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Everything posted by Swompy

  1. Couldnt agree more with that Jim, best colour out there.
  2. I guess even if the air flow under the bonnet is good standard anything else you do to help isnt a bad thing tho. Every little helps!
  3. Just a random question for future reference. If I was to upgrade my engine again to a R32, would be a simple swap as it is all ready modified to hold the 2.8 24v lump? I guess they would as they both fit in a mk4 but knowing vw nothing is straight forward.
  4. Ya I saw you are going :D The video is on youtube but set to private so only certain people can view it, if you pm me your email adress I will set it so you can see it. You can only really see inside the car as the camera cant cope with the different lights from the window. but better to be safe than sorry.
  5. Oooo didn't realise you had a DBP it seams to be the colour of choice to 24v :D
  6. I did but not ones your on about :D Oh and a video of the whole little trip! Thanks for taking me and my friend out in the beast, must say the best car I have been in so far. Goes like **** off a shovel and feeling the awd kicking in is something else. Made me even more determined to make mine into one. Even if my car is half the car yours is I will be happy. I takes mad people like me to build a mad car like that :D Good to catch up with some people and meet some new faces. Even if I did get there a little late.
  7. Been messing around with some very bright paint and the roof of my daily over the last few days. Didnt quite come out 100% the matt white base coat ran a little under the masking tape which is a bit of a pain. Plus some of the newspaper let some paint through :( Just need to touch it up with some matt black and a bit of wet and dry
  8. l be coming along to this but not till after work so wont be there much before 3. Will come and say hi before I disappear under Matts car :D
  9. Swompy

    AWD conversion

    been doing some research and a TT seams to have the closest match in track width to any other car I have seen. My friend has a TT so we have been thinking of going halfs on a written off one, I will have the haldex system and brakes and then we sell the rest on. Still got plenty to look into yet tho.
  10. Swompy

    AWD conversion

    Well this is a challenge I have set myself to complete. will take pics at every step too :D
  11. Thanks for the words of advice guys. I know what your saying and I know there will be quicker cars out there for half the price but its not a corrado. I know there are more things in the world than a corrado but its just something about them. You all know that and its different for each person. Nothing like walking back to your car in a car park and just think dam I own the best looking car in here! Why do I want to do a awd conversion on my C? Havnt got a clue, I want the challenge, Matt I defo dont have the knowledge of how to do this but I enjoy challenges. I know Im never going to get a return on the money I have invested so far in the Rado so I might as well stick with it and turn it into the car I have been dreaming about. As if I ever won the lotto I would do the same thing yes I would buy a super car but I would still have a corrado on the drive. Looks standard on the out side but under its skin it would be a monster. I'm kinda half way there with the 24v engine which should have plenty of life in it. I just need to freshen up the other bits. I have the space, and time to do this and I can go at my own pace. At the same time can learn more about how the car works. Hi my names Jake and I have a Corrado problem!
  12. Sweet. Well I done an hours over time today so hopefully I can take it back saturday and finish earlier :D
  13. Is that this Saturday? I have to work but I will try and come by after as I finish at 2.
  14. Haha yes I do need my brain examined!
  15. Swompy

    AWD conversion

    Going to look into doing a AWD conversion on my car. what sort of things do I need to complete this then. What would be the best system to use then? seen a few 4motions set ups for sale ( which might be easier concidering I have a 4motion engine fitted) but a couple of Golf synco set ups. which one would be the easiest to install ( I will be doing it all myself) Will have to find away around the exhaust and drive shaft using the same space under the car. Whats else will I have to take into consideration?
  16. Thanks every one, made my mind up. check the for sale thread and you will see which one it is ;)
  17. I've changed my mind.....again and im going to keep the old girl and take her off the road for a bit! going to sort out little niggle bits as well as look at going AWD and charging the 24v lump. Ambitious I know but will be something I can take my time over and learn my way around the car. also going to sort the body work out, strip the under seal and treat rust as well as get the paint work sorted.
  18. I have a garage I can work in, not big one like I used to tho :( would have to build a shed to make more room in the garage as its full of bits as well as the corrado. plus with the shed it would give me the space to work on the sub frame and bits out of the elements. Im not fused on the money, it would only get wasted on mods for the new car
  19. Hey Matt, could you do me a favor when you get some time and take some pics of how the running gear is fitted. How its connected to the floor, how the rear drive train is set up ect just so I can get an idea of how its fitted. Cheers dude
  20. Most of you have probably seen my corrado up for sale. But ideas keep popping in to my head. The one that keeps coming up again and again is taking it off the road transferring my insurance to the golf (with my ncb) saving me more money each month and doing a complete resto on the car. Taking my time and adding loads of juicy bits like a charger of some sorts, awd or even rwd, strip the paint back and treat the body work ect. Obviously would take me a good few years to do myself and would take a lot of work to do. But I'm young and have plenty of time on my hands so I can go at my own pace. I would learn so much whilst doing it. I have the forum for help and DG on the end of the phone too. Whats your thoughts? I hate my brain some times, Im so indecisive some times :bonk:
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