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Everything posted by Bojmobile

  1. I go through phases of thinking about selling - but everytime I see another Corrado - I always think they look amazing. I love the styling and the power of the VR6 - what else is out there that has the rarity, looks and power for the same price. We should keep them - forever!
  2. Lol - love it - accompanied by the Jaws theme tune it would be amazing!
  3. I wonder if there was any skunk/cat? Hmmm.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNejPAIBp54&NR=1 :lol:
  5. Cheers Furkz. I will get it done soon - it's mayhem the now with Chrimbo and me on shifts though - I reckon I could easily get the majority fitted in a day and do the wee silly plastic bits later as you suggest.
  6. Well - got my final missing bits of interior today - just in time for Christmas. Probably wont get it fitted until January now. I am still missing one bit though - the beige handbrake cover - anyone got one spare or know where I can get one? Cheers
  7. It is possible in the back but helluva uncomfy! I know what you mean about ET :lol:
  8. DOH! Brain in neutral - please forgive me - I'm not long off nightshift. Car looks ace anyway. Love those Recaros. I can stop copying yours now - when I get my cream leather fitted - IF I get it fitted.
  9. Take it nobody else has seen this film then?
  10. I really like the black grill, chrome VW and red VR badge (but only on a storm) otherwise it's gotta be chrome. Car's looking well as always Rick. You change your chin spoiler for a 90mil one?
  11. Doubt it will go up automaticly when you hit 56 though :lol: I love it when a girl goes for the manual override. Edit: 800 posts and still I've had nothing of any intelligence to add.... :( Wait till you get to two thousand odd!
  12. Scarlett definitely knows the right button to push to make my spoiler go up!
  13. Impressive pictures. In a head on though we'd have to have lady luck on our side.
  14. You're telling me! No wonder they put the first aid kit there!
  15. Scarlett in the back seat of my Corrado would be pretty amazing! Might need that first aid kit though! :lol:
  16. I can only give you the before as I'm still waiting for my bloody doorcard and stuff! :mad:
  17. On channel four last night - my girlfriend spotted a Corrado in it about 75mins in after Scarlett Johansson kisses a dude! Anyone else see it? PS - I missed it first time around as I was drunk AND asleep! Seen it on tape though. Gotta say - it's best view of a Corrado I've ever seen in a movie. Looks like a black SLC. Scarlett and a Corrado - does it get any better?
  18. Fantastic - I'll try this out soon on my new cream leather! - after I get my missing bits!
  19. Cheers bud. I couldn't be bothered searching again! :lol: It is Sunday though!
  20. whoah! That's a fair amount of wonga. I definitely think the sun beating in on it and the summer and cold conditions in the winter are the main culprit.
  21. They digitally sampled the engine note of the GT390 from Bullitt and have incorporated an engine management system and exhaust to replicate it. Check for it on youtube - sounds exactly like McQueen's one. Fantastic.
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