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Good time to avoid Halfords!

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The credit card arseholes are back in...


Just popped in at lunchtime while driving past as you do for a few bits...


Within 3 minutes I heard a 'Good Morning' (it had just gone 12.00 but never mind)


They don't actually come out with the word credit card for 10 minutes but I'd heard it all before and you know it's them as they're not wearing halfords uniform. - I politly told him I wasn't interested and didn't have time to speak to him, he still kept pestering me so I walked off, he then followed me still asking questions so I bassically told him to fcuk off and just walked out of the store!


These guys are complete c%nts, they use hard selling techniques and are very pushy - like double glazing salesmen there job is bassically to rip people off - avoid at all costs!

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Yup, I had this in my local (to work) Halfords the other day. He was dead pushy and would't leave me alone, but he soon shut up when I waved £500 in twentys under his nose and shouted at him "why the f$@# would I want to give a company who employs annoying assholes like you any business when I have perfectly good CASH?!?" :twisted: :lol:


I'd just like to point out that I don't normally behave like this, but this guy caught me on a bad day and just wouldn't leave me alone even though I told him I wasn't interested 3 or 4 times politely first... :mad:

oh, and I was on my way to the bank, I don't normally walk about with that kinda cash in my pocket! :lol:

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I had the cashier at my bank ask me if i wanted there credit card !!

I say no thank's i'm alread in 60K in debt , that soon shut them up !! :)

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I was wearing my long leather jacket and oakley's too! Oh, and I was buying a set of Kenwood radio removing tools too! :lol:


My manager was there with me too which spoilt the image slightly, although he was absolutely laughing his socks off when we got to the till! :lol:

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Henny maybe he looked at you and thought that you was 'the one'


The one who will bring law and order to the Matrix! :lol:

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OMG! same thing happened to me last year in Sevenoaks Halfords. Being a laid back friendly guy and having some free time I started chatting to him. He says will just send me the bumf so I said sure. Then he asks me to sign! I've had debt collection jobs and sales jobs before so I know the score so just said "look I'm not signing ok?" so then his boss comes up to met 5 mins later, the cheeky git! I jus said "what!" and looked at him in disgrace so he backs off. I've a good mind to report these paracites.

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What's this then? I've never come across such people in Halfords. Do they work for Halfords?


Not directly..... they're a team of people contracted in by Halfords to punt their credit card for them. They only attack the superstore customers though.


You'll soon know when you're being hounded! Just look for people in suits sporting a clip-board and pen.


I've found telling them that I've got a 0% card already which they can't match does the trick and they bog off.

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I just love running into people like this, the feeling of telling someone to F*ck off and watching there face try to work out what they should do next is just great, mormons and jovo's coming to my door get the full treatment and so do people who wont take no for an answer...dont you just love the people who come round every other week trying to sell you a cheaper electricity or gas supply........F*CK OFF!!!!

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They only attack the superstore customers though.


wanna bet! i went into the small store in bath the other day, the guy didn't acknowledge me when i went in, spent 5 minutes harrasing a more respectible looking bloke, and then approched me when i was leaving! He said i could save 10% on my next purchase...


Wish i'd have known.. I'd just spent £4 on polish, could've saved 40p!

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In Halfords last week I heard the customer in front of me at the till complaining about the price of something and saying he would be in touch with the manager. I handed over the digi. tyre pressure gauge I was buying having picked it at the rear of the shop where they were ticketed at £9.99 - I had noticed the same gauge was £12.99 at the front of the store - when she charged me £12.99 I told her it was £9.99 where I had picked it up. "Show me where" she said. "Certainly" I said. When we got to the £9.99 ones she feebly muttered something about someone not changing the prices properly and I walked out with the gauge for £9.99.

The staff there never fill you with confidence.

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if it's advertised for that price, they have to sell it at that price, good on ya!


Actually no, they don't. They can decline to sell it to you at all, or offer it to you at the higher price - you can always refuse...


But most places wouldn't do that, simply because of the bad feeling it generates.

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Why the hell do they employ people like this to bully you into getting their products. Its no wonder this country has such an enormous debt problem. It kills me the most when a polite 'No thanks' or 'I am not interested' just won't suffice and they have to bug you even more.. then look upset and offended when you tell em where you are gonna shove their clipboard.



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they always seem to stop me when im in the UK, i just tell them im not a uk resident, thats stops them fast as hell

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try just looking at them blankly and not saying anything back at all :| , prize for the person that gets talked to for the longest!

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I always thought they had to sell it to you at the advertised price aswell, but tafkadm is right apparantly it is every shop keepers right to actually refuse to serve you at all whatever reason he has

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I work for halfords and can say that the service in some stores bloody stinks, its a joke, most of the staff in my own store have had no training and know jack all about anything and everything. Honestly we arent all that bad lol

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radoAds - did a bit of contract law at uni (odd for a media course but hey ho!) the price on the shelf is called an 'invitation to treat', once you get to the til and they ring up the price they're making an offer for you to accept which can technically be totally different to the invitation to treat, most shops will honor the price one the shelf though, like tafkadm said.

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Bloody Hell henny £500 for a couple of Kenwood radio removing tools. I think you have been seen off m8 :lol:

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ghee60 said

I work for halfords and can say that the service in some stores bloody stinks, its a joke, most of the staff in my own store have had no training and know jack all about anything and everything. Honestly we arent all that bad lol

A pity this, as without a doubt they stock a vast amount of great stuff. I have been shopping in Halfords since about 1963 :oops:. Many of us on the forum will probably spend a lot of time in there regardless of the knowledge or competence of the staff, because they carry such a vast amount of stock. I suppose they know they will always sell plenty regardless. Believe it or not, I bought a Honda 50 motor scooter in Halfords in Ayr in 1968. They were just sitting out on the floor on display like any other item.

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I handed over the digi. tyre pressure gauge I was buying having picked it at the rear of the shop where they were ticketed at £9.99 -


Was it one of their professional ones with the red backlit LCD display? I bought one the other day and it's superb!


I pulled a Halfords classic once..... I ordered a Momo wheel and boss some years ago for a Golf. I had to wait a few days for the boss to come in but when it arrived, the Ripspeed guy gave me the boss, wheel and a bit of paper with the pricing details for the boss scribbled on it.


I dump the whole lot onto the counter and the cashier just rings in the boss. So I walk out with nearly £200 worth of Momo stuff for £39.99 :D


Sometimes it pays if you get a dumb arse Halfords cashier that knows nothing about the products!


Yep... I remember the "Invitation to treat" stuff from college to Chrishill.... you can't use that in Halfords because they'll just look at you blankly and say "durrrr, you what? Treat me to invitations...?"

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kevhaywire said

Was it one of their professional ones with the red backlit LCD display? I bought one the other day and it's superb!


No 'tweren't that one. I bought it because I was impressed with it when I borrowed it from someone - felt it was better than the one I had.


Speaking of tyre pressure gauges, I once took delivery of a new Polo CL from a local VW dealer and found that the tyre pressures were all about 57-60 lbs/psi.

I checked with another gauge and confirmed it. I phoned up the garage and told them. He said "Never! - No chance!" I insisted he would be best to check it out.

Later in the week he phoned back and told me that the gauge in the workshop had been faulty.

What would the "auto experts" we buy our cars from be without the customer with a bit of technical knowledge? Of course, forums like this with the pooled knowledge and expertise of the many clued-up people on it is making the customer sometimes more informed than even the franchise technicians and, most certainly, the many charlatans in the motor trade.

May the force be with us. 8)

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