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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Agree, I'd like to run the CCGB full-time if I could make a living out of it, but alas I do need my daytime job, which is, to say the elast, very time consuming (especially when you run your own company). Probably the same for most of the volunteers working for the CCGB :roll: Tempest
  2. Lambdasensor is usually easy to diagnose. if things improve with the sensor disconnected, then, it's the Lambdasensor :-) Having said that, if it's really knackered (constantly passing a low voltage to the ECU signalling a lean mixture, which, of course isn't there) then the ECU will enrichen the mixture no-end up to the point where the engine will just not idel anymore, needs revs of above 2000 rpm before it drives, apart from black smoke coming out of the exhaust. Happened to me a few months after I had bought my C. Tempest
  3. Minus how much? It's probably just the multimeter fluctuating a bit? Sounds more and more like the ignition switch, though. Fit a new one in any case, they're only 18 quid or so from VW. Tempest
  4. You're preaching to the already converted here, well, converted is the wrong word. I had my 2 Roccos prior to getting a Rado, which has proven not only to be steep learning curve, but also a very frustrating one. That's why I keep on raving about the simplicity of my 2 Roccos. Wanna get a job done on them? No problem ! Wanna get a job done on a Rado? Erm, right, good luck! Move back 10 steps before you move forward 1 tiny step :lol: Oh well, just waiting for my C to develop the next fault :roll: Tempest
  5. Don't need a new cold start injector, just need to take it out, test it with the thermotime switch to see whether the thermotime switch does what it's supposed to do (i.e. cut out the fuel supply after either 8 or seconds or above 25°C), and see it's spray pattern. Spray pattern testing on the injectors would be a doddle as well, nearly did that last Saturday, just didn't have 4 glasses to let the fuel run into :-(. Still some carb spray left to test for vac leaks. Could start by spraying that around the injectors, if idle changes, bingo, knackered injector O-rings. Fortunately a lot of things on the 16V 9A are very similar to the K-Jet 8 valvers :-) apart from some nasty ECU-nonsense ;-) Tempest
  6. Tempest

    G60 chips

    Bold statement that, as I know at least one other chip maker that has overcome the Digifant lag issue :-) But would agree with the others to avoid Jabba. Jabba seem to have moved on to turboing everything. Tempest
  7. What's up with yours at the moment? Still no joy with idling? Tempest
  8. Of course you are Mr Wisdom himself :lol: Sorry, but those stupid posts slagging each other off on a forum like this, that's what p*sses me off. Let's try and stay cool :-) OK, now I might not be your best friend anymore :lol:, but that's OK :-) Tempest (sorry for playing Mod there for a minute :lol:)
  9. Would definitely have to agree with Ryan here, as although I can come to terms with the Iroc from the front and side (definitely not the rear section, especially not if it's to be sold as a coupe), I together with quite a few other Scirocco nutters think that VW should not call the Iroc the new Scirocco. Doug's design retains a lot more of the original design aspects that I so much love about the Mk1 Rocco. Oh well, I suppose I just like the Mk1 as it is, perfect design IMHO :-) They can call the Iroc a Goof 6, though :lol: Tempest
  10. Doug Teulie has created a masterpiece in my opinion, bringing the Rocco into the 21st century whilst retaining some of the classic design aspects of both the Mk1 and the Corrado :-) Of to VW this should go :-) Tempest
  11. Correct, as they never were sold in the US :-) They're rare (compared to the more standard G60s, VR6s, and 16Vs), I give it that, and as such may hold their own in the Corrado carmarket (if that's the right word). Tempest
  12. Says so in the description of this thread line :-): Description: 1.8 16v corrado Worthwhile checking and cleaning the ISV. Tempest
  13. Highly likely, as Dinkus already mentioned. This valve can be adjusted, but with vehicle resting on wheels. If you've got an early G60, the VAG-COM may not work, simply follow the procedure here (worked a treat on mine :-)): http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=44599&highlight= Tempest
  14. Nope, behind that is where the ignition switch is located, held into the barrel with one tiny screw. A bit difficult to get to. Changed mine this summer after mine had fits of not wanting to start at all (me initally suspecting the immobiliser, until Supercharged hot-wired the thing, and voila, it wasn't the immobiliser rather than the switch). Sure it's not a ground wire? Other than that, the only wires I have on my G60 on the strut towers are the ABS sensor cables. They wouldn't cause starting probs. Tempest
