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What the hell is with chavs!

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Coming home this evening after meeting with Tempest for a few beers, and I come to a junction about two miles from my house. Taking a nice leisurely 'lets see how many MPG' type drive listening to a bit of Zero 7.. I roll up to this junction and next to me is a Ford Escrot (sic) with two chavvy guys in the front and two chavettes in the back.


They start the usual crap, rolling the car forward, revving the powerhouse 1.4 engine and then they beep the horn - I look over and they sit there flicking me the middle finger and giving me evil stares! What the hell!


So I quickly despatch them at the lights and settle back down to a sensible drive and they catch up with me again doing some SERIOUSLY dubious driving (almost ploughing into a Focus that went past me) whilst hanging out of the window making more gestures and then proceeded to tailgate me down a road close to my house. So knowing the Escort probably had jelly suspension I just casually coasted up to my turn off without signalling and took a sharp left which they could never of took and left them to it.. talk about idiots. Probably be the latest headline in the local paper tomorrow - 4 'city kids' in fatal road traffic accident! :|

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This might amuse you, a couple of weeks ago someone from work told me a story where he was driving through Ipswich and some Chavs gave him some abuse while he was waiting at the Traffic lights. Hes does nothing, except causually give them the middle finger before driving to the next set of lights, which were red.


Now this bloke drives a tatty old Volvo 440, so he doesn't really give a crap what they do to the car as its worth nothing anyway. The chavs naturally run after him and one of them decides to kick the rear bumper of the car. Now remember what hes driving...


Apparently he was on the floor in the middle of the road in agony! :lol: The car was unmarked of course!

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This might amuse you, a couple of weeks ago someone from work told me a story where he was driving through Ipswich and some Chavs gave him some abuse while he was waiting at the Traffic lights. Hes does nothing, except causually give them the middle finger before driving to the next set of lights, which were red.


Now this bloke drives a tatty old Volvo 440, so he doesn't really give a crap what they do to the car as its worth nothing anyway. The chavs naturally run after him and one of them decides to kick the rear bumper of the car. Now remember what hes driving...


Apparently he was on the floor in the middle of the road in agony! :lol: The car was unmarked of course!


You, my good man, have just given me a plus point for buying a daily beater... :lol:

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i was sitting in the car a couple of weeks ago in a queue of traffic in a car park and talking to a mate of mine on the handsfree kit, the next thing i know is the chav from the skoda fabia in front of me with the huge carbon fibre (effect) spoiler and stick on crap all over it was banging on my window and shouting "fu**ing come on then" :o

so i opened the door and asked what he was going on about and he said "i saw you giving me crap in the mirror" :lol:


when i explained that i was on the phone he wouldnt have any of it and just kept throwing a wobbly and said he was a squaddie and you shouldnt f*** with squaddies wtf!!!!!! :lol:

then a copper walked past and he quickly got back in his chav mobile and drove off.


then later that day i noticed he was a couple of cars in front of me driving out of town, and when the cars behind him turned off he realised it was me and slammed the brakes on and skidded into a layby and opened the door in front of me and jumped out his car, i dont think he expected me to accelerate at him though :lol: :lol:

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sounds like you guys are getting yourself into alsorts of trouble, make me glad i live in a reasonable area with not too many of the chavs about ! i cant stand em !!

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I was driving thu manchester the other day and come to some lights. next thing i know is there is a 16v C pulled up next to me. I look across and nod at the driver who turns out to be as chav as they come. He then started yelling abuse at me. I gave him the finger as the lights turned green and floored it. I look in my mirror and it seems he stalled it at the lights.


That really made my day.


But the real point here is.......

People please stop selling your C's to Chav kids. :D



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being a carpenter i tent to carry tools in my boot, if i EVER get any sort of trouble i will pop the boot and unleash my £87.50 hammer on anyone who comes near me!

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£87.50 for a hammer?! should have gone to b&q mate they're only £9.99 :wink:


I dont tend to get much abuse from chav's, its more sales reps driving diesel mondeo's that tend to give me the middle finger!

