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Whats the most embarrasing moment you've had in your corrado

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I drove over a speed hump too fast that I didn't notice was there whilst admiring some young chick. Bloody women, they're too much of a distraction. The car made all sorts of lovely expensive noises, but there wasn't a mark on anything, so I was quite lucky.... the girl in question sniggered to herself and carried on about her business. Most embarrassing!

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scraping is good...... crashing ya car into a help the aged shop at 10:30 fri night round the corner from a club is embarrassing
That is funny very funny. I bet you had a bit of sweet talking to do.


lucky i was in tracksuit bottoms and t-shirt jus coming back from the gym,,, otherwise it woulda been a lot worse and i failed the drink drive thing1st time musta been the lucozade sport.....knowadays ive given up going to the gym its a lot safer.... added padding comes for free too

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Mine has to be rather recently.

Taking a female off here out for a spin..... and get done for speeding.

Nice. Oh how big and clever I felt then... :'(


:lol: Doh.

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Not long after getting my first Corrado (literally like 1st or 2nd day of ownership) I remeber taking a bunch of mates for a spin and deciding that I needed to go fill up.. completely forgetting about the lowness of the Corrado and being foolish and trying to show off, I went racing into the petrol station and smacked the chin spoiler VERY hard on the ramp on the way in.. then after filling up, managed to set the car alarm off.

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I think mine has to be spinning the VR 180 degrees on a roundabout in rush hour.. This happened a few years back. I was behind a Fiesta Zetec who thought he could out run me on the bends. We came to Windover Roundabout in Bursledon (Nr Southampton), i sat with him easily, and we were touching near on 55 going around the outside of everyone. He took the exit before mine, and i had to take another right turn before my exit. Stuck to the outside, i went into the bend, but half way round the camber of the road totally changed. I hear the screeching of tyres, wondering 'where is that coming from?' Before i realized it was me, i was already in an un-recoverable sideways slide. Without hitting anyone, or anything i find myself pointing the wrong way on a busy roundabout, with everyone having to stop in front of me, while i started the engine (forgot to dip the clutch!) and drove off :oops: Has to be my most embarrassing driving moment in any car..

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Well technically it wasn't my car when it happened but i had a horrendously embarassing moment with my previous C a 16v. I sold the car to a nice chap (hey bro if your on here....sorry once again!!) was chuffed to have sold it because i needed some funds for the newly aquired Vr and i'd spent quite a bit of time sorting the little common niggly things required prior to corrado sale. Anyway money exchanged got a fair deal he left in his new corrado roaring up the road which having been the first one he'd driven would have (okay...should have!!) been a pretty nice experience. About ten minutes after he left the phone rings, mum comes out saying its for me i tell im busy can she take a message......she says no!!!.....its a chap called **** and he wants to speak to you NOW!!


Anyway turns out the front wheel decided it had been attached to the hub for long enough so had come off and overtaken him about 6 miles down the road!! I've never felt so awful! So i went and found him..........he found the wheel........in a tree. We put it back on the now rather Fooked front disc and i drove it home.....Slowly. So thats was my first Corrado Sale...........sold for about 30 mins!! I Bought it back off him with a bit extra to get his now rather muddy clothes dry cleaned and said im so so sorry about 50 times. Then spent a shed load of money sorting it all out. Turns out the alloys (came on the car when i bought it!) were totally wrong for the hubs and that was the cause.


Shame i loved that car until the day i sold it!!!


Fair do's to him though he came back the bext week and bought it.

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Agreed! edd, you're too nice!


Friend of mine sold a right $hitter to some bloke cheap from the local paper, and had cabled-tied the exhaust to the hangers (as it was screwed).


Guy rings up half way round the M25 - exhaust has heated up nicely and melted all the cable-ties and shouting down the phone as his exhaust lays on the ground.


"Sold as seen, mate!"

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Driving from Brussels to Amsterdam with the alarm constantly singing at top voice in rush hour.


After 2 hours of driving I arrived at the audio/alarm shop that fitted it, jumped out, ran straight into the shop and demanded the guy working to 'stop that f&cking noise before I rip it out and shove it up your ****', much to the amusement of the queue of customers waiting for help.



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kevhaywire, you wouldn't mess with Darryl..... BIIIIIIIG lad....

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LOL, there's always bigger people around mate, and how does Darryl know the bloke he sold the car to isn't an axe murderer with loads 6'6" body builder mates? :-)

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its hard to look cool when every time you turn the wheel the powered steering makes a sound not disimilar to a gremlin chorus!! usually in the middle of town. when you wanna impress!!

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Agreed! edd, you're too nice!


Friend of mine sold a right $hitter to some bloke cheap from the local paper, and had cabled-tied the exhaust to the hangers (as it was screwed).


Guy rings up half way round the M25 - exhaust has heated up nicely and melted all the cable-ties and shouting down the phone as his exhaust lays on the ground.


"Sold as seen, mate!"


I thought all 2nd hand cars carry the 1 minute, 1 mile g'tee i offer?! :lol:

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A friend of mine took a cheeky shortcut to avoid the queues on the way back to work from the pub on a Friday lunchtime. Unlucky for him, the watching coppers didn't like what he did, and followed him to the car park at work. He then suffered the ignominy of sitting in the back of the police car at the entrance to the site, being breathalised, while every returning worker walked past with a front row view!


Edit: he didn't get done.

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Had a race with a A3 today- had the fella sitting right up my ass when pulling onto the M606 motorway & I did the usual VR trick of snicking into third and accelerating ever so slowly in the outside lane until the spoiler pops up before nailing pedal to metal and mmmmmwwwwhhhhaaaaaaa- all hell breaks loose and he's a hundred metres back- hehehehe :lol:


The only difference this time being the unplanned addition of one of the top radiator hoses literally blowing itself to pieces on the redline in third- cue one massive vortex of boiling coolant in the rear view mirror and one very embarrassed c-nut making a shameful dive for the hard shoulder :( :oops:


Cheers for the other Corrado that stopped to investigate (another mystic blue Storm- what are the odds on that)- and the AA did a great cobblage job with some plastic tubing, jubilee clips and lots of tape to get me the 80 miles home without losing a drop of coolant.


Another day in the life of Corrado ownership!!

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Most embarrassing? Getting it seriously sideways on the roundabout 300 yards down the road from work in front of several large queues of traffic :)


After a bit of over-correction (followed by a quick over-correction back again, then a bit of accurate correction) I actually left on the correct exit and went home. I do however remember the wide-eyed looks from those in the queue :)


In my defence, it was early days of Corrado ownership and a wet roundabout - in the Mk1 I had just sold lift-off oversteer was hard to provoke. I found out it's a tad easier in the C... :)

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just been shopping,started my car in gear causing me to nudge a shopping trolley that hit another trolley starting a chain reaction resulting in about 20 or so trolleys racing across the car park

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Last castle combe action day i managed to get on the golf+ stand and get a little free track time! :D


However after leaving all the saxos etc on the first lap, my cv joint decided to give up the ghost around quarry corner and i had to be trailered off of the track!!! :oops:

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managed to leave my car in gear in a car park.started engine and car shot into the back of a 4x4.mate was pissing himself i feared the worst. was lucky as it had a tow bar which just knocked against my number plate.phew.

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just fell out of my car after spraying silicone on my floor trays, in front of a packed street full of shoppers

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