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Posts posted by DEL VR6

  1. DelMonty... did you get this sorted yet? There is a great place in Melton Mowbray that will sort you out, and they are not expensive either.


    Belmont Metal Finishers - 01664 822 482.


    Have used them quite a few times, and they have delivered the results every time.

  2. yeah, but Tim retired and I seriously doubt that he'd want anything to do with the company anymore...


    Especially as he now lives in France, and builds the odd race car in his spare time at his own pace... and all just for fun!


    Why would you want to come back and have all that grief of your own business after that!

  3. Del, what is the ET number and width of the wheels and what section of tyre


    Thats the bit that catches. I was told at the time that one option is to get the lip inside the arch "rolled" but i never bothered.


    This is the state of the tyre due to catching when cornering hard at speeds, or just general driving when the car has a heavy load.


    Makes a horrible sound. To be honest, it doesnt catch as much anymore. I think that is down to most of the rubber that could catch being removed already.



    Front pics show what i mean about it catching at the front. Its not the wheels that catch. Its the spoiler. I know i could change it to the 50mm, but i prefer the look of the 90mm.





    ET is 30, and the tyres are 205/45/16.

  4. Lovely car mate, great colour too, obviously! Looks like an absolute bute.

    Keep it tasteful, which you are doing. I love it.


    Agree with Nick about the colour 8) . (funny that!)


    Sounds like your plans are gonna make it from a nice car to an even nicer car.

  5. The main reason I sold my Cerb was down to the responsibility I had to my young family.


    A 340 BHP 2+2 Coupe made of a steel space fram chassis with fibreglass over the top (although it did have a integral roll bar and door beams - which the Chim didn't) used to give me sleepless nights should anything horrible happen to my 2 precious little ones.


    dont blame ya one bit mate. I know a picture doesnt tell the whole story, but good move. These pictures look like the TVR came worse off!




    Love the interiors on them, although prefer a more "sober" colour. Love the Batman steering wheel too.



    Lets face it, they are gorgeous!




    Tried editing them all to be the same size. Damn photobucket!

  6. http://www.gpcvwaudi.com also do 'em at a good price... 8)


    I wouldnt use them even if they sold the trims for a tenner.


    Is that cos they are rude on the phone? or cos thier printed prices are ALWAYS wrong? or cos they rip you off on postage? or cos they sometimes dont ansa the phones at all? (the list goes on...)


    I wouldnt either. I think of them as VW stealers bandit cousins.

  7. When setting up suspension, why do people have the front a touch lower than the rear? Just a general question that was on my mind :scatter:


    Can only speak for myself here...


    When i had mine done, the front ended up looking lower than the rear (and still does). I can tell you that i was not happy about it one bit. I dont like cars that look like the front is lower than the back and vica versa.


    I was then told that when you buy a lowering kit, there is a +/- of 10mm :shock: , and you cant guarantee how it will be. I was also told when it was done that you need to let the suspension settle.


    I dont believe any of it. I reckon it wasnt set up properly when it was done, but for me to go back to the place would be almost impossible, so i ended up just living with it.


    I just take the positives out of it (have no choice but to!) which is that it looks damn mean from any angle, and is a great thrill to drive.

  8. Del, what is the ET number and width of the wheels

    Will have a look tonight and get back to you.


    and what section of tyre

    The outside egde along the tyre wall, just where it curves in towards the "tread". Might see if i can get a pic to show you what i mean.


    Those wheels really do suit the 'rado in Aqua blue don't they?

    I agree. (Only when they are clean. They can look real rough when they have brake dust all over them!)

  9. here is mine ('94 VR6) with standard 15" wheels, and standard suspension...



    and here it is after lowering with 16's...



    was supposed to be only a 30-35mm drop, but it looks and feels much more than that. The front catches literally everywhere, and the rear tyres catch on the arches when the car has a passenger or heavy load in the boot. Takes corners like its on rails tho! Reckon it could bo with anti roll bars. just need to get off my ass about it and get it done!

  10. thanks for your kind words people its his funeral tomorrow and im bricking myself as im going to get up and say a few words, but if i dont do it now then i will never get the chance again and i know he would have done it for me


    and as for the c well i really hope it will bring a smile to my face its booked in for the work to start at the begining of july to be honest with you i cant wait


    Dude, have just read all of this thread, and truly feel for you. 2 years ago, my dad passed away very suddenly and totally out of the blue. He was 4 days short of his 53rd birthday. I never said goodbye to him.


    Just wanted to say hang in there, and try and stay as positive as you can for the others around you as well as for yourself.


    As for the funeral, i was the same as you the night before. I had prepared a few words that i wanted to say, and was crapping myself. The thing is, at the moment, everything somehow went ok, and I did what i had to do, cos it was the last and only chance i would get to do what i had to do and, say what i had to say to my dad before saying goodbye for the final time.,


    Two years on, i feel its one of the things that I did that made me strong, and has kept me strong, even though there are countelss times that i just want to cry myself to sleep.


    My advice to you is not to crap it, and do what you got to do. It will make you stronger for it.


    Blimey, wasnt supposed to go on and on as much i have, and hope i havent bored the crap out of you. As i say, hang in there.


    I'm sure i speak on behalf of everyone on this forum when i say we are with you in these dark times. Its great that you have this as an escape. Dont know how to end my endless typing now, so am just going to leave it at that.

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