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shocked (Inter's Thread)

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I had a good day... shame it took so long to get there and the traders started packing up so early (sunday) was great to put some more faces to names and had a goooood curry in Ipswich on the way back 8)


Have some pics of spotted C's in the show and in thew car park - will post these later once I've had a chance to edit them a bit...

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Well i'm agreeing with most here, i only lasted 1-2 hours on Saturday before the weather p1ssed on me and p1ssed me off ! Sunday was better, got there earlier while the weather was good, some nice cars, JMR's 16VG60 was a nice tidy engine bay, never saw it do the 1/4 though. Met a few people off here which was cool. Will be going to E38 and hoping its better.

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Used to love the inters at TRL. Went sat and was very disapointed mainly with the lack of atmos, whole thing just felt cold to me.


Nice to see Mr Haywire though (great car!) and i think henny was parked 2 rows behind me in the grey C with borbets?? Was actually walking up to say hi when you drove off to leave!


Got some nice mats & VAG hts for £45, Latter kinda paid for the day.

Can't beleive I took friday off to polish the car after good weather reports, only to find on arrival it looked like it had done the paris-dakar!


Also could'nt buy an vr ht tool anywhere, asked a couple of stands and one had one but would'nt lend it to me!! I even offered a deposit but they just said no!! Won't say which one, but that did it for me, never again. I will defo join you all at this other event though, everyone says its good.

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I took a few, but it rained so hard i would have ruined my camera!

Got some shots of Kevs, the black swb quattro and some nice golfs.

plus my mate doing a 6.36 and 14.9 1/4 on digi video if you want me to post any of these? Bit gutted he got that time with a bogo 2.0 16v in a mk2 golf!? Sure mine would have done him but as nobody would lend me an ht tool to cure my missing there was no point running, still cant beleive nobody would lend me one for like 2 mins!! What happened to the friendly VW scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeh valver i saw that mk1 g60, it was rapid!! he was dusting everyone. Seen him leave aw tracksports supercharged turbo mk2 standing... lol that was a sight ..


Saw the corrado u mentioned leave that e46 m3, lol he must have been gutted.

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My review of my third GTI International......


Good bits....


Had a really good laugh on Friday night.

Had a warm shower on Saturday morning.

Saw some nice cars.

Had a laugh with some good people on Saturday night.

Met some good folk with interesting things to say while at the show.

The official at the gate gave me £5 and a free ticket on Sunday


Bad bits....


I left my flat on Friday at around 3.30pm, and arrived at the campsite just before midnight.

I paid £45 for me and my two mates for a patch of bumpy ground for 36 hours and 6 showers (only 5 of which were actually taken, with only three of them being hot).

I got less than 5 hours sleep on Friday night, and that was in the car. During this time I vaguely remember opening the door to be sick, however I chose to set this aside in my mind until shortly after I stood in it getting out of the car.

On Saturday morning, after whistling various tunes through my a*se I went to the toilet to find they were out of service temporarily and smelling totally vile, forcing me to wait a further 30 minutes; a feat I am quite proud of given the magnitude of my hangover.

The food, if I can call it that, was more expensive than I care to remind myself about.

When we got back to the campsite on Saturday we found that the fly sheet had been sitting against the inner and had let water through, so had to spend a good few hours running in and out of the car between rain showers, using our sleeping bags as kites.

As I never got my sleep, I had a very quiet night and never got into the spirit of things including sitting in near silence in the Snape and Sail and Whale and Lettuce - Sorry to all those that were there!

On the Sunday by the time I got to the shower there was no gas, so had to have a cold shower.

As with the Saturday, the cars were not jaw dropping like I remember from 2003, no sign of PVS etc only one company had some new super fast cars that I hadnt seen before.

The show was stupidly long and thin.

There was no queue for the strip, which made the show feel empty.

I left Ipswich at 6:30pm and got home at 12:30am.


In conclusion....

I had an excellent time, and dispite the show feeling like a lot was missing, the weekend as a package was excellent. I hope people realise a few things with GTI Inters before it is too late......

1) The show isnt at TRL anymore, and although it may well be very much poorer than it was in the glory days. That is gone, get over it. It is still a VW show weekend, which is a better way to spend a weekend than a lot of other weekends I can think about in the last year.

