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Washing the car yesterday, had a neighbour say he had been loving the C since he moved in. Told me I was doing a great job and must be very dedicated to it!


Made me grin lots after he went away.


A chuftie from my mrs who doesn't go in the car very often, told me how she loves the roar when I give it some! She says how the Saxo boys would love their cars to sound like our VR's!

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Funny one today. Car was parked up on my Dad's drive in Bispham, I was in the field planting some spuds 8) Suddenly I heard "NICE CORRADO!" shouted from a passing ibiza, one lad hanging out the window with a big grin and his thumbs in the air. Took me by surprise and all I could think to do was wave the spade in the air in thanks! The old man couldn't believe someone had actually shouted a compliment from a passing car. Think he may now understand why I haven't "got something a bit newer".

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I've had a van man leaning out of the window giving me thumbs up, certainly impressed the lady friend :p


Other than that, a bunch of chavvy school kids went "waaaw look a kradah!", one of my friends does insist on calling it a scirocco though, I did call his Ibiza the tracksuited polo though...

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Suddenly I heard "NICE CORRADO!" shouted from a passing ibiza, one lad hanging out the window with a big grin and his thumbs in the air. Took me by surprise and all I could think to do was wave the spade in the air in thanks!


That would be me then !


We had just been to the Eagle and child for lunch. Spotted your Corrado from the front of the pub so I made the Mrs drive down Green lane so I could get a good look. Liked the wheels in the same colour as the car.


Fingers crossed I'll be in mine next time.

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Suddenly I heard "NICE CORRADO!" shouted from a passing ibiza, one lad hanging out the window with a big grin and his thumbs in the air. Took me by surprise and all I could think to do was wave the spade in the air in thanks!


That would be me then !


We had just been to the Eagle and child for lunch. Spotted your Corrado from the front of the pub so I made the Mrs drive down Green lane so I could get a good look. Liked the wheels in the same colour as the car.


Fingers crossed I'll be in mine next time.


Nice one! My "two lads" comment is not a reflection on your Mrs - it all just happened so fast! Thanks for the shout anyway - luckily you saw the car's good side :)


I live in Preston but generally get to the old man's once a week. Love the drive to Mawdesley/Bispham, no matter which way I go there are some great roads.

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took my car to work and have had nothing but chufties. to quote a few;


"thats a proper classic"


"the voice of the engine sounds nice, yeah" (polish bloke :lol: )


"i always liked them"


and my favourite so far "what the f*ck have you done to it, it goes like stink"


made the last few months seem worth it to be honest.

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Suddenly I heard "NICE CORRADO!" shouted from a passing ibiza, one lad hanging out the window with a big grin and his thumbs in the air. Took me by surprise and all I could think to do was wave the spade in the air in thanks!


That would be me then !


We had just been to the Eagle and child for lunch. Spotted your Corrado from the front of the pub so I made the Mrs drive down Green lane so I could get a good look. Liked the wheels in the same colour as the car.


Fingers crossed I'll be in mine next time.


Nice one! My "two lads" comment is not a reflection on your Mrs - it all just happened so fast!


That's okay. My little boy was in the back of the car so I'll let you have that one !

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I had a chuftie today and I don't even own a Corrado yet. I was phoning Aviva for a quote (just to get driveaway insurance incase I bought a car I was test driving). The agent asked what the car was and when I told him I was greeted with a "ooh, nice car sir, I'd love to own one of those" :D :D


I didn't buy the car :(

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Was talking to the new neighbours, and he said 'It's a lovely car- I notice it every time it's parked on the drive'. Someone else asked me if I was selling it the other day. Er, no! :lol:

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Kindof a chuftie- some kids on bikes stopped outside the house as I was pulling in and one of them shouted 'Are you going back to the future?!' I wouldn't have known what he was on about if my mate didn't always refer to it as 'the Delorian'! Another bloke at work calls it the Bat Mobile :)

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Got one today :D


I went to the post office today and as I got out of the car a guy said "excuse me, how much did you pay for your car?" so told him and he told me he used to own one when he was 20 and said it a really nice looking car and that you dont see many around.


