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Posts posted by DEL VR6

  1. and they come out looking like the paint has been poured on them...


    thats what im talking about. will have a butchers later.


    Was the paint like a halfords own brand? i've seen a few products for this kind of job. some are two part, some are one and some u spray on. :?

  2. Have done a search for this and not found the info / advice i need.


    Am about to fit my 312's soon and want to paint the calipers red. (Yes i know some might say if you want them to look like Brembos, buy brembos etc etc but thats another story really)


    Before i do it, i want to make sure i do it right to get the perfect finish. Want to get that high gloss finish that looks nice and thick. (Like porsches!)


    Has anyone done it already? / got any pictures / advice on what products are good / bad / to avoid etc.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. how you doin Zippy? Are you going to the summer scorcher?


    It wasnt really that much of a mission. I left the cable extra long on the back so that you can pull it all through and still have the panel "loose" so to speak.


    The earth cable was obviously straight forward, and the live was just a thin wire going to the ciggy lighter terminal thing, so not really all that much of a mission.

  4. I love your knob as well....

    :lol: :lol: :lol: (Way too many childish lines to list in response to that comment)


    Seriously tho, thanks. I got it from a seller on eBay ages ago. I really should have gone for the red, but just liked the cool blue alot better, and thankfully the head unit has a blue/red combination so i have just about got away with it, otherwise it would have looked really out of place.

  5. Looking good pal. How did you keep the EL wire down in its place? I've got a similar kit just struggling to keep the spagehtti from moving everywhere.

    I used the superglue stuff that came with it, and bought some epoxy resin and literally glued about an inch at a time. Waited for it to dry solid, then the next inch and so on. Thats why it took soooo long to do, cos of the waiting in between.


    Plus, have you hard wired it in or just plugged it in to the ciggie lighter socket?

    Hard wired it in to the rear of the lighter socket.


    When i first laid the wire down the panel wouldnt fit on top of the controls again because of the wire thickness.

    You need to cut small parts of the plastic off from the heater control near to the corners when you offer the cover thing back onto it.

  6. Jay, you can spend anywhere upwards of £15 a wheel for this sort of job.


    Over the years i've had quite a few done by all different outfits.


    The best job i have seen to date is the one i am having done right now for my 1303 Beetle wheels. They are costing me £25 per wheel. Will post up a before and after of the job, cos its absolutely show standard. (bare in mind this is a friend of a friend who is just doing it in his spare time at work where he has the facilities to get the job done to the right standard)


    Some places quoted me £55 per wheel for my Borbets which were pretty battered when i bought them. I actually only paid £20 per wheel about 24 months ago, and they are still just about ok. (Some lacquer issues here and there)


    I would say that you dont need to spend £55 per wheel that alot of the more "Marketed" companies charge. Just find a good honest garage or someone with some experience with this kind of thing and around a £100 for the set will get you the right job. All the places i use are in Leicester, so a bit far for you i suppose?

  7. I just have a couple of things outstanding to do now (lighter ring and dials), but apart from them, all the switches and controls in the car are now red. The hardest LED swap was the sunroof switch and the mirror controls.


    The only thing that isnt red is the gear knob, but that fortunately matches the stereo so its all red with a bit of blue.

  8. Following on from this article in Wiki, just thought i'd post up the pictures of the mod i did recently incase it helps anyone thinking of doing the same thing. Took longer than i thought it would take, but am well pleased with the results. Anyone about to do it, PM me if you want any tips / pointers etc.












  9. If you look at the classic car world (30 years +), there is a point in a cars life where it is no longer main dealer serviced and instead the work is done by specialists, can you see an e-type owner going to a Jaguar main dealer?




    I dont think my dealers would even know what i was driving if drove up there in my Karmann Ghia.


    I was speaking to a salesman from VW cos my wife wants a new golf, and when he asked what i drive i mentioned the C and the Karmann Ghia.


    When i said a VR6 Corrado, he nodded and said "Ah, yes, the VR6 Corrado.... thats the one with the G60 engine in it, isnt it?"..... He didn't even know what the Karmann Ghia was.

  10. I ordered mine from that model millennium place a while back, and it arrived the other day.


    Am well impressed. Detail / scale is spot on. Especially impressed with the spoiler, the logos on the foot mats and the engine detail. Oh, yeah the exhaust tip looks like my Magnex too! Its all very impressive.


    Only thing i didnt like were the silver rubbing strips on the edges. How did you get them off 3corsameal? Thinners?


    Would love to find a set of 1:18 6 spoke wheels to look my Borbet C's.

  11. I believe there's a Chav's delight Corsa VXR coming out this year...... god help us :roll:


    Great! :roll:


    Even more nobheads to gorm at your Corrado, then try and burn you off at the lights. Then they wonder why you didnt put your foot down and wait for you further up!


    There must be one in every town. 4 lads. All look too young to drive. All got the same sort of caps on (wonky or backwards or something), and licking lolly pops, and doing that gun signal with their hands.

  12. I know what you are saying. Mine were crap before i swapped them over. It feels like you were the last person to know about "the other side" I've had mine ages now and they still work like the first day.

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