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Everything posted by vw_john

  1. right, i wish i had read that first... i have unplugged/screwed so many things! haha. you got it easy then lol
  2. I unplugged the battery and did the same thing, although i wish it was as simple as they were tricky *******s
  3. Im going to get my injectors balanced/cleaned/pressure tested. (g60) how do i remove them. is it as simple as taking them out? i read something about unplugging the fuse for the fuel rail? any help would be appreciated, cheers!
  4. also would it make more sense to buy the wishbones and subframe and that whole mixup together as im being offered it as a one peice thing would that be easier, itws in good condition too
  5. OK, its a lot worse than I thought, I think? there's the original crack and a HUGE hole. all the fibreglass has mostly fallen out after the mechanic gave it a good poking yesterday but you can see a little hanging down in one picture.
  6. yeah, im just talking to a few people now seeing what prices people are offering them for. id rather be satisfied that the car is in good working order, it was MOT'd about 2 months ago by the owner before the previous, (previous owner had it for less than a month, should have known something was wrong really) ill get a few photos up in a second.
  7. I was just thinking is the MOT station not kinda at fault for failing to notice filler on a main structural part of the car? i mean filler doesn't look like steel lol. I think im going to go along the route of getting a new one (used), had a few people offer me some which is good.
  8. hahahahahaha! I could name and shame actually, i found his advertisement for the car and messaged him once already where he even then told me the car was in PERFECT working order. even when he was no longer selling it!
  9. hmm, financially and logically welding is the best option. The :bonk::bonk::bonk: that had my car before me had used fiberglass filler to cover the cracks for the recent MOT. far worse on the right hand side (passenger) theres about a 3mm gap about 3cm long if i remember rightly but its cracked around a join i'll try and get a real picture tomorrow
  10. aah, not what i wanted to hear... starting to understand now why it was such a bargain... I dont have a hoist. or the balls to undo engine mounts and gearbox mounts. well I've been looking and havent found any yet. the g60 one is only for g60s isnt it.
  11. just found out my daily is actually a deathtrap
  12. Right got back from where i was going to get my tracking done, annnnnnnnnnd. subframe is cracked... badly. where can i get one from and how tricky is the job?
  13. my car was making some knocking noises and on heavy acceleration pulled to the right, thought it was my top mounts. so i got them changed and my suspension, why not, so now the knockings gone but the pull is still there. the tracking is now out, but im getting that sorted today. although when my steering wheel is straight the wheels also look straight even though on driving my wheels at a practial 45 degree angle to go in a straight line. hope this all makes sense :shrug: cheers
  14. Black H reg on the a10, going far too fast to see the rest of the numberplate lol. Think it was a 16v
  15. I have only seen 1 corrado ever roaming around, saw it on the a10. there must be more than that!
  16. fixed mine with a bolt with a hole drilled through it! good as new if not better
  17. cheers mate, ill see what I can do!
  18. where can i get one of these solderless nipples from? seems were having the same problems owen hah
  19. i'll do it tomorrow. the missus is a tiny bit fed up of watching me fix pieces of my car, haha. and I know the g60 is fast but I don't think accelerating from 70 in fifth will give that much torque steer lol. and doesn't explain the lurchy braking. when looking at the top mounts they sit very high and there is like a bit of rusty looking tube coming out from underneath.
  20. Yeah, I read all of the titles like that sarcastically, probably cause I have yet to see one that isn't! haha. Ok, you have scared me now, im using this as a daily, is it safe to say i should stop doing that? hah. I don't want to end up in a ditch Since buying the car I have had knocking noises going over bumps but it never tweaked the wheel on acceleration. how do i check the wishbones? cheers for the quick responses guys
  21. so im driving down a dual carageway and put my foot down to overtake someone and my car lurches out to the right for me, very kind, however scary as well, could this have anything to do with my top mounts? they seem a little worse for ware. and this happens everytime i accelerate hard when im doing about 60-70 and i have noticed some lurching in braking, more often than not to the right, but sometimes left. cheers
  22. What do you guys recomend? i have seen some reveiws about g-werks taking a long time. I'm going to go for the highest stage, 4 for jabba, and 5 for g-werks. although they both seem the same? but jabba is cheaper cheers
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