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Coxys R32 4 Motion Corrado - On the Road!!!!

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ok then I better show some progress on here as people will think I have died lol


Progress has been slow....

I train 5 days a week for rugby, and play on a saturday, so sunday is my only chance I get to work on it really, and if I go out on the saturday night, I can pretty much write sunday off.


I have been managing a bit though:


climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfdash.jpg[/attachment:2b91b71q]


I have a set of R32 clocks matching the engine that I am getting repaired so it will be full R32 spec.

Not convinced with the Steering wheel though....I may have to source a good chunky standard wheel (hopfully with the flappy paddles on it)


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfcar1.jpg[/attachment:2b91b71q]

I sold those wheels on, they dont suit the look of the car and not to my taste. Pic of new wheels further down...


The other thing thats slowing the project is my unwillingness to get into debt because of it. I have just cleared my student loans off last month, and its the first time mortgage aside that I am debt free since college, so have just been happy to take my time and buy stuff when can afford it.


My latest purchases:




I have a set of fiesta turbo seats, and I was going to get them re leathered but I decided against it as my mate had these for sale in the right colour. They are currently away getting restored.

They look fantastic in the car, they give the interior a proper 'supercar' look to it. Only downside is because of their shape they wont take harnesses should I want to fit some for track use. I wont lose sleep over that though.

So I have a mint (as new) set of Fiesta turbo recaros for sale if anyones interested :D )




These are OZ racing wheels commissioned by prodrive for their Impreza P1, they are super light and really tough. They need a bit refurbing but they are generally very good :)

Its the second set I have owned. I really regretted selling the first set so I had to buy some more.


I am currently on a wiring mission. I will post more shortly.

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Should be even better with a bit polish, its covered in dust there.


Heres a mockup of the wheels on the car.


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Looks awesome, some serious skill been put into that, look forward to seeing the finsihed item..

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No really it'll be awesome once done!


It will be awesome once done but lets be realistic here, it will never be "done".


Definately need a chunky steering wheel.

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