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Speed Humps - Hate 'em

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Im fed up with all the speed humps, they dont do any good in the majority. The worst are the single lane humps; often high, too wide to miss - they ruin your tracking, or skirts. Often people drive down the middle of a road, or swerve to avoid them = danger!



The ones in Knowel are positioned so you cant miss them.


I prefer the road wide ones; in some places they work, if close to gether, ie not allowing you to get upto speed. However it can be said that shallow humps do nothing for slowing people up. Then you get very steep/high ones, eg Leicester, and that scraping sound of your skirt ripping off makes my skin crawl.


These sites name several more bad points:




sorry if this is a common/old thread

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I share your hatred of them.....but only because I hate using 1st and 2nd gears, which I'm forced to use over some of them. It's all that repetitive, slowing down, clonk up, scrape, clonk down, one after the other that does my head in. And then you get people up your backside in their sh1t cars they don't care about whislt you traverse them slowly to spare the suspension from damage.


And then Range rovers just blast over them laughing in the face of the council... so yeah, they are pointless to law abiding citizens but they work because the people that race around putting lives in danger are usually chavs with lowered suspensions.... and no I don't race around in urban areas :wink:

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shortly after i got my old car lowered, speedbumps appeared down my road, very annoying since they're the steep kind and my splitter caught unless i was very carful, its even worse int he vr6 as thats a fair bit lower, but the splitters fecked anyway and I'll probably swap it for a 50mm one for the sake of practicality.


daft thing is its a very quiet road leading into a residential area, you'd not really have any need to go down there unless you lived there and in the 3 years I've lived on the estate theres never been an accident and i dont think I've ever seen anyone speeding (not excessivly anyway).

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The thing is, the residents probably whinge about the noise from all the cars on the assumption that they're all going too fast.


In actual fact it's because it's all the chavs with "I can shove me head in that exhaust"s attached to their Paxos that make a huge amount of noise even when they're only doing 12mph.


So the council spend a stupid amount of money putting the speed bumps in, which means the chavs then floor it after each speed bump, thus making more noise than they were originally.



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I have got to say around where i live there are a fair few speed humps and some of them are tottaly uncalled for. If only the local cauncil used all the money and effort towards getting rid of the frikin' pot holes the size of great canyon instead of building all these speed humps people might actualy get somewhere in their cars without buckling their wheels or ripping their exhaust off clean. I mean, how can you possibly justify spending money on building speed humps on a road full of pot holes? If it was difficult to go down that road before than it is close to impossible now unless you have a 4x4 (and dont get me started on them!), you might as well close the road all together.

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At first they kinda worked, especially with women. But nowadays, people tend to ignore them, any car, not just 4x4s.


I never speed in a built up area, because i couldnt live with the guilt if i were to hit someone. I cannot belive the ammount of aggressive/dangerous driving by the general public; town driving being the most hazardous. Mostly women (Clio) or old men in (Jags) who dont know the size of thier car, feel the need to go over the white line.


The train station car park also has a nasty bump due to construction. So this bird in her F0cus came right up my chuffer, as i negotiated my way over the bump (as i found that a particular angle, at walking speed avoided any scraping). She continued to sit up my arse, in the 30 zone, then the 40. ..oO(com on you stupid cow, why dont you overtake if you wanna speed?) . Ah, now for the national speed limit - bye ....... yup sure enough, she was still busy adjusting the mirror for her makeup when i had dissappeared into the distance. Thats where speed belongs.


Speed humps are not making me a safer driver, as i never break the limit anyway etc, very observant. Im always thinking about fuel consumption too, as i accelarate away - indirectly being enironmentally concious too. :)


Maybe it is a good thing we slow down the "Chavs" , but they're only going to find back roads, or worse still, accelerate hard between humps and forget to consider hidden dangers. Then you've got the reps using them as launch pads... so - dunno whats worse. Just limit the chavs to 20bhp.

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I share your hatred of them.....but only because I hate using 1st and 2nd gears, which I'm forced to use over some of them. It's all that repetitive, slowing down, clonk up, scrape, clonk down, one after the other that does my head in. And then you get people up your backside in their sh1t cars they don't care about whislt you traverse them slowly to spare the suspension from damage.


Wow.. someone who feels the exact same way about em. Exactly why I hate crawling in slow traffic.. faffing around with 1st and 2nd gear. But speedhumps are the worst because as you say, you get the idiots in the cars they don't give two hoots about sitting up your jacksie!! Grrr...

