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Everything posted by Swompy

  1. The Spice Girls: "If you wanna be my lover, you've gotta get with my friends." In my experience - counter productive.
  2. Looks good mate, I bet the engine makes a nice noise :D
  3. Ya they do, but I have a tub in the fridge :D Haha ya lets hope so its like last year
  4. All good now so I will be able to sort stickers out at a lot quicker rate now :D
  5. I have sent an email out to all the guys down for camping about getting food for the show. but just incase they are not read in time Im putting it on here as well If every one chips in £5 I will buy a whole load of stuff from my work for a BBQ on the Saturday night. I'm happy to collect the money on the day or paypal before or after. Have taken into account people wanting more than one plus camping friends with the numbers below But I'm planning on getting about 36 burgers, 25 sausages, couple of bags of salad, Tomatoes, some sauces ( tomato, brown and mayo) and some bacon for the morning. Plus enough baps to go with everything and a few disposable BBQ's Hope thats sound OK to you guys? fill free to bring anything els you want as well :D I have a 12v plug in cool box to keep everything cold so that front is sorted. Let me know if that sounds cool people.
  6. HAha, probably one of the best and worst websites out there. Plus you can all ways tell whats going on in the world by the jokes on there :D
  7. sickipedia mimjed? :D
  8. Does the Pope protect Pedophiles? Dam right :D
  9. Was a very good race indeed, I feel sorry for button as that would of been a very interesting and nail biting finish if it wasn't for the red flag. That was the type of racing I like to see, almost as good as BTTC :D I hope the res of the races are this good and that Ferrari and Mclaren can catch Red Bull to make it a close competition.
  10. You know your engine is fecked when you can pull out two HT leads whilst the car is running and the revs stay the same
  11. Welcome......back :D
  12. Still havent sold :( it I will email him and ask what number it has on the vacum resivour as the manifold its self doesnt have one
  13. Some on on ebay is selling a schrick manifold but is using pretty much the same description I was using and is using my pic to display it. Not sure how genuine this guy is as he only has 1 feed back http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemNext&item=250827078062&pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&autorefresh=true
  14. Took the car out for the first time in a while today, and she is one sick puppy :( Missfiring and back firing on and off for the whole drive :( . Plus with the nasty rumble from the wheel bearing she doesn't sound great and had a couple of nice big puffs of blue smoke out the back when I went to over take. But when she isn't playing up she still goes like **** off a shovel. Roll on end of June, then its 24v time :D
  15. Welcome mate, glad to see my old valver back on the forum :)
  16. A quick message to any one who has bought some stickers off me in the last week or so. Apologies if I haven't sent them out yet, been doing stupid hours at work (11 hours+ ) due to my department manager being off sick and being Team Leader I have had to step into the breach to make sure the department is running OK. There for I haven't been able to get to the post office in time to post them off. I will hopefully get chance at the end of the week to get them in the post and on their way to you asap. Thanks for your Patience
  17. Shame to hear that mate :( Could of been my cars twin
  18. There is all ways one at Coleford Carnival of transport, looks like one hell of a nice car
  19. Time zones f**king up the world's end since the late 19th century.
  20. HAha ya you cant miss it if its there as you need to drive right past it to get into the car park. I will be keeping an eye out as well
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