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Watcha reckon to THIS Corrado then?

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http://www.zonatuning.com/showthread.ph ... did=114054




At the risk of this being interpreted as a "OH GOD CHECK THIS CAR OUT!!!" type thread, then its not. But you post pics up on a website so its open for discussion IMHO.


I like the work done to the interior, but the exterior work has kinda defeated the point of it being a Corrado - I mean it could be any car under that bodywork! Even the active spoiler has been sealed permanently down. Not too keen on it at all :(

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he's obviously spent a shed load of cash making it look that crap........ :|............IMO only.

It would half scare the crap out of you coming up behind on a motorway......think you would move over pretty quickly

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gotta give respect to the amount of work involved there, getting it the way HE wants it


its obviously on hydraulics, i'd like see the ride height for driving

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wow! not sure if that thing will be able to pass yu once you have accounted for however many hundred kilos the body kit and drag causes! it looks awful! but respect for having the balls to carry out the job..

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that car is just plain hard to do....the amount of time and effort to make it look like that..impressive...just plain impressive. :oops:

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"Care in the community" has a lot to answer for. :roll:


Looks like this guy sold the frontal lobe of his brain & built this car with the proceeds :lol: :lol:

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hmmm... he's used 406 headlights - wonder if my boss would notice if I swapped my C lights for my company cars lights :lol:


No really, I think it looks sh1te! Lots of hard work and finished to a high standard but what a waste of time :roll:

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he's obviously spent a shed load of cash making it look that crap


lmao! thats just what I was thinking :lol: :lol:


I think it could be improved a LOT just by changing some small things... still wouldn't look good for a corrado, but would certainly look better than it does:


Raise the ride height slightly and widen the wheels

Change the grille

Set fire to the interior, then rebuild it without the audiobahn crap


then it would actually look kinda cool... not good... but kinda cool :wink:

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not my bag of chips, but props to the guy's dedication. someone has spent a helluva lot of time on that car.


i bet in the circles he mixes in, he's the daddy.

and they look at our "subtle brit" mods and think "phuh. vat ees thees crapola?"


one man's ceiling is another man's floor . . .

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Individual elements are ok but theres far too much going on - 10/10 for effort but not my cup of tea at all

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why buy a Corrado if youre going to make it unrecognisable and something completely different?

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I dont think he can see how bad his car looks cos he's always got his shades on to block the glare from the bright white interior, makes you wonder if he cleans it using ultrabrite toothpaste :D

I think the front looks a lot like a BM and the back is better but needs to have the spoiler working.

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May not be everyones cup of tea, but there is no denying how much time and effort has gone into that. Plus a serious amount of cash. Different strokes for different folks :roll:

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maybe its me......but i'm pretty sure this is Photo-chopped...............looks real on most of the pics but on the 2nd pic the rear arch and wheel don't look quite natural :wink:

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No, i'm afraid its real Roddy.


And the sheer amount of pictures.. someone would have been working on that day and night for WEEKS to knock that up as a Photoshop - what'd be the point?

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"Photobucket bandwidth exceeded"......grrrrr, what car?


Yeah, I can't see them either :?

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OMG what is it? :shock:

it looks pants, I know that

Lot of work....for a pants looking car!

Effort definately not worthwhile...

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