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Everything posted by g0ldf1ng3r

  1. Was this the same crystal rear lighted one you saw in Shirley? I live in knowle and am regularly around knowle/solihull/shirley and never seen this'un no it was a different 1 2day, an older driver & looked standard & nice :) I hav just had a 2nd spot 4 the day!!!! Went redditch vee dub 2 collect parts 2 do my service & there was a dragon green storm parked outside their service bay, pity the owner wasn't there else would hav said hello
  2. wooo 2 spots in almost as many weeks!!! :clap: M reg dragon green, down the lanes heading towards knowle nr solihull i flashed but no flash back....boooo...lol
  3. do you know where the 'scrap' cars go from the dealership your m8 works in or can he find out? if they go to local scrap yards they might be worth locating :)
  4. finally, after months of nothing i had a spotting 2day :clap: dragon green with crystal rear lights in shirley [solihull] just after 6pm, it was behind me briefly until i had to turn :mad2:
  5. nice!! welcome to VR ownership
  6. wicked & bass thanks all, purchase ahoy :)
  7. nice new smoked side repeaters have now replace the 'orrible orange :)
  8. thanks for the confirmation of what i was thinking :)
  9. i have searched but couldnt find a definitive answer so apologies if im covering old ground but.... i own a late & standard VR6 it may sound a silly question but without seeing one i cant decide whether to invest in a bently manual i would appreciate thoughts from those who own them as to if they feel they are worth the money [cash outlay & time saving] :) thanks
  10. you desires were much as mine, with exception i was hoping for around the 90K mark, & with some time online & a couple of views i found my baby :luvlove: hunt away, they are out there!!!
  11. I found this on another site so before i drop the exhaust and re-do the joint is this true and would i be wasting my time? This is what has happened to mine, Done a 100+ miles and now it rattles/blows slighty form the joint when cold but is fine once it is warm. i had a full powerflow system on my old valver C but never had any issues at all with it - id take it back to where you got it fitted & get them to take a look :)
  12. this might sound daft but does the rattling eminate from a particular place, left - right etc? my vr sounds a little tickety on 1st start of the day but as soon as the choke quites down, the revs drop & it goes away & sounds its normal smoothness its done approx 106K, been well look after & serviced but a pointer would help my paranoid brain lol The sound should be coming from the right side of the engine... It can maybe the hydraulic tensioner that is a bit weak or that its just some lifters that are clogged. Buy some Hydraulic Valve Lifter cleaner and then try to start it Cold... The VR6 should make some noise but that is from the lifters not the chain. thanks much appreciated!! will give the cleaner a go & see if i can hear any difference :)
  13. this might sound daft but does the rattling eminate from a particular place, left - right etc? my vr sounds a little tickety on 1st start of the day but as soon as the choke quites down, the revs drop & it goes away & sounds its normal smoothness its done approx 106K, been well look after & serviced but a pointer would help my paranoid brain lol
  14. sweet, so early should fit late then....if i read that right? lol oh & thanks 4 ur help too
  15. would my thoughts be kinda right in principle tho toad? just to ease my mind lol
  16. i think, tho i dont know, but surely if you upgrade your injectors the upgrades would be able to provide more fuel compared to standard [likes bigger chokes on carbs] - hence with the remap to take advantage of the bigger fuel flow....more power :luvlove: im pretty sure injector upgrades are common with diesels as i put thoughts to it with my old golf GTTDi apologies if im wrong but it makes sense with a sailor jerrys rum lol
  17. absolutely brilliant!!!!!! thats put the sunshine into my sh**e day, thanks
  18. quick question if i may..... can any1 tell me if there are any fitment differences between an early and late C rear bumper? ie are the mounting brackets the same? thanks muchly
  19. edit the first post in this thread to update the main subject. nice 1 thanks :)
  20. moderator - can you pls edit post title to 'g0ldf1ng3r's VR - found pics of my 1st rado :)' i cant figure hwo to do it lol thanks :)
  21. i found some pics of my 1st corrado, twas a 1.8 16v with a few subtle mods & to this day i regret selling her :luvlove: she had a nice little kamei body kit & a full powerflow system which sounded superb!!! i saw her a couple of yrs ago & still wonder if she is around.....or even on here? anyway, pics..... climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdffront edit.JPG[/attachment:2pc9rt40] 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfrear edit.JPG[/attachment:2pc9rt40] side.jpg[/attachment:2pc9rt40]
  22. i would find it useful if someone could run thru everything thats needed if possible :) i understand where the interface is but is it a simple case of laptop, software & leads?
  23. oh right thanks, how do i tell if my vr has had them? :shrug:
  24. can i ask what you mean 'check its had the recalls etc?' pls
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