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Everything posted by Alty

  1. Also back to the clutch just a standard VAG Vr6 clutch or ..... ?
  2. No that's very helpful ! But I wouldn't be a true corrado owner if I didn't ask if you could do something on the price for a corrado enthusiast one to another..... :D
  3. So is there any recommended clutch? and anything else I should be doing whilst I'm in there! Thanks Scott
  4. I'm after a g60 gearbox pref CBA but will take anything in good condition as mine is very close to giving up on me!!!! Thanks Scott
  5. I'd go for a g60 set no emblem if available. Thanks Scott
  6. I'd go for a g60 set no emblem is available. Thanks Scott
  7. Thanks Never thought of that........ lol After-market seats bucket seats, and honestly I have really short legs and a longer body! just to give an idea I was at a wedding a couple months ago and I had a short leg pair of trousers taken up 2.1/4 inches to be fitted on my shoes!!!!!! however I'm sure the seat sit slightly higher than the standard ones and properly lose a bit of leg extension! I've heard through the great vine that maybe there is like a box you can set behind the pedals that maybe pro racers use for perfect positing and weight balance ? ( Could just be talking out of my arse! )
  8. So I'm 5'7" with really short legs ......... so to be able to drive the rado with full compression of the clutch, throttle and brakes I have to be sat on the fing steering wheel!!! So my question is has anyone move the peddles (which i doubt) if so how...... ? Thanks for not laughing at me.....
  9. Alty

    Sound Proofing.....

    Yeah sure no problem But I will say I'm not in a rush by any means :-)
  10. Alty

    Sound Proofing.....

    Looks good thanks for the help. Back is completely stripped out :D
  11. Alty

    Sound Proofing.....

    I'm doing this to reduce road noise + the Fing exhaust noise! I'm getting old! a false floor will be going in anyway but I thought it would be a good idea to put something onto the metal work first.
  12. Alty

    VDO gauge holder?

    I'm 100% with you....
  13. Alty

    Sound Proofing.....

    The more I read on this the more I think I should just get my wallet out and pay for some dynamat! Thanks for the offer though.
  14. Alty

    VDO gauge holder?

    More like this, replaces the ash tray bit....
  15. Alty

    Sound Proofing.....

    Are we talking Flashband ? like this http://www.travisperkins.co.uk/p/evo-stik-flashband-grey-600mm-x-10m/531345/3893480 If so I work for Travis Perkins ! Staff discount FTW!
  16. Alty

    VDO gauge holder?

    Recently Got hold of a set of VDO gauges for oil temp, oil pressure and volt and i have seen a gauge holder that replaces the ashtray and cig lighter anyone have any idea if these can be brought or have to be made ? Thanks
  17. Got the back stripped out and plan on building a false floor etc. but has anyone found a just a good but cheaper alternative to dynamat ?
  18. Alty

    Radio antenna ?!

    Is it just me .... But I have replaced the antenna the cable that runs through the roof to the back of the head unit and its still CRAP! Think I've just answered my own question but surly it cant be the head unit ... I have an decent alpine.
  19. Are these still going? Also oem connectors not essential .
  20. Are these still going? Also oem connectors not essential .
  21. I used jabbasport a few months ago and they are amazing the service was good the people are amazing and was really happy with my stage 4 re-build induction and general set up. Then my cam belt went a couple months after i rang them and they sent me a new head and everything that i would need to get the whole job done and they did it quick! As for brain he is a diamond! I've often spoke to him just for advice on things and he is always more than happy to help!
  22. Alty

    Passenger door handle!

    Done! Thanks southerner88 Love you long time! Welcome to lock this thread.
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