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I new to this forum not sure at all how to find my way around it, not like the other group i was used to any one with any tips my email link is at the bottom of this post - sorry for seeming dim its just all abit new to me.






***email address removed - stevemac***

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Welcome... yeah like gAf said very freindly round here and loads of useful info regarding C's - take it you have a G60? Post some pics if you can!?! 8)

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Welcome aboard. You can set-up/reg your PM (private message) and will appear at th bottom of all your posts. you may like to edit your origional post and remove your personal email. this is a public forum so all and sundery can see your mail address but have to regester to post and PM.


Where abt are you located and What do you drive. Hmm G60? D:





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Hey, welcome


Quick word of advice - lose your email address from that first post. Not so much because of shady characters on here - more over spammers and other peeps harvesting your email address for spamming...


PM is up at the top, quickest way is to click "You have no new messages" (or you have xxx messages if you do!)




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Welcome to the forum. From a shady character :lol:


From one shady character to another - hey hey! :lol:

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THEG60BIRD, welcome to the world of corrado :D have you got any pics? (of the car before anyone makes any stupid suggestions) were all a sucker for a good C. Andy

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Hello! Nice to have another female on here. That makes about 5 now!! We're a bit of a minority on here, but the guys are nice enough :wink:

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