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Tesco 99RON

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Ive just heard that Tesco are doing a 99RON unleaded petrol !!!!!! Its 85.9p per litre.


I never go to supermarket petrol stations cos ive heard that the fuel is c*** :roll: but i pay over 90p per litre for Optimax so it might be a little tempting to have a go.


Anybody else heard of this or tried it???

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Not sure.. always heard bad things about Tesco fuel! But then I did used to use Sainsburys Super Unleaded without any problems in my G60, from time to time! :)

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It's all the sand that's in there along with the dodgy octane booster that you gotta be worried about :lol:


Seriously tho, it's probably alright. Give it a go and see what it's like...

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A friend of mine that lives in Sevenoaks told me about this, apparently it a Super unleaded trial that there doing so its not at all of their petrol stations. If someone comes across it and wants to try it id like to know if its any good.

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I wondered when the Supermarkets would compete with Esso, BP and Shell with 97+ RON fuels.


The reason supermarket fuel gets a bad name is because they tend to buy what ever's cheapest on the stockmarket at the time of purchase, so you never knew what you're getting in your tank from one week to the next.


99 RON at 85p is currently 11p cheaper than what I pay for Optimax, so hopefully that'll stick a rocket up BP and Shell's arses and force them to lower prices, the greedy feckers.

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i have to say....i filled up my taxis at tesco for 7 years. I couldnt say no to the points thing.. when you're using around £100-£150 a week in fuel it adds up!!..and ive never had a problem with their fuel. I only use superunleaded in my raddo cos it needs all the help it can get so ive not used tesco since i jacked the taxiing in. However i'll definatly be up for some of this 99 RON if they sell it near me.

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would be really interested to know where they will be selling this and when?...hopefully they'll keep us welshies in mind! :roll:

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I have a Tesco credit card, if I spend 2 pounds at Tesco I get 3 points on my clubcard. Between the Corrado and my girlies car petrol makes up quite a lump of money at the end of the month so I’m Tesco all the way.


Never had a problem, other then I cant keep up with other Corrados – maybe it dissolved my other 8 valves !!!

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I cant stand Tesco's...bloody bullies.


Mr Tesco is one Rich Bar steward. You have to go with it though...

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They discussed this over at Briskoda.com a few days ago- sounds like it's pretty good stuff. As Kev says, hopefully this will force the others to lower their Super prices- Tesco are quite a market force these days!

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As Kev says, hopefully this will force the others to lower their Super prices- Tesco are quite a market force these days!


I hope so, I spend a forture every month on fuel.

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I've been using sainsbugs best for years without any probs. Funnily enough I checked my local Tescos pums a few days ago to see what they had - none of the good stuff though. I'll have another look tomorrow as have to go there again.

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I have been using Sainsbury's super-unleaded (97-octane) for several months, currently 83.9p per litre in this neck of the woods. No adverse effects, and actually more reliable than Optimax which seems a bit of a lottery. Or maybe I'm imagining it; it's difficult to be 100% objective unless you stick it on the rolling road every time you fill up.


But. I'll definitely have a look at this 99-octane stuff and report back.


Best wishes



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And another thing......


I get a bit fed up with "Honest (!!)" John in the Saturday Telegraph going on and on and on about how dreadful supermarket fuel is. If he is to be believed, the path to true happiness can only be achieved by running a Honda on Shell petrol.


Best wishes



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this sounds great! i only really ever use sainsburys, cheapest 97 anywhere and i can't tell the difference. sure its all the same stuff anyway.

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All of the petrol compaines these days use the same distributors to deliver the fuel, the additive are put in at the garage by the driver from what i understand. thats why in the petrol shortage you saw the different oil compaines wagons coming out of the same depo. well thats what i understood of it

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used to know someone whose dad was a big wig at BP. Told me sainsbury n tesco fuel was all BP anyways..... but it might be the dregs, think wetherspoons lol

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Drove my girlfriends focus 2.0 esp for 1500 miles on 95 ron then tried a tank of 99 ron tesco stuff and didn't really notice much differance. Then again the focus is set up for 95 ron.


Got back into my rado and filled up with the Tesco stuff and the car goes flippin great! Could be phsycological or just the joy of getting back into my rado but it does seem to pull well and is muuuuuch cheaper than optimax.



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tescos? :wink:


chris - :p


have you found any tesco's supplying this up here? don't even know where theres a tesco petrol station let alone if it supplies rocket fuel :)

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kingston park has a tesco's petrol station, not sure if it sells the super-juice though, might have to go find out.

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just found this clicky. Gives a list of tesco's selling it.


there is some other funny stuff on there, not sure about the ECU thing might have to give that a try lol

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