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Everything posted by Bean

  1. Bean

    Which hoses

    Hi Guys, I have had two hoses go in the last two week that makes a total of 3 since i have had VR6 (93). :cry: I think it is time the replace the whole lot in one go instead of keeping the dust down on the M27 with a constant trickle of antifreeze!!!! :mad: What is best to go for' A full set of VAG hoses for £230 Or a set of Samco hoses for £225 - P&P ( From what I have read this set is missing a couple of hoses which i could want to buy anyway) What are your thoughts Cheers Dan
  2. Bean

    De-cat vr6 ?

    I brought mine off ebay for a tenner! 8) I think it give it a bit more low down grunt well worth a tenner!!! :lol:
  3. Bean

    Poor Starting

    Well it is that time again I have just fixed one problem and something else has gone wrong!! :cry: I went to start my VR (93) the other night and it started (sort of) it went to about 200rpm and then died. I started it again the same thing but this time with a bit of throttle but there was a big delay!? After a couple of mins with the engin running with my foot on the throttle it was fine. My first thought was that it was the ISV with the lack of RPM. I took that off today and gave it a dam good clean with carb cleaner. Started her and the same thing happened! :x So my next thought was that it could be the coil pack. I replaced it about 5-6 mounths ago but that was with a second hand one. Has anyone got any ideas? Cheers Dan
  4. Because I used to look like one! :lol: when I wore my red overalls when i worked for esso. I was out there working for a different comany it was a good laught. Watch out for the night fighters! :twisted:
  5. I was very tempted!!!!!! :twisted: ( I wasn't going to stop eather :lol: ) Even at that speed it still feels very stable!
  6. I have a couple. Off roading a toyota Hilux through the jungle out in africa (I only broke 2 of the windows) I had a local runing down the 2 mile long track with a peice of wood to help me when i got stuck in exchange for a sandwich!!! 8) Power sliding a bedford Rascal :evil: (pick-up) round a corner in between pipes full of boiling petrol at work
  7. I had 145 with four people in the my vr on the flat and I think that was about it! How do you guys get 15oish out of your vr's?
  8. Bean

    Coolent Leak

    sorry i always do that it is a vr6 (93) It is coming from one of the rubber hoses that connect to the sender housing
  9. Bean

    Coolent Leak

    Hi I have a big coolent leak coming from the front end of my engin. It is coming from something that looks like a filter housing that has a couple of hoses coming out of it! Please help I am at work at the moment and dont have much time to sort stuff out! Can i get it to a garage that is 40miles away without cooking my engin? cheers Dan
  10. Looks great woody I think mine is due for a spray soon!!!! :lol:
  11. Bean

    My C wont start

    it was the fuel pump. But the reson it wasn't working was because my alarm has problem and it was isolated!! cheers for the quick responce!! Dan
  12. Bean

    My C wont start

    Hi my vr wont start it is turning over but it wont fire. Could it be flooded? I didn't have time to do a full search because i am at work. Any help would be great cos i need to get it going tonight. (it is a long wlak home) cheers Dan
  13. Bean

    Oil Temp

    I thought i was getting it too hot!! You are right it is about another £40 for the stat take off. :oops: http://www.thinkauto.com/index.htm
  14. Bean

    Oil Temp

    it looks like i can get the Oil cooler for £55 and the fitting kit that comes with all the pipe and stuff for £40 - £50. So it will cost about a £100
  15. Bean

    Oil Temp

    Hi i have been getting a bit worried recently my engin oil temp has gone upto 134deg a couple of times!!!!!! I have just had my head done, so i am skint. I was thinking of and oil cooler but dont know where to get one from or which one to get? Should i change the oil in the mean time? Cheers Dan
  16. Bean

    Still..... Smoking

    Can you do a compression test on each one? The same thing has just happerned to my! :(
  17. hi i work in southampton & live in bournemouth. what sort of prices am i looking at for a good checking over?
  18. what exact parts to you need to get? Do you just use the relays that are already there and uprate the wire? What gauge wire did you use? And what amp fuse are you using? I would really like to do this mod cos i do a lot of country driving at night and i am very skint!! :( My vr takes a lot of money to keep her going!! Cheers Dan
  19. Well if anyone in the bournemouth area wants stuff doing give him a ring on 01202 731111. He has just opend up his own garage so any customers are welcome.
  20. I found someone that has been doing my bangers for me for years with no problem when i got my c i found out he used to ownb one and he does all my work for me andf it is cheaper than what i could do it myself for!!!! I had the head gasket done for 190 quid!!!!!!
  21. I have fixed it all you need is a bit of wood a cable tie and a wood wedge!!!! 8) I think it is the box of tricks.
  22. i am going to take the trim off in a min and have a proper look. I think it is the brains of the electric windows and not the alarm i hope. I think i saw someone else saying that the brains off of a mkII golf is the same is this true?
  23. if it is the alarm timing is that a new alarm then?
  24. I didn't go for the drilled and slotted disks in the end. I went to fit the back brakes only to find that the disk itself is the hub for the bearing to sit in so i thought i might aswell do those at the same time!! :roll: It is a neverending snow ball of think to buy and do!!!
  25. My electric windows work when my 93 vr is running when i turn it off the full closure works. Then i come back 5 mins later and the window is half open????!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: I don't like it and want to sort it soon cos it is raining and the are robbing gits about!!!! :x cheers Dan
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