2) This year was not as good as 2004, not because of the show, but because of the lack of people. This may be a little philosophical, but applies to a lot..... Life is what you make it. I went to have a good weekend, I acheived this and I will be going next year to do the same. It is also worth noting that I didnt speak to anyone who said they were having a bad time, so it cant be as bad as you are all making out. I am not at all saying that this is the finest show in the VW callender; far from it in fact, however it will dissapear from the callender if people dont go.

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My review of my third GTI International......

1) The show isnt at TRL anymore, and although it may well be very much poorer than it was in the glory days. That is gone, get over it. It is still a VW show weekend, which is a better way to spend a weekend than a lot of other weekends I can think about in the last year.

2) This year was not as good as 2004, not because of the show, but because of the lack of people. This may be a little philosophical, but applies to a lot..... Life is what you make it. I went to have a good weekend, I acheived this and I will be going next year to do the same. It is also worth noting that I didnt speak to anyone who said they were having a bad time, so it cant be as bad as you are all making out. I am not at all saying that this is the finest show in the VW callender; far from it in fact, however it will dissapear from the callender if people dont go.


I agree totally, getting abit fed up with people moaning all the time. If people decide to boycotte this show and others we will not have any left in this country and that would be a shame. I remember back in the day when we use to go to the dutch treffen in Baarlo every year, what a show that was. But as soon as this moved location a number of times the numbers dropped until they could not justify organising it.


I have been to every International since 1991 and will contiune to, its as good as you make it, and no one can control the weather so make the best of it.


One thing never changes and that is the genuine enthusiasts that I meet at this show and others and thats what is all about. Speaking to like minded individuals with a common interest.


I realise some of you guys may not agree with my view, but hey thats my view.... :?


By that way it was good to see and speak to so many new faces on the scence, it all helps to make the weekend enjoyable for me what ever the weather brought! :)

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Oops, sorry if i moaned to much. I would have enjoyed it regardless of weather if i had met more of you guys i think. i didnt speak to many people on stands, and those i did i must have picked badly, apart from the german guys who were a great laugh. My own fault for not being that out going. Used to be easier when more mates were into the scene.


Think i've been a bit harsh. If had met up with some forum members and camped+beer would have made it a diff story. I think they could move the date forward a month though, and i dont mind walking but must have covered 15 miles too and from the car/show/1/4 mile entry etc.


Point taken, i just have no friends!

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Sorry Bally, just realised my avatar angle matches yours, except mine is 17 feet higher off the ground! Will change it at the weekend, was'nt copying honest!

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I agree about the atmosphere - you can only blame the organisers to a degree, the people attending the event create the atmosphere - thats US, it was my first GTi International and while I intend to go to a couple of European events next year I think its only right to support the UK events too

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I agree totally, getting abit fed up with people moaning all the time. If people decide to boycotte this show and others we will not have any left in this country and that would be a shame. I remember back in the day when we use to go to the dutch treffen in Baarlo every year, what a show that was. But as soon as this moved location a number of times the numbers dropped until they could not justify organising it.


Its not a case of boycotting the show, its the organisers job to put on a show in the right location, attract the showcars and charge a fair price to the punters. They failed on all counts and need to try harder and listen to what their customers want same as any organisation. The number of shows this year has nearly doubled, so the scene is stronger than ever and autometrix have to compete for custom, simple.

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IMO they should move it later in the year - there's a really big gap between Inters and the other shows, and a lot of guys just haven't got their cars ready as they're aiming more for the later shows - plus clashing with Worthersee this year wasnt too good... That said, I enjoyed bitching about the weather with Phil K, kevhaywire, dinkus, andi & Supercharged... ;) Had said that I wasn't planning on gong next year, but we'll see... It was quite annoying to see everything being packed up at only 4pm on the Sun though!

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now...this is where my own opinions clash..... I know what I mean isnt wrong, and at the same time, you are 100% correct, autometrix have made it a business, rather than a 'for the cars' type show, and in that respect if they want business, they need to listen to customers. Still from a selfish point of view, if i go, it isnt as good because others are not.


The thing i like about gti and ed 38 is its a weekend....it isnt worth my while travelling down for a one day show.

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Its not a case of boycotting the show, its the organisers job to put on a show in the right location, attract the showcars and charge a fair price to the punters. They failed on all counts and need to try harder and listen to what their customers want same as any organisation. The number of shows this year has nearly doubled, so the scene is stronger than ever and autometrix have to compete for custom, simple.


