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Corrado G60 Vs MKIII Golf GTi....

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i wouldnt mention the pvw article , they might not be happy about it considering you've no doubt given them the impression you drive like a girl :wink:


good luck ian


j-dub "she's not dead , she's only sleeping" 8)

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Nah, the PVW article proves that she was a good motor... after all, she's 6th fastest in their hall of fame for Corrados and was second fastest on the day to 60, even in the wet! That shows time, effort and commitment as well as being a serious member of the VW scene and the Corrado owning clan! 8)

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wow, i have only just seen this thread (been a bit pre-occupied with the audi forum :roll: )


What a complete ARSE!! so sorry to hear the news! for a mere g60 yours was awsome! (sorry had to get a g60 dig in there somewhere :wink: )


I hope you manage to get back on the road in a corrado some day!!


for now though...fancie buying my vr6 as a run a round??? :lol:

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Very sorry to hear the new Henny, J-DUB was one of the few C's I would actually recognise if I ever saw her, but unfortunately not gonna get that chance for a long time now :(


Good luck with the bastid insurance company, I'm sure you'll manage to make a monster out of whatever you get next though :D


Oh and jedi-knight83 my offer of a bag of crisps (your choice of flavour) still stands... ;)

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J-DUB was one of the few C's I would actually recognise if I ever saw her, but unfortunately not gonna get that chance for a long time now :(

Don't count on that! ;) :lol: :twisted: It's looking like she's no where near as badly damaged as the insurance arse-essor has made out... Just poking about under her last night has proven that... :evil:


Good luck with the bastid insurance company, I'm sure you'll manage to make a monster out of whatever you get next though :D

Oh yes, both will be interesting, to say the least... ;) 8)

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Just poking about under her last night has proven that... :evil:


Ooh err ;) :D


Good luck whatever you decide to do 8)

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Just poking about under her last night has proven that...


Hmmmn, interesting...,bearing in mind what was the last thing you said to me last night before signing off Messenger :lol:





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UPDATE: Well it's nearly 11months since the accident that wrote off J-DUB and since then my solicitors have been disputing fault and seemingly being utterly crap and useless, loosing my documents, receipts, statements and contact details... :roll:


Anyway, I called my solicitor today to find out what's happening and they told me that the third parties insurance company have admitted responsibility while I was in NZ and I should be expecting a call about the cheque for losses incurred shortly!!! 8) :D :D :D


To say I'm over the moon is an understatement! This cheque (which isn't compensation, it's re-embursment for costs I've already had to pay out) will pay for the repairs on J-DUB, the new engine AND a proper engagement ring for my missus! 8) 8) 8) 8) :D :D :D


Oh, and it also means that it's a non-fault claim on my insurance which should save me over £100 on my insurance and about the same on my missus' too! 8)


There's a moral to this story folks:


Always keep a disposable camera with flash in your glovebox with a notepad, piece of chalk, tape measure and pen at all times... you never know when some lying cow is gonna pull out infront of you and claim it's your fault... ;)

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Bloody good show mate - really pleased for you! :)


What did you propose to her with then.. one from a kinder egg? ;) :p :P

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What did you propose to her with then.. one from a kinder egg? ;) :p :P


:p :P :p I got a substitute ring just in case it went missing while we were on one of our 9 flights during our holiday... we'd mentioned doing that in the past, so I knew she'd be OK with that...


It's nice, don't get me wrong, but it's not platinum and it ain't a diamond! :lol:


I did consider getting a silver VW symbol ring, but it was a long way down from the top of the island, and I didn't fancy being kicked all the way down it! :lol:

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Well done dude, glad it is all sorted and the cheque is on the way....11 months worth the wait I guess!

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Well done dude, glad it is all sorted and the cheque is on the way....11 months worth the wait I guess!


Kind of, it's money that was mine anyway that I've had to pay out because of this accident and the third party claiming it was entirely my fault, but it will be nice not to have to scrimp and save just to buy anything again as I'll actually have some savings again... 8)

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Nice one man, glad to hear it.

[goes off to find disposable camera etc. to place in glove compartment] :-)

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Good reason to own a decent camera phone perhaps for anyone debating their merits / uses...? :)

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a proper engagement ring for my missus! 8) 8) 8) 8) :D :D


[bB touts for business] - don't forget my offer at E38 of a decent price!


I read the first post without checking the date and thought 'AGAIN!?!' : :lol:

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