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i'll start at the begining,it all started about 8weeks ago when i was driving home from work one night and i failed to notice the biggest,deepest pot hole you could imagine,my heart sank has i heard the thud of my alloy against the road (BUST ALLOY).next my drivers side door handle decided to brake inside so i had to climb over the passenger side untill i decided to make a new one using a passat rear handle and a jubilee clip(it will do for now)this was followed by the passenger door handle doing the same(still not fixed)things went ok for a week or two untill the sunroof decided to play up,it would tilt but not slide it would only pull down on one side which scratched it slightly.my mate decided to have a look at it for me only to break a piece metal off which looks like some sort of guider i haven't even priced a repair job up(it still tilts & closes)and the next thing to happen is that everytime i go over a bump my wipers decide to come on squirting water all over the place which is starting to get really anoying so it looks like i need some new wiper controls too,the last thing to happen was the battery went flat so i had to climb in through the boot seen as though i'd de locked the drivers side with the passat handle and the passenger one still not fixed guess i better start saving to repair everything or sell the G60 and save for a VR6 i don't think i could take anymore problems

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Man, that sucks... It's never the big things, but the little niggles that eventually wear you down... Persevere though mate, it's what sets us apart from the chav Saxo brigade that throw tantrums until Daddy fixes it...! :lol:


[/crass generalisations] ;)

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Grinds you down when you get gremlins come all at once.


If you need door handle repair kits PM me. They won't break the bank.



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the door handle kits take 5mins max to fit and are a bargain! what ive found helps is take the rado off the road for a week and take a good look at all the wiring fix anything that needs fixing just sort anything out you find wrong your almost guaranteed a few months trouble free motoring just in my humble opinion!

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yea you had your fair share of problems, don't let it get you down though, you gotta expect problems with cars of this age.


The first problem wearnt your car's fault, was the council's by the sounds of it, and compensation for your damaged wheel should be claimed :) handles and sunroofs are common problems, which i havent had yet probley cause my car's a bit newer and just comeing to that point.


If you had bought a calibra you could be moaning about the rust thats eating your car away or the fact its practically worthless, think yourself lucky your in a corrado :)

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To be fair these are all pretty common Corrado gremlins and provided you're a bit handy with a spanner, you can sort all of those problems out yourself for not too much money:


Alloy: Claim from the council! They have a system / procedure for this and you will be entitled to a replacement!


Door Handles: Repair kit from Dave.. definately not too expensive @ £13.50 a side plus about 1 hours work from yourself tops.


Sunroof: This is probably the worst one.. the repair kit doesnt cost a lot at £70 or so quid, but put aside a whole day and a lot of patience to sort it. Alternatively source an entire moonroof assembly from a Passat from your local scrappie (£100?) and give yourself an afternoon or so to fit it.


Wipers: Set of stalks from the scrappie (£20?) or even a new set from the dealers if you're feeling flush and an hour or so to fit!


It could be a lot worse.. these really are only easy wee jobs that, once taken care of, should never bother you again for as long as you own the car! And chin up.. eventually there is nothing left to go wrong ;)

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Greeny, as Jim said you can fix all of this with about days good work.


You could try e-bay for a set of stalks or have a look and see who is breaking a car in the sales section and pm them.


It does seem you have been quite unlucky and had all of the C's niggly faults occur at once, without wishing to jinx you is your spoiler still working? :wink:

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In fact.. as you have the early interior, I have a set of stalks in my garage. Bought em from the local scrappy in haste when my wipers went beserk but it turned out to be the relay so I never fitted them. They could do with a clean but if you want them, you can have em for £15 (which is less than paid for em!)?

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