Very true, I think that the location that has been choosen by Autometrix is purely to encourge the European visiters but in a way it has back fired to a point since getting to the site for most in this country is via a cross country route unlike TRL. I think for too long Autometrix has relayed on Inters being the premier show of the year, and for that reason have got away with charging the amounts they do and not looking at what other shows have to offer.


Yes the scene is stronger than ever but it would be a shame to lose this show in the VW calendar after all to most it was the show in it`s past that give people so much inspiration to perfect or improve there own cars.


They do need to listen to the public but it needs to be done in a manner in which they will realise what is required, i.e. to email them or write to either Volkswagen or Audi Driver Mags. Airing views on these forums are fallling on deaf ears, making a point to the organisers is the only way things can change for the better. I have done so in the past and will do again. I think they realise at the performance of the show over the last few years that something needs to be done. Traders that have done such a roaring trade in the past are questioning setting up due to the lack of sales these days.


As per the moaning I wasn't having a dig at anyone in particular, its just the vibe that has been hovering over this show for the last few years and the word "boycotting" has been used in the past.


At the end of the day I enjoyed the show and its not everyday you have a good laugh with them ever so happy and extremely tall Dutch guys!!! :)

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My Inter's trips have come to an end now. The last couple of years just has not done it for me. The location, bad weather and just a lack of spirt on the day. I will be definitely looking to do something different next year, it's just not worth the money or the drive. Worthersee here I come!!

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Very true, I think that the location that has been choosen by Autometrix is purely to encourge the European visiters but in a way it has back fired to a point since getting to the site for most in this country is via a cross country route unlike TRL. I think for too long Autometrix has relayed on Inters being the premier show of the year, and for that reason have got away with charging the amounts they do and not looking at what other shows have to offer.


The show was moved to Bentwaters primarily because they were offered a cheaper rent by Bentwaters' landlord, but also because of all the flak they got over the layout & access to the Wroughton show in 2002. I know this because Neil Birkitt (editor of VW Driver) told me so four years ago when the annoucement to move to Suffolk was first made shortly after the Wroughton show. It was also hoped at that time that the new location would make it more attractive to the Europeans.


At that time I expressed reservations about the Bentwaters location to him as I knew how far out it was, and I have continued to say this during other conversations I've had with him about the show during the past three years. Simply put, the location is way too far out in the sticks, and anyone who has tried to find non-camping accomodation up there for the weekend will testify as to the difficulty in trying to book accomodation within 20 miles of the place after around January. The weather has also been pretty poor every year (I believe the current tally is something like 4½ rained days out of 6 in the last three shows) and whilst you can't really blame Autometrix for the weather, it does seem that the region is rather wet compared to everywhere else at this time of year.


A20LEE is also right when he cites the increased numbers of shows on the calender as having an impact. It's no longer enough to commit a lot of time, mileage and money to a weekend show like Inters simply because it used to be a great show. If people are disappointed with a show, many just won't return the following year and elect to do a different one instead rather that hope the poor show is improved. The numbers of attendees, show car entrants as well as clubs going to Inters each year is now clearly in a downward sprial which may not be reversible IMHO.


I'm not sure what all the answers to this problem are but I am sure that the remote location is probably 70% to do with it. I just hope that Autometrix do look for a new location for 2006 as it would at least show they are prepared to put up fight for show-goers. If not then I fear it will just peter out which I think most people would agree be a damn shame given the event's history.


Oh well... only a couple of weeks to Stoner Park now :)

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Im not bothering with inters anymore, booked hotel for Worthersee next year..


Stoner Parks a good show.. see you all there..

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Just had a look at the link, shame its abit far away for me. I'm in east suffolk.


I enjoyed the inters, but then again I did last year to! the weather was abit of a let down, butI went both days and just made the most of it.


Have to say tho.....going to see the SuperBikes beats these events hands down!! and i've been quite a few times now. The next event i'm going to is the BFM in Peterborough 21/22nd May-i've never been to this one before. :)

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Yeah but all shows are going to be further away from you than Inters. Your bro and blokey both made it up to E38 last year... ;) :D

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Yeah but all shows are going to be further away from you than Inters. Your bro and blokey both made it up to E38 last year... ;) :D


Yeah, it was my bro that went and i think he went with my blokey (not sure). Not so keen on the tent seen though, lol. If it is the event i'm thinking of-my b.friend said the other day i should go to it! hopefully i'll be riding in a nice black, G60 rado too!

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