First one for a while 8)

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Had a chuftie today at my new job. Bloke I was working next to was behind me on the way in to work this morning, he said the usual "That's a nice car u have, what is it, a Scirocco?" :lol:

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Had a few nice scirocco comments from clients recently but best one was i was driving along a main road, came to a set of traffic lights turning right and some guy with his mrs was stood waiting to cross. As i drove past i had turned down my music and had window open i heard him say to his mrs "now THATS a proper sports car". Was well chuffed hehe

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Repeat Chufties - was parked outside Maternity Hospital few weeks back for couple hours a day and a elderly gent walked past checking the car out - eventully the car must've got the better of him, 'cus he popped out his earphones and came over to chat.


''wow, that's in great nick'', ''how long you had it'', ''quick isn't it (knowing nod of head)?''


then he mentioned he seen it all week and even walked out've his way to look at it :cheers:

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I think I might have gotten one yesterday...


Bloke started waving a chainsaw though, so I didn't stay to chat

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I got a shout n flash from a bloke in a vectra followed by a middle finger, more a case of road rage than a chufty, but least next time he knows not to piiss off a C owner :norty:

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Had my first chuftie today! The plasterer was round and he is a bit of a car nut. He walked outside and just said "wooh a corrado, it a storm as well! Rare car that mate" then he just looked round it for a while. I cant even drive the thing yet and it already is getting eyed up!

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Loads to report in the last few days 8)


got a bit of a girly chuftie at the petrol stn - saw a lady looking at the car and then in the queue to pay she started asking about the colour, saying how beautiful it is and that she is looking to buy a new car and none of them have such a nice colour available!


Then I got a big thumbs up and a very long flash of the lights from a lorry driver on the A34. I assume it was in appreciation of the C rather than being over-zealous in thanking me for letting him out to overtake :lol:


2 yesterday from different estate agents - 1st guy surprised me by calling it a Corrado not a Scirocco, then got the usual ‘nice car, quick aren't they' comments but it was the guy at the second house who made me laugh cos he kept referring to it as my 'race car' :lol:


Finally, a guy at work today asked if it was my new car and if I had got rid of the Jetta. I explained that I've had the C for nearly 5 yrs and that the Jetta is the daily and then we had a really long chat about how good Cs are and (again) what a lovely colour mine is :D


Has helped make up for a rubbish couple of weeks :)

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couple of chufties recently


one tonight in a car park. was walking back to car and notice a guy go to park in the space next to me - quite obviously eyeing up my wheels and trying to point them out to his passenger. He was so vigourously checking them out that he took about 5 attempts to actually park his car :lol:


yesterday was driving home in slow traffic, had window down. Cyclist came past on the out side and as he rode through he shouted through the window 'nice', then gave me a thumbs up as he carried on down the rode. He had to go past plenty of other decent cars on his way through the traffic jam but no-one else got that reaction :clap:

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another couple! Though I was not present at the time....


couple of dudes doing leafet drops stopped in the driveway and, according to the missus who was sat inside, spent ages walking round the car and checking the inside etc (you do worry sometimes though :pale: )


again, delivery guy dropping off my new Sony Head Unit this morning, ah'thank'u :lol: ,


Delivery guy: ''that your fella's car is it?''

the wife in mock-angry tone to doubt: ''yeah, it's his pride and joy''

DG: ''tell him he's a very lucky man''

Wife Blushing: ''why thanks''

DG: ''No, I mean the car love''

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Delivery guy: ''that your fella's car is it?''

the wife in mock-angry tone to doubt: ''yeah, it's his pride and joy''

DG: ''tell him he's a very lucky man''

Wife Blushing: ''why thanks''

DG: ''No, I mean the car love''



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Broke down in a tesco petrol station (dead battery) was pushing it to the roadside with the Mrs looking at me laughing, a fella drove past in a 3 series and offered to buy it even though i was pushing it! Well chuffed......... wiped the smile straight off the Mrs face! (she gets jealous)

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Bloke from chips away pulled onto my drive last night, took one look at my car and got his son to come out and have a look at a "proper car" I was well chuffed :grin:

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