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Door handle repair kit..........THEY ARE NOW AVAILABLE

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Hi Dave, could you PM me payment details for a kit for both pass and drivers door handles please




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PM sent to you Dave for payment info. My drivers door handle went this morning - made for fun trying to get into the car on the passenger side, as I always park my car off centre in the garage to give me more space to get in to the drivers door!


Still - can't complain. First time this has happened to me with 3 different Corrado's!

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  Jim said:
PM sent to you Dave for payment info. My drivers door handle went this morning - made for fun trying to get into the car on the passenger side, as I always park my car off centre in the garage to give me more space to get in to the drivers door!


Still - can't complain. First time this has happened to me with 3 different Corrado's!


PM sent.

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Part arrived today - thanks Dave! :)


Any advice on this B&STARD pivot pin would be appreciated. Problem is that as you try and screw into it, the metal in the pivot pin is so tough that it is eating the threads of the screws supplied gradually rendering each one useless. I'm at my wits end with it!

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What i did with mine was screw the screw into the pin, then clamp the screw in a vice and gently tap the door handle away from the screw which left me with the pin connected to the screw in the vice and the doorhandle in my hand

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I just can't get the screw to go into and stay into the pin. Sick to death of it now. Been at it for 3 hours and just given up and reassembled the door (in the pissing rain of course) - just going to fit a new handle cause I can't be f*cked with it. I just was never cut out to do DIY on my car.

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Jim, sadly this is the awkward part, some are easier than others. If you can send me the handle I'll repair it for free, just depends if you can do without the handle for a couple of days.


You could try picking up some various screws from your local DIY shop, you might get one to bite.


Another option is to drill the pin out just slighty bigger to get the screw to bite.

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That's very kind of you mate - might take you up on that and would send a little something your way to compensate you for your time! I could potentially manage without the handle for a few days - will have a chat to my girlfriend (will depend on nabbing her car for a few days!) and get back to you.

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If I repair a handle for someone it always gets posted back the the next day. If you end up buying a new handle just send the kit back and I will refund your money, it's no problem for me at all.



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Cool - well if I get the handle out and posted on Monday (weather permitting) as i'm off work and i'll just go and stay with my missus for a few days and just car share with her (work at the same place thankfully!).


I've got your address on the back of the packet you sent so hopefully the handle will be with you on Tuesday!

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Hi, could you pm me your payment details for the drivers door please.





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Got my kit in the post Saturday morning. What a coooool little piece of metal...i can close my door...and open it again....and close it....and open it again :clap: :grin:


It was a bit fiddly to fit so I took it to my mate to help me coz he's big strong man ...he cursed a little bit at times, but now it's fitted and working everything is good!!

And possibly the best £15 I've spent on my Rado so far.


Thanks Dave :notworthy:

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Hi Dave,


Can you pm me details (price/delivery/payment) of your door handle repair kit.




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This is the 2nd kit I have had from you (more fool me for not doing both at the same time) and they have both fitted perfectly. Your a lifesaver mate, Cheers.

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Just to say bought one of Daves kits a couple of weeks ago fitted it last weekend. left fitting it so i cou[d match lock to key at same time. got a mate to do both cost me five quid for lock to be matched and repair kit to be fitted. He said kit was about 5 mins and simple to do

Works better than the originnal arm will defanatly be baying other side very soon .Thees kits are great and second to no ne in qualaty and are worth fitting to ur C

Thanks Dave

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