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Wow.. someone who feels the exact same way about em. Exactly why I hate crawling in slow traffic.. faffing around with 1st and 2nd gear. But speedhumps are the worst because as you say, you get the idiots in the cars they don't give two hoots about sitting up your jacksie!! Grrr...


~looks down at gears~ , yup all there, nothing wrong with 1st or 2nd.


Why oh why Jimmy do you hate 1+2? Yeh, ok, 1st is snatchy, but its required when in slow [-10mph] moving traffic. Im the one who refuses to stop unless required, and will use 2nd, but whatever i do, i refuse to slip the clutch like the rest of those peeps. But then again, i do drive into Brum, whereas you have no such worries. ;)


back to speed humps... :evil:

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You try driving around with a B&M Quickshift and you'd learn to hate 1st and 2nd as well mate.

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It's widely known that in a lot of places the council has placed humps to use the money they have in thier budget and so they got more money next year they go hunting for roads to put them on, it's all wrong but how are we all letting them get away with it?

I don't know anyone that agrees or likes them so how are they so prolific?




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too many speed humps and traffic lights

and roundabouts. We need more flyovers :lol:


I once got stuck in Coventry in a road with loads of speed bumps whilst in my Mk1 Rocco :shock: That was NOT nice. I took my time navigating across every single one, trying as best as I could to ignore the pile of useless rustbuckets containing slightly agitated drivers (or car dimwits, judging by what they were driving) behind me :lol:



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There's a short road on the way into work that has eight speed bumps along it (thats eight!!), one about every 50 meters. A nice stream of traffic builds up behind me in the mornings :roll: :)


The only other route has the speed-bumps of DOOM, complete with gouges in the tarmac where everyone has scraped exhausts/towbars/bumpers/etc.

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at least u can see these bastarts, what abt them invisible potholes that are half a mile deep and u notice it a split second before u hit it arrrrrgh

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Im not a fan of speedramps but it dont stop me driving over them LOL


*scrape* *clunk* *arrrgghhh!!* :lol:



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too many speed humps and traffic lights

and roundabouts. We need more flyovers :lol:


If you're in a courtesy car, mini-roundabouts are flyovers ;) :lol:

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Im not a fan of speedramps but it dont stop me driving over them LOL


*scrape* *clunk* *arrrgghhh!!* :lol:




the 90mm spilter loves making regular contact with the road surface :D

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and roundabouts. We need more flyovers :lol:


I once got stuck in Coventry




Got to dissagree - Roundabouts are about the only part of a boring road like A46 that becomes interesting, and allows you to blast past everything. However you've gotta be ultra careful about people getting the wrong lane, straight-lining, etc.


Its also found in a Euro country (sweeden or somthing) that accidents were drastically reduced when all junctions were made into Roundabouts.


Stuck in Cov - sorry to hear that.


As for pot-holes, i tend to miss them; two reasons: 1 - on the bike you'd be off and into a hedge/tree, 2 - its a rough enough ride as it is, passengers often complain, so my eagle eyes keep a lookout.


It really gets me ; those moms in thier 4x4s taking the kids to school, as they mindlessly wizz over the humps, and almost straight over you too. (oh dear, what could that hav been, its ruined my application of mascara).

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However you've gotta be ultra careful about people getting the wrong lane, straight-lining, etc.


Exactly, how many times have I already been nearly cut-up badly by some idiot with no lane control, having to slam the brakes just when you wanted to have some fun.


Flyovers instead of roundabouts at junctions, very much like motorway junctions on the continent is the way forward (expensive, but keeps traffic flying if you're in the right car, that excludes almost 98% of the population then :lol:)


If you're in a courtesy car, mini-roundabouts are flyovers

Too true, I hate to admit that even in our company delivery van (even though it's my own company) I thrash the van, as it gives me no joy whatsoever, and somehow I don't care about it either, knowing full well that we're buggered if it does go wrong :roll:



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Too true, I hate to admit that even in our company delivery van (even though it's my own company) I thrash the van, as it gives me no joy whatsoever, and somehow I don't care about it either, knowing full well that we're buggered if it does go wrong :roll:




Ha ha, yeah - I made the mistake of telling my MD that "that turbo-diesel Corsa van's not too bad if you keep it floored during gear changes to keep the turbo spinning"!


I'll get me P45...

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