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Everything posted by swampy

  1. I use brake grease from Ecp Its made by pagid and only costs a few quid a tube but lasts really well
  2. Hi mate

    Did you make a decision on the lines?

  3. Hi mate


    Did you get the pm ref the lines??

  4. Consider the fact that the mk3 br6 uses a banjo end so isn't available in an off the shelf kit afaik with the correct rears
  5. It's not a hard job. Find the correct mc and swap them over then bleed the brake system
  6. If it comes back after you pump the pedal it sounds more like the master cylinder seals have gone
  7. Ben I have a suitable replacement Will pop it in with the other bits
  8. You could of being supplied early mk2 golf caliper they are the opposite way around. Any way plenty more of all available
  9. Hi ray, Yes I have some of the dimensions I will price them up later
  10. here we have my new ebay page, i will be trying to keep it mainly to VW items , please help me out and buy a few bits to boost my trader rating. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230940605510?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 rear conversion hoses for mk4 calipers http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230940620543?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 sump bolts http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230940623290?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 vr6 inlet manifold bolt kit http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230940629250?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 ball joint pinch bolts thanks
  11. Was is it a private or dealer sale
  12. Good luck with getting them from a main dealers. Would love to see the price of them, Peugeot use the same size to hold the clutch plate on and charge something like £3 a bolt!!! I may have some spares though ;)
  13. Hi mate


    Off to the post office shortly can oust these bolts if you still want them


    Let me know


  14. Most small independant spares places keep a range of single leads, take your old one with you they may be able to match it up
  15. So the ones you are fitting are totally different then?? Afaik as standard they go to the top, and the handbrake cable goes to the bottom. Look at the pictures on page 87 of Riley's epic build thread, then can you edit your post from earlier today as there is actually nothing wrong with the lines it's down to what your fitting which I'm not exactly sure us what!! Also look here for further images forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?1152988-Mk4-rear-caliper-swap-completed-Pix-inside I can get you a new set of lines made up yes but need to know what length you want the I can get a price for them
  16. Hi sorry you have had an issue. But, the lines supplied are the same length as standard just with a mk4 type fitting on the end. They just replace the last section if flexi hose, from the caliper to the first join. Plenty of others have fitted them and commented on how well the rears fit and the quality including John Mitchell racing, they even feature in Riley write up which is on the volksdevile site and linked to a number of others.
  17. All paid for orders posted Those that orderd full sets will get them via the post mans van as they weigh too much for a normal post man to deliver Plenty of all available
  18. Won't be cheap!! If you could get the sizes of all the bolts you require I'm sure I could source them all cheaper
  19. Thank you Glad I'm not the only person who knows why certain specs are used or how to replicate them.
  20. The flange head spreads the load just like the washer would do. The use of a washer would replicate the flange head, so it's either use washers or supply flange head bolts
  21. I'd just work out what the internal diameter of the hose is and go onto eBay and order a few meters of it.
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