 20 or 25mm! Could maybe swap a pair for a set of 30mm's if wanted
  4. Just a quick photo at my mates garage before I took the rims off, they're off to be re-furbed tomorrow - gonna try and get them done all in a dark chrome effect if poss! [ATTACH=CONFIG]54797[/ATTACH]
  5. Sorry completely failed there didn't I? I wanted a photoshop of the current alloys in the examples colour..!
  6. Has anyone got the mad skillz on Photoshop? Fairly urgently needed before I take my wheels in tomorrow to be re-furbed.... Only pix I have are these, would like to see what the wheels look like in the examples provided please?
  7. Hello mate,


    Been directed to you from Bristol Baron, he says apparently you used to sell re-furbed wheels with polished lips? I've got a set of rims I'd like with dark silver/gunmetal centres but with a polished lip - is there anywhere you could recommend for the service? I live in Wilts and Bristol area, he said you were from around Swindon?




  8. Thanks mate, will give him a PM and hope he gets it! I was aiming to take them up http://www.lepsons.com/, but alas they only do diamond cut finishes - don't really fancy spending the extra cash on that or waiting for the corrosion!! ---------- Post added at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 AM ---------- Thanks mate, already been quoted a lot more than the place mentioned above (Lepsons) for a standard finish, plus it means driving 1.5hrs each way to drop them off rather than dropping them off in Swindon where I'll be working anyways :( How much did they quote u for paint and polished lips (if u don't mind me asking?) I'm tempted to just get them all powder coated in as much of a shiny dark silver colour as possible, and hope the lips shine up enough..?
  9. I'm looking to get some wheels re-furbed, my problem being I want somewhere that can powder coat the centre a darker gunmetal colour, but have a polished lip - RH Cup is the wheel in question. Anyone know of anywhere decent (or decent wheel re-furb places) around the Bristol/Wilts area?
  10. I know, feel really bad contemplating it!! Must have been partly due to the Winter months though and a couple of niggles that I need to get sorted owwwwt. Yeh I know, that's what I'm after really. Was down Lepson's earlier today and the only method would be to have it diamond cut - they don't offer any polishing service and for obvious reasons u can't really powder coat a 1 piece wheel 2 colours.... Nice any pix mate? Actually saw ur 'rado yday at that pub near Bowood, around 9-10am ;) What shade of lamin-x is on ur headlights, is it the gunsmoke? Liking the idea of the high polish titanium mate, I want the lips to shine, but have the centres darker. Or the whole wheel a dark shiney colour....
  11. Right then, haven't updated this for a time now - 3 reasons: 1. There's been nothing to update 2. I didn't really visit the forum much after the last 'change', don't know why, just didn't get on with it for whatever reason:shrug: 3. Over the last year I've been having thoughts of selling up and changing motor, something maybe a little newer, maybe something a little older. I've been trolling the forum a bit over the last month and maybe coming back on here has subconsciously altered my thought process to what I'm doing with my 'rado! Basically decided I love this car so much, having wanted one for such a long time. Plus I don't think I'd look at a different car in the same way I look at this one (ie. ALL the time when I'm walking past etc), they're so damn awesome!! So, it's for keeps. As I'm not driving the ol' boy so much these days due to having a company van which gets taken home, I can get bits done to it without having to worry about needed it the next day. I've got some bits I bought a long time ago waiting to go on, and some other plans (nothing too crazy, general maintenance!!)I've decided to go for a slightly different look to start up my motivation, I've bought some more Lamin-x for the standard rear lights H/lights, gonna give the engine bay a little spruce up, and bought some RH Cups that I got put on yday and will get re-furbed. There's a polished inlet waiting to go on, as well as some VT engine mounts and a subframe waiting to get re-furbed and I need to buy some new track rods and get them fitted. Fortunately over the last yr I have become really good mates with 2 brothers who own their own tuning company who are VERY knowledgeable and always willing to give something new a go. They actually specialise in custom engine management installations onto older cars, and there isn't ANYTHING about the Rover V8 they don't know!! They were taking Land Rovers apart with their Dad when they were 8 lol!! (http://www.lloydspecialistdevelopments.co.uk/ if u wanna check it out) So now I have a local business I trust completely who can do some work for me when things get a little bit more technical/arse puckering!! So here's a little re-cap of how he used to look and how he looks now after the wheel change. Hopefully more progress reports to come soon!!BTW, any opinions on wheel re-furb colour most appreciated!! I want a darker centre (gunmetal) and a polished lip methinks, but I'm also tempted for just getting them all powder coated a dark chromey colour...?
  12. Alright Fay, Yeh he comes off! I do remember it being a bit fiddly putting it together by there due to how the adjustment wheel mech connects to the rotating pedal mech via a metal wire, but shouldn't be too hard to put back together (Instructions are somewhere). The seat also comes off (obviously) and also both the legs so it might be worth seeing if it fits in without taking the handlebar pillar off? Upto u though :) U do realise there's a dome nut missing tho yeh? If u say u still want it after this msg as soon as I read it I'll take it off Fleabay!! :) Cheers, Chris
  13. U go for 'em Baron, I don't actually need them was looking to experiment with them but could probably do with spending the cash on other bits!! :)
  14. How much would postage be mate? Where u based?
  15. I'll take the other headlights, again, if they're late ones
  16. Coolio, it's been put on eBay but no-ones expressed any interest yet! If someone does bid then I feel I should honour their purchase, until then though it's up for grabs :)
  17. Afraid not mate, could possibly meet in Yeovil for the fuel cost though?
  18. Ummmmm......:scratch: Is that price delivered to UK?
  19. If there isn't any current discounts/GB's, maybe set one up? I could be persuaded ;)
  20. Haha wicked!! :D Glad u liked it!! Ha, yeh that Deadmau5 edit is a treat of a song - free to download @ 320kbps too - bonus!!
  21. Yeh, pretty nice mixer!! Missed out by 20 notes in the end though, was hardly used and only 15miles away from where I live :( Haha yeh right, if the beat starts going crazy coz u haven't beat matched it whatsoever, just chill out, press the CUE button, life is good again :lol: Yeh I do like some of it, I just find after half hr or so I've had enough and wanna listen to summit a little different - to each their own though :) Been getting into my minimal techno recently!! Dude, have a listen to my mates mix - 1st half hr is Breakz, 2nd half is Psy-Breaks and he's my favourite DJ throughout my mates (and a LOT are DJ's lol), he's got some wicked tune selection going on :) Yeh will do, will put a link up! :D
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