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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Go all electric :camp:: Tempest
  2. Based on last year, I arrived at around 7:00 :bonk:, only to find we still had to queue to get in. Folk kept on arriving but stories of people having to queue for considerable lengths of time were heard. Spoke to a neighbour this morning, who'd been to the Cosford airshow a few week ago, where they left Coventry at 7:00, and got to the show by 15:00 (!!), queuing all the way along the M54 (both lanes gridlocked because of the airshow - RIAT only has B-roads leading to it, and it is much bigger an airshow than Cosford). Having said that, the organisers and police do block off certain B-roads and turn them into dual-carriage ways leading into the show. All I can say is try to be there as early as you can. I'm probably looking at leaving somewhere between 5:00 and 5:30 :blush: Tempest
  3. For a bit of fun, ask the dealer what the life expectancy of the IGBTs inside the inverter is. How did the manufacturer protect the IGBTs against cosmic rays? Not making this stuff up, BTW. Tempest
  4. Club stand tickets for Tatton Park (VW Northwest) have arrived, cost is £7.50 to get into the grounds. Sign up over on the events list on the CCGB website, so I can send you your club stand ticket. Tempest (Eric)
  5. Pictures? :) My office seat is a leather Mk2 Storm Scirocco seat, very comfortable indeed :) Tempest
  6. Monthly meet on a nice public square right in front of the newly refurbished Coventry Museum of Transport: Tempest
  7. Thanks for pics, Martin, and congrats on the runner-up. Tempest
  8. All you can do is enquire trying the contact on the registration form (RIAT Car Club Registration Form), and ask. You might be lucky. Tempest (Eric)
  9. There is a CCGB stand, but booking for that has been missed judging by the number if people on it (precisely zero). Tempest (Eric)
  10. CCGB National Day, traditionally the largest annual gathering of Corrados in the UK: http://www.corradoclubgb.co.uk/ccgb16/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=147:corrado-club-national-day-2015&catid=50:news&Itemid=170 Sign up here: http://www.corradoclubgb.co.uk/ccgb16/index.php?option=com_illbethere&controller=events&task=view&id=104&Itemid=202 Tempest
  11. See details on the CCGB website. Nope, won't be able to attend myself, off to Germany for a mad weekend with lots of Corrado and Scirocco folk I know over there. Tempest
  12. Thanks everyone for attending this grand day out right bang in the centre of Coventry. There was a bit of everything, ranging from shopping (sic) :lol: to actual car-related stuff: Static car displays (we were definitely the largest single car marque on display with 6 Rados, all parked up on the main square in the city )centre of Coventry), bit of ring road racing along a section closed to the usual public bangers. Had nice food, sunshine, some folk to talk to, and us lot, the friendly CCGB members B) Pictures: Tempest
  13. Nice write-up on Stanford Hall in the current issue of VW Driver magazine by Neil Birkitt. Has pictures of our club stand, Tan's and my Rado in close-ups. Tempest
  14. These are the real reasons why Dave has been missing a C :) Tempest
  15. Indeed, good to read about tinkerage oop norf :) Tempest
  16. Hey, hey, they don't stay away (for very long) :) Time to get booked in for some meets :-) Tempest
  17. I won't be able to attend this one due to a clash with another commitment. Wouldn't worry too much about the "valid tax disk" aspect, because that's most likely a left-over from the website text prior to the abolishment of tax disks. Tempest
  18. Yes, can do with a bit more support for this one, guys :) Details on how to get tickets (on the cheap!!) over on the events list of the Corrado Club. Tempest
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