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Everything posted by clumpy1

  1. glad someone still has a sense of humour nice one matt :wave:
  2. Is that a Jelly on the floor in front of your's Sean?
  3. That's the spirit Rob you know that these car's can get you down (I know mate) best way is to keep at em and the running it occasionally over winter will help no doubt even if you just start it and leave it running for a bit without actually driving it.
  4. I knew you would say something like this as soon as you seen it being a fellow Black owner :thumbleft:
  5. Well if it would help I can throw in front Vr6 Caliper's, Carrier's, Disc's and pad's
  6. Mmmm Possibly you could alway's get 5 stud hub's then you wouldn't need adaptor's
  7. When I said over £30k that's not what it owe's me though what it does is still a fair bit.
  8. Here's a better one [ATTACH=CONFIG]79963[/ATTACH]
  9. I don't think so bud here is a pic of them on mine the front's are bolted to the hub the rear's have a 10/12mm spacer [ATTACH=CONFIG]79962[/ATTACH]
  10. I think they would mate why do you think they wouldn't? Cheer's goldf1ng3r
  11. They are out of stock on Heritage you may have bought at the right time sean
  12. Probably a very good decision to use it occasionally Rob you can use them during the winter it just take's a little more keeping on top of thing's it should go a way to stop the moisture issue in the dizzy too car's don't like being sat too long. Part's are looking good too :thumbleft:
  13. Got to love this place just came back on to see your reply Jamie and possibly because it look's like you may be swaying to keeping it the amount of member's viewing dropped significantly from a couple of post's previously. Keep it bud it look's a cracker :thumbleft:
  14. Remember you have a very late car on a "N" and a Black one at that.I think there wasn't as many Black Corrado's as some of the other colour's.
  15. I think you could ask for more going from the pic's not trying to make you feel bad mate there are plenty on here who have sold and regretted it so much they bought another some 6 month's later other's year's later but they all ended up doing it however if it is not practical for you sell you can alway's come back when it's better for you :)
  16. You could get one insurance policy to cover both and only tax the Rado for six months of the year. With what you have spent and original purchase price I think you would be losing a bit of money I imagine.That aside you have done a cracking job with it so far and a Corrado need's someone like yourself KEEP IT you will not regret it.
  17. That is very Tidy Jamie and a credit to you. Can you not afford a crappy daily for work and keep the Rado for the show season? After doing all the work you have done it's a shame you aren't going to get the enjoyment out of it.
  18. They will stain all colour's it's just more noticeable on white.
  19. :tumbleweed::tumbleweed::tumbleweed::tumbleweed: Still here :scratch:
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