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Rant about roundabouts.

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(Electronic) Hands up who knows that you're supposed to give way to traffic coming from your right at roundabouts? All of you? Good. Could you please inform the old bat in the Poxhaull Corset who didn't even look to the right before pulling out, and was totally oblivious to the squeal of tyres on a Metro locking up desperately trying not to hit her.

While your spreading these pearls of wisdom, to the populace of York, could you further inform the stupid woman in the VW Heresy that having observed someone pull an emergency stop to avoid hittting said blind bat in the Corset, you do not then pull out onto the roundabout 'because he's stopped'



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And when the old fogies pull out in front of you at roundabouts you get one of two things happen.. they either pull out staring at you the whole time like its your fault, or they just tense up and grip the steering wheel staring straight ahead and kangaroo away leaving you ready to spit fire.


Never so much as a wave or anything to say sorry.

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You should try them on the Isle of man! wow, whole new experience! had the same woman pull out in front of me 3 days in a row! each time she just stares at me! lol. gonna buy a £50 scrapper and have some fun :D

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haha so true,lol at tensing on the wheel and kangarooing away! :lol:


reminds me,i was sat at a 2 lane roundabout on sunday.


me in left lane,2 cops in a car on the right and a car behind each of us.


the cop was edging out slowly,as a white van came booting round the big roundabout,


the cop stuck it in reverse and backed straight into the guy behind in a lexus is200. :lol:



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MBeadell, haha the isle of man is class for roundabouts! the double rbout up the road from McD's in Douglas. I wet myself every time!


(my grandma lives over in the IOM)





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Yeah quarterbridge is fun. Everyone either sits and waits for someone else to move or everyone goes at the same time! normally try to find a big lorry to use as a blocker! :D

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LOL.... I did the worst sin on a Roundabout today. I didn't indicate when turning right! I was gassing to my mate and forgot as the route is just ingrained into my head.....but jees did the landrover bloke go mad. Heard him shouting out of his window cause he had to lock up!


I hate it when people do that to me but tbh this guy wasn't even feckin looking where he was going anyway.... he just barreled onto the roundabout and then gave a quick, cursory glance to the right and then saw me coming at ya! . So, ,message to Mr Land Rover prick, try looking on the roundabout for a clear exit BEFORE driving onto it....you got the shake up you clearly deserved through your lack of due care and attention, and apologies for forgetting to indicate...but the law is on my side I'm afraid.

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And when the old fogies pull out in front of you at roundabouts you get one of two things happen..


or, option 3, we old fogies have seen you coming and we're on, round, and out the other side before you can say "look, another Corradoooooo"


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or, option 3, we old fogies have seen you coming and we're on, round, and out the other side before you can say "look, another Corradoooooo"



Love it! :D i think the probem lies with the 60 & over's wearing there flat cap and glasses driving there rovers and vauxhalls (hmmmm slight stereotyping i think!) who never look anywhere other than straight forward totally oblivious to the trail of destruction they are leaving in there wake.

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And why is that when you stuck behind the aformentioned fogies on a roundabout they never seem to want to pull out...?

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on several occasion...usually in the lorry i have just bumped the kurb and go round them! and they've still been sitting there when ive got round the r/b and left it.

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I think it was Jeremy Clarkson that said 'Never trust anyone wearing headgear in a car'.


Coffin dodging gits.


Was the pizza OK Tom??



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I think it was Jeremy Clarkson that said 'Never trust anyone wearing headgear in a car'.




How true that is and it applies to the burberry covered chav brigade too :lol:

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worse thing I've seen on a roundabout was in newcastle, in gridlocked traffic. roundabout is 2 lanes wide, big articulated truck on the inside and a lass in a corsa on the outside, both pretty much stationary. Mr truck driver decideds he doesnt want to wait anymore and starts to edge forwards and to the right, as he does so the trailer starts to creep left (if you can imagine, with those funny trailer physics) anyway the upshot is that his rear wheels make contact with the corsa and as hes in a big old truck with his mirrors blocked by the front end of the trailer he doesnt notice...corsa ends up at 45 degrees to the road with this poor lass franticly beeping her horn and waving her arms about until some passer by gets the drivers attention and stops him rolling the car right over. scary stuff!!


oh i also saw a old mini clip the edge of a roundabout and do a quite acrobatic flip in icey conditions when i was waiting for the school bus years ago...

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Marc, I will send some more of the Rustington locals your way in their automatic dodgems, just to make you feel at home, and also throw in a few hats and high steering wheels (can't see the driver...).


I also believe there is a club for the old dears that can't park well, called the '30 Degree Club' or something like it, regarding the angle to the kerb that they obtain once parked parallel....


The also like to take the straight line over a two lane roundabout of you have noticed, which is great if you are on the inside, or just about to be!

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Gav, yeah the pizza was ok I think, although it might have resembled a Calzone as all the toppings shot forward with the momentum... :-) Still the brakes on the metrot were better than expected, just a shame about the handling, acceleration and top speed :-)

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