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Posts posted by DEL VR6

  1. You can actually program them to NOT take you down scenic routes that have Fords, tolls, sheep, super market trolleys in the road, low bridges etc etc :lol:


    Now you mention it, we did pass loads of Mondeos, Fiestas, Escorts and Cortinas along the whole route.

    :still waiting for that tongue incheek smiley:

  2. I borrowed my sisters and to test it, i told it to take me to the motorway from my house. It took me on a route that is way off course. The way i go is the shortest and doesnt involve any back streets etc so the gadget was totally wrong.


    We (she) also used it to take us to the NEC one time and even then it was no where near the shortest / quickest route. I know that for a fact cos we go to the NEC and know all the roads around there.


    Besides, the nerd in me loves reading maps even when im not going anywhere, just at home doing nothing. You cant read a Tom Tom can you?

  3. give me a 5quid AA road map any day.


    Blimey, i thought i was the only left that insists on using a map.


    I think the title should have been "Gormless prat who doesn't deserve to drive a 96k Merc, plunges a 96k Merc into a river"


    That sounds like a title to one of Channel 5's documentaries.

  4. I've toyed with the idea of removing them from mine too, but the amount of times they have saved me from extensive paint damage is unreal. Especially as mine is a daily driver as opposed to a show car which rarely gets driven.


    Dont forget they are bloody long doors, and low cars so you really need to open them to get in and out, so they do protect the car a hell of a lot.


    Keep 'em on.

  5. Jim, you definitely dont need to take the bumper off for this.


    Its easiest to do with the car either jacked up, or for safety i would say up on ramps.


    I have my own make shift ramps (a series of graduated pieces of timber)


    One of them jobs where you need to sort of lie on your back, looking up (and all the bits of crap fall into your eyes)

  6. It is well worth it.


    The manual they send you is miles better than the highway code (which in comparison reads like a childs book), and there really are things to learn no matter good a motorist you think you are.


    Ultimately it makes you a safer motorist.

  7. The way I saw it, VW must have put some work into the correct placement of the tweeters, I think putting them in standard positions must be good enough.


    You are right about that. i tried sticking them to the pillars facing the seats, and they were too hardcore. The way they are now is spot on. you dont need them too in your face as the sounds is strong enough.

  8. when i had my stereo fitted on a small budget, i just had them sat on top of the grilles with some strong sticky pads. They dont look 100% but they work very well, and they arent too obvious cos they are only small anyway.

  9. Welcome to the forum mate.


    Have a look here: there are some cracking VR6's around for sale at the moment.


    If you can stretch to 10 big ones, this Storm is a great buy for the mileage / rarity.


    It thought this was a good buy too, seeing as its had alot of the stuff done already. VR6

  10. What's broken on the direction dial?


    Good question. I cant actually see anything that has broken.


    The symptoms though, are:


    If the dial is in the Top Left position (From memory thats the windscreen only) and i turn it anti clock wise, it will go to the bottom left position (feet only) and after that only goes to the bottom right position (again from memory i think thats the footwell and dashvents)


    To make it go all the way to the last upper right position, you have to force it, and it makes a horrible loud click and then there is no resistance on the control at all (so the control is now pointing at the top right position)


    To get it back to the top left position it again has to do that loud click and there is no resistance again.


    So at the moment, i am not using the top right position at all. I only have use of the three positions. (Top left, bottom left and bottom right)


    As i say, i cant actually see anything that looks broken in the back there. :?

  11. Another thread without which there is no way i could have done the job myself.


    Thanks whoever posted in here.


    Managed to fix the bit i was trying to get to but the part that controls which way the air blows seems to be unrepairable so i guess im gonna have to look for a second hand one and do this repair. At least i should be able to replace it myself.


    So, anyone know where i can get on of these then / breaking a car etc?



  12. Hi people.


    My cousin wants me to find her a decent Audi TT.


    She has 10 grand to spend on it, (I have no idea if that is enough)and wants to keep it for 2 to 3 years.


    She does not want an convertible, and wants to make sure that she doesnt get the "wrong" model (If there is such a thing? I thought the single tail pipe one was the least desirable, but i really aint that clued up on TT's)


    There are so many 2nd examples on the market, i dont know where to begin. Thats where you guys that are in the know come in.


    What should i avoid / make sure of (aside from the usual FSH etc etc)


    Cheers in advance.

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