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So how did you spend your Saturday evening?

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Well it started off well enough.Watched a bit of Lock,stock then got bored and went out in the car.

Driving around the town centre,I got stopped by a girl in a viking costume standing in the middle of the road,who then proceeded to bend over my bonnet and demand a pound off me for her hen-night "list".


I didn't have a pound. :p


Around 1130ish,I decided to head home.

As some muppet in a Focus was hanging on to my rear end like piles,I decided to floor it along the main street-2nd-3rd snatched and BANG!

No gear selector.The gear stick was flolloping all over the place.

Managed to coast to a halt,uphill on the narrowest section of one of the busiest parts of the town centre.Hazards on unable to go anywhere. :roll:

So I pulled off the gear surround and,by using the 2candle power interior light,I managed to see that the selector cable had worked loose from the shifter and had jammed istself under the reverse bar. :mad:

Eventually,the local PD arrived in the paddywagon and asked me what was the problem-somewhat sheepishly I told them.

"Can you move it?" PC asks.

"Er,no.I cant get any gear to move either forwards or back.The only way I can shift is to roll backwards down the hill and park it."

"Okay,we'll stop the traffic and you can do that."

So traffic was stopped and I rolled down the hill,backwards for around 30odd feet and managed to get enough momentum to get it into a parking space.

The officer came over to me(it was by this time starting to rain quite heavily) and asked if I wanted a lift home.I said that would be a fine idea.

He then said "Don't see many of these about.Looks in good nick for the age."

To which I replied"oh,er ta.Spent a load on it to keep it that way."

Ended up getting a lift home in the police van,so I could get the Golf and tools and go and fix the Corrado. :oops:

I then spent the next 40 mins trying to reattach the gear cable,with much swearing and scraping of knuckles.Eventually got it back together at around 25 to 1 this morning. :cry:

I then had to drive back to the house,got the other half out of her bed,so she could drive me back to where the C was and get it home.

Not in the good books today then. :twisted:

So thats the first time EVER that I've been taken home by the coppers on a saturday night and I hadn't even been near a pub. :roll: :lol:

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Nice of them to give you a lift back I have to say, and I'm glad you've got it sorted out. Good use of the word 'flolloping' as well :-)

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yeah...it always happens at the worst times eh?.....sounds liek the coppers are ok around your area anyway!.

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It's the usual story.

Some of them are fine and others tend to represent the Hitler youth.

But being in a small town,you tend to get to know one or two of them outside thier working capacity.

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What an ordeal, cops round my way would never be that kind.


I went skiny dipping :oops:


Now thats not really an image i want before im just about to have my lunch :pukeright:

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Well that all depends what they look like doesnt it. If when they got in the water level went up by a couple of foot & a freak tidal wave appeared then no lol.

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They were all honeys - at least thats what I'm telling myself today... woke up with one of them too ;)

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I spent my Sat night promoting my club night. Went very well, sold the place out. Only a little bit of hassle. Roll on next month.

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They were all honeys - at least thats what I'm telling myself today... woke up with one of them too ;)


Now arn't you glad I left my phone at home, and didn't get your missed call until about 2am this morning? ;)


Me, I watched 6 episodes of S2 of 24 back to back. Hooked! Although, I kinda wish I'd taken my phone with me now... :roll:

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Soo should have had your phone mate, you missed a mental party! Some guy's 30th and they spent £15k on the party! :shock: Free alcohol + heated pool + posh surrey totty = girls stripping off and jumping in the pool! Errrrrr, yeah, and Phil! :lol: Got in at 6am and have spent most of today feeling a bit "special"...


Same again next weekend?!

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Soo should have had your phone mate, you missed a mental party! Some guy's 30th and they spent £15k on the party! :shock: Free alcohol + heated pool + posh surrey totty = girls stripping off and jumping in the pool! Errrrrr, yeah, and Phil! :lol: Got in at 6am and have spent most of today feeling a bit "special"...


Same again next weekend?!



I serious am gonna have to get my arse along to one of these parties..although the idea of phil "special" k dive bombing the pool in the buff might just put me off!

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well it didn't put the ladies off.. and tbh I'd be happy if it did put blokes off :lol:


lovin how this thread keeps going back to the fact I went dipping 8)

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To be fair to Phil, he did keep his keks on - for the sake of modesty, decency, and quite possibly the sanity of those present...! ;):lol:

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To be fair to Phil, he did keep his keks on - for the sake of modesty, decency, and quite possibly the sanity of those present...! ;):lol:


sorry but sanity is not a word often associated with you and phil :D

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