  15. I would try and take them back to your local GSF branch along with your GSF receipt. That way they shouldn't be able to argue too much. I generally find my local branch(es) quite helpful. I, too, bought a set of Goodrich hoses from my local GSF branch used the part number from their website and was given the right set for G60 Rados. Best of all, GSF only charge approx. half of what most other places (on the web) charge :shock: Tempest
  16. The main reason why I originally fitted one, was ease of removal (when having to take out the G-Lader, for example) compared to that horrid black piece of crap, erm silencer box, the centre bolt of which you really can't get to. Tempest
  17. Same here: Relays, fuses and watertight box for fuses from Maplins, thick (and I mean thick) cabling from, erm, my (ex-)employer :lol: as well as crimp terminals. Tempest
  18. I still might, if the next job on mine cheeses me off too much again :lol: The problem is that the more time and money I throw at the thing the less of that I'll ever see back, if I do sell it, as any potential buyer will never appreciate all the work that's gone into it, instead just buying a ready-made and in-perfect-state car. Then again, I seem to remember some minor amounts of swearing at someone's C Saturday just gone (nope, not my C this time :-) ) :lol:, even though everything went quite smoothly :-) Oh well, such is the spell of Rados :lol: Tempest
  19. Suit yourself, I do like you ackonwledging my statements by using the word "nevertheless" :lol: QED :-) Tempest
  20. My million Pounds garage? Almost as Dr_mat: New house somewhere in the country with huge plot of land, ideally with private race track, huge garage to house my 3 Karmann toys in, fully equipped with car lifts, tools and whatnot, oh, and some place to live for me :lol: Daily driver car to go with it, erm, Audi S3 would do for me. Tempest
  21. It was for nearly a whole year, but then after I started to grow fond of it (plus all the money and more importantly time that I had chucked at it), I stopped using it that often. This winter I am actually planning on also sticking my C on Sorn :shock: That'll leave me with 0 cars this winter. Wintercars: Ideallly some Goof banger, best of all, some Club GTI S&S winner or something :lol: Japanese cars do it, too, reliable as heck, and hey, if they rust, who cares? Fords, perfect wintercars to rag around in, lose one, no damage done, on the contrary, done mankind a favour :lol: Tempest
  22. Sorry to hear about the accident, bl**dy typical it being someone else's fault. A US-Corrado with the old ELRA in there :-) Yes, definitely worth restoring to its former glory. I'd have to agree with vr6storm on those ebay-fenders, though, they just don't look right on a car like a Corrado (those nasty air intake fin-things, suit a BMW Z-series whatever far better), especially your still very nice and original SLC Corrado. I'd also go for the original fenders (scrap yard?). Tempest
  23. Nooo, they're not gone or anything, just had the last trip of this season in both of them today 8) As I want to reclaim the roadtax before the month's out, banking on crappy weather in October, plus the evenings are getting too dark already too quickly, as that I would enjoy a quick trip during a weeknight (and there are too many boring suit-types still about in their boring trashcans on weeknights anyway :roll: ), today was the last chance to take both my Rocco-toys out for their last spin this season. The sun was shining, the Mk1 ready to go (once I keep the revs above 2000 rpm :D, slightly modded engine :D ), followed by a trip in the Mk2 Storm, roaring along the roads and popping and gurgling whenever I let go from the throttle 8) I'll miss them during the next 8 or so months again, by which time I hope the British weather will have returned in summer mode, but first I need to survive winter, rain etc. without my Roccos :roll: . At least they won't have to stand up to the challenges of Coventry city council's finest: The huge army of gritters that come out as soon as someone even remotely suspects temperatures approaching 0°C :mad: Then again, I can visit my Roccos everyday, as they live just behind my kitchen, the Mk1 I can even see everyday from my kitchen 8) Anyone else putting their treasures away for the winter (quite a few do this in Germany, too)? Tempest
  24. Admittedly spotted on another forum, but nevertheless an interesting watch, seeing a nice line up of Mk1, Mk2 and Mk3 Roccos (aka Corrados). Now before anyone starts discussions of Rocco vs Rado again: They're historically the same, built by Karmann, yes, even incepted by Karmann as the successor to the legendary Ghia, the C definitely being planned as the Mk3 Rocco until production costs soared and the clever marketing bods decided on another name :roll: If we could only get more cross-talk between the camps, although most peeps I know are pretty open-minded, and know their Karmann and type 53 history :-) Dare anyone say, we drive VWs? Nope, that's the Goof boys :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1UYd3_mu24 Enjoy :-) Tempest
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