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Posts posted by Ray1965

  1. Drove it. Drove it some more. Then drove a bit more. Got ****ed off that it rained while I was driving it. Thought "screw it, it's wet and dirty now so may as drive it for the rest of the day". Then drove it again. Everyone should drive one of these at least once in their lives :)


    Happy days :)


    Funny that i did the same last week ! :thumbleft: Cant fault you Portent

  2. I my experience its not wise to use a scouring pad if its a polished surface like chrome polished stainless steel. To remove the soot use some metal polish, like solvol-autosol keep at it, and it will bring it off. :thumbleft:

  3. Cracking price Ron someone's getting a bargain with these ;) I would buy them myself but have far too many wheel's already GLWS.


    These wheels look great, i have always liked the style of the deep dish. Yes agree a very good price for these but a little out of my league i'm afraid, GLWS Mr Hoff :cool:


    May i enquire to what you have spare Mr Clumpy?

  4. Seen the you tube vid, they were obviously checking all the doors and went to the tail gate and tried that also. Why do these tossers do this to cars? cant get me head around this.

    I had this done to my Mazda 323f pop up head light model, the side window was replaced on the insurance, had to wait a few days due the window not been readily available off the shelf, paid my excess £50 and was fitted at home.

    They would get a fine or something like that if they were caught. Put them in with owners of these cars and see what happens then i don't think they would be doing it again in a hurry.

    Good luck with the glass replacement.

  5. I bought a Magnex second hand system for my car, was told it would fit straight on 1995 VR , but no, the hangers were miles off, had the hangers moved and re welded in the correct place, and the cat section pipe was way too long had to have this chopped and modified too, all costing extra money. By this time I was thinking what hell is going on? I was stumped as the garage who was doing the fitting had hacked my standard system to bits when removing it, so I was committed to having the Magnex fitted. Then I thought it sounded too quite as I run the car for the next week or so. I personally wanted just a bit over the stock sound. Opted to remove the suit case muffler out of the system, at some more cost.

    Tbh I wish id stuck with the standard system, now I think now its just a Tad too loud, but must admit it does have the nice VR growl when past 3k on the revs.:smug:

    You have to decide if you want to spend the extra to have it sorted to fit your car.


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