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Posts posted by DEL VR6

  1. Gambon was quailty on TG! The rest of the programme was crap.


    They hardly included any of the growling sounds of the TVRs engine in that feature they did with Jackie S. What a let down.

  2. looks gorgeous in the pics on here! Bet its even better in the flesh.


    Nice one Jim. Looks like a star buy.


    I havent been driving my VR that much lately, then last night took it for a good 45 minute blast through a variety of roads, and it just reminded me (again) why I love the thing so much, and never want to sell it. Welcome back to the joys of owning and driving a Corrado dude.

  3. i would say Stealth too.


    Forget places like Lion Garages, they are only intereseted in making you pay for stuff you dont need, then it goes wrong, and they try and charge you for putting that right. (speaking from personal experience)


    Nice drive up to Stealth, and they arent too far either.

  4. Dude, i absolutely love your car! That pic up there from A20LEE looks amazing! The car is a credit to you.


    I remember seeing it at Edition 38 last year. was truly amazing.


    Got some pics of it, hope you dont mind me posting them up. To be honest, I dont think photos do the car justice. It looks miles better in the flesh.





  5. another thing i remembered, now that i have read all the other replies on this thread....


    when i had my stereo fitted, the guy tacked them up onto the A pillars, let me have a listen, then put them in the position they are in now and let me have a listen. No contest. Like Dinkus has already said, it really did sound like the sound was on top of you, and sounded $hite.


    The only thing i dont like about the install i have is that they dont look that great up there on top of the grilles. Thankfully them sounding good outweighs the downside.

  6. From what i remember when they came out, Nissan originally made them to be a typical "Retro" car, but with all the modern trimmings and modern car reliability.


    Dont think they were ever designed for handling and speed. If you want that, just buy a Golf Gti surely right? I think they are fine for a girlie run about sort of thing. Just depends how practical they are going to be.


    Agree with Walesy, get her to agree to a Corrado! imagine... not one but 2!

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