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Door / Window Prob on VR6

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Wonder if anyone can help..


My drivers side door has never shut easily and always needs a good push to get it to catch. Because of this the electric window developed quite a rattle on closing and now does not rise evenly, slows down, left side (of the window) goes up and bit then the right side. Sometimes it just stops and you have to grab the top of the glass and jiggle it a bit while pressin the button.


Went to the local dealers and they quoted me 70 buff for a whole new window mech, but im guessin its just a clip or somehting that has broke/is breaking... sound reasonable???


Also, the reason the door is not closing.... is this the common corrado door prob?

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Nope, the most common Corrado door problem is the door handle breaking...

Almost all Cs have rattly windows if they're not 100% closed when you slam the door. Some people have actually had the glass break when they closed the door ..

£70 isn't too bad, considering the Corrado tax.

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Door closure - it's an alignment thing. See if you reduce the closing pressure by slackening the striker pin (15mm spanner) on the B pillar and moving it out a bit.


Window - Kind of sounds like the glass clamp is loose, possibly from the years of door slamming. Either that or one of the guide gutters is loose/missing or the plastic pulley guides at each of the mech have snapped.....that's quite common.

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Cheers guys, dr_mat it does feel like the glass is gonna break in when I close the door! eek


Guess im best getting the door card off and having a good look.

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The glass should only rattle if you close the door when it's right at the bottom of it's travel as that is when support from the inner and outer seals is at a minimum. Anywhere from an inch above the weather seal to the top of the door frame, the glass shouldn't rattle at all.


Yeah you need to take the door card off and see what's going on.....

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The glass (or the mechanism) rattles whenever I close the door, even when the window is fully closed!

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The glass should only rattle if you close the door when it's right at the bottom of it's travel as that is when support from the inner and outer seals is at a minimum.


Is it possible to fix/improve this? With the good weather I love driving round with the windows open (sod the air-con) to hear the VR do its stuff. But the sounds of the glass rattling when closing the door is awful!

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Arise old thread!! Guys please help, what causes window to rattle when the window is down a bit? It's bugged me for years, I just took the card off but can't find the source of the rattle. It's drivers side door and the rattle sounds like it's near the handle/ catch/ mech area

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are you sure its the window and not all that cash you have in your pocket's that's jingling


The car collects all my cash so yeah maybe it's all in the door!

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Just open the window a tad Chris. !! Stops it every time.


Not like you use your car in Winter and need to keep warm.


Easy, cheap Fix !!! :-)

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When closed it sounds solid. This is when open either slightly or fully..... I know loads do it but I'm determined to fix it!!

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Fixed it!!!!


Mine was the bottom of the rail on the handle side. Tapping against inner skin of door. Bit of felt and we are rattle free :)



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