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The time has come...........

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Well, after all the hard work, head scratching (and scraping, and banging), tears (of joy and sorrow (and despair)), and after a solid fortnight of 11pm shifts working on the car to get it how it is now, I am proud to anounce that it's on it's wheels, and the engine runs turn-key and it's ready to be taken out on the road. I hope to get it out on the road for a blast tomorrow, then bring it back for a good check over to make sure all is OK. Then drive up to Croft Circuit on Sautrday and do the track day that I booked up months ago.


Hopefully it'll run OK, it idles and revs well enough when stationary, just hope all is OK with the 4WD. IT sounds utterly amazing, miles better than any VR, just like a really tuned VR in fact (which I guess it is after all).


I sincerely hope it's all been worth it and I have a good weekend at the track with no mishaps.


see you at croft and Santa Pod...and bring your camcorder........

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best of luck....gonna be reeeeaalll :D fun!!....and thats coming from a guy with a little ole 8v !!!

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Hadn't really thought about it before but after a build like that driving out of the garage the first time must be nail biting stuff!!!


Good luck for tomorrow and look forward to seeing it. ;-) :-)

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best of luck....gonna be reeeeaalll :D fun!!....and thats coming from a guy with a little ole 8v !!!

eerrr, read ALL of my sig........ :lol:

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i think corradowales, meant HE`S got an 8V



yeah...just rmember what its like mate....should make you enjoy it even more!

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Damn, I'm not going to be in the area this weekend, so I'll have to see if I can hear you from Kent :-)

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don't forget to put oil in it! ;) :twisted: :lol:


Hope it all goes well... It's well nerve racking the first time you take a project out for a drive, paranoia-city!


Get some vids of it, and hopefully I'll see ya at York sunday evening... 8)

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Yeah.. videos essential. Can't make Santa Pod (no car!) and seeing as this car has been talked about so damn much over the past year or so, i'm as bloody keen as the next man to see what it sounds and goes like!!

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I'll try pop along... my digital camera only takes very low quality movies, but I'll try get some all the same :wink:


Phat what time you going?


Edit - to Croft I mean :)

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good luck mr phat.... i have been out of the corrado scene for a while.... is this still the first corrado with an r32 engine and 4wd???


where is santa pod? if its close i wouldnt mind coming to watch

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I am going to croft with my mams MASSIVE video camera to vid it.

thats if I dont die of embarrasment hoiking this bloody thing about lol

I swear its shoulder mounted :lol:


let me know how you get on mate

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i gotta frickin' work now too, so i is not making it to croft :( poo!


can't wait to hear/see clips though!

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Well, sorry to let you all down, but it never made itto croft or the pod....gutted.


I couldn't get any time off work on Friday, and by the time I dragged the car out of the garage and had it in a state to test drive it was 8pm.


I took it around the block, twice.....it was utter sh1te.....no brakes at all, steering was awful (those new tyres probably, awful until bedded in), brakes discs grinding away (surface rust on the rears as I had to revert back to stock brakes at the last minute), huge flat spot at 4000rpm ish, exhaust knocking on the prop when I booted it.


so, I gave up and just put it away and went in the house to sulk.


So, gutted that I missed the 2 shows, but still glad that I set the croft deadline, as it really made me crack on with the car, just need to sort out these little niggles now.


It did go well, felt like the fornt end was lifting about a foot in the air when I planted it!!! and the sound is just immense.


My camera is away for repairs....mpegs coming soon once it's sorted.


doubt I'll have it done for inters now, but there is a slim chance it may be fit to take there.

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