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sounds like you guys are getting yourself into alsorts of trouble, make me glad i live in a reasonable area with not too many of the chavs about ! i cant stand em !!


Coventrys a pretty cack city but I live in a reasonable area.. but the city does have a pretty high chav percentage so no matter where you live you're gonna get some. Thats the first such incident i've had in quite a few years.

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I was at Adsa in Wigan the other night with my eldest daughter, 6 next week. I was on the handsfree to my mate when she shouts at the top of her voice.


'Daddy, daddy look at this car.'


I swing round thinking it's about to hit us(we are parked up). Blue Corsa loads of ridiculous flames on it.


'That's what we call a chav, Neve'


'A chav, daddy?'


'Yes, I know you are only 5, but don't bring one home to meet me, ever.'



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I went out for a random drive a couple of months ago with one of my mates & ended up sitting next to a beaten up Escort at some traffic lights before the Kincardine Bridge (for those of you that know it!).


The driver was doing the whole rocking the car backwards & forwards thing, so I looked over expecting to see a ned (Scottish chav) only to see a middle aged woman! Didn't think any more of it, but when the lights turned amber she went wheelspinning away & all I could do was watch her go in disbelief!


To top it all off, she pulled out in front of me on the motorway a couple of miles down the road when I was about halfway alongside her car! :mad:

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I had a chav and his side kick do this to me last year. I was driving back home after having lunch with my girlfriend, and this chav'd up nova came to the side of me and started trying to race. Of course I wasted him but then he decided to keep doing it, so everytime he caught up I'd shoot off. I thought I'd lost him, then I got stopped at a red light, and he belted up in the other lane so he got a bit in fornt of me, and then him and his mate got out and started shouting, I just laughed at them. Then they made the mistake of saying something about my girlfriend.

I got out with wheel brace in hand and an off the hook temper, I'm not usually glad of being a big lad but that day it helped :lol


Why do all chav's seem to have a stupid chip on their shoulder??

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You got to be careful mate, if your near where you live some jealos bas-turds can back and damage your car, unless you park it in a garage of course...did you hear bout bally's cousin nearly getting his S3 hi-jacked think that was in coventry aswell

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Well then, my drive home last night must have yet again been exceptionally boring, well chav-free that is :lol:


These things, however, tend to happen more when I'm in my Mk1 Rocco, but the Mk1's too good to rise to such (in)occasions (sic).



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I kepp a 6 D cell Maglite (*read - fookin heavy metal wepon :lol:)in the back of my car... haven't had to use it yet but it cetainly makes you a bit more relaxed in various chav neighbourhoods

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They were not exactly threatening - they looked about 15 years old! I think I was just surprised at their behaviour.


I think I should arm myself with some kind of weaponry in the car though.. I don't think an ice scraper would ward off any would be car jackers or road ragers..

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I kepp a 6 D cell Maglite (*read - fookin heavy metal wepon :lol:)in the back of my car... haven't had to use it yet but it cetainly makes you a bit more relaxed in various chav neighbourhoods


thats why you allways see the cops on those us shows resting thier maglites on thier shoulder so if someone jumps out on them they can twat them with it :lol:

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I think I should arm myself with some kind of weaponry in the car though.. I don't think an ice scraper would ward off any would be car jackers or road ragers..


Especially not one with a crocodile mit around it :D


It's always the same with chavs..... they think they're hard in numbers and don't expect anyone to stand up to them. But all you've got to do is stare them out and they wet their burberry pants and scarper.

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I was at Adsa in Wigan the other night with my eldest daughter,

Blue Corsa loads of ridiculous flames on it.

'That's what we call a chav, Neve'





Gav, My missus lives in Wigan. I think I've seen the same car!!


The place is CRAWLING with the creme-de-la-creme of chav sub-culture!


Makes me howl with laughter every time, when they razz on by.

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