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A usual relaxing Sunday for me, I live on the edge of town where there is countryside on one side and houses on the other. Whenever I go for a walk round the fields, I can always hear bikes and sometimes see kids driving them, but this happens all over the country. Anyway, I hear a 2 stroke motorbike outside my flat, so go to investigate and see to kids, about 17, very skinny with no plates on the bike. I knew they were up to no good, next thing I know, one of them jumps on the bike with a stereo in his hand!! :mad:

He will probably only sell it for £20 if that!

So I phoned the old bill because this kind of thing relly winds me up. I'm so glad he didn't try it with my or my gf's car because I am a passive person but I would of hurt him bad.

I don't know if it is just me, but I think crime is on the up unfortunatley.

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yes it definately is on the up, Thank god it wasnt your or your gf's car. Most of the time round our area though (im in sidcup) its the wanna be's not the actual travellers that cause the hassle & nick anything that isnt bolted down.

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I feel sorry for the Romany community - they only want to live in peace and maintain their culture - I'd like some of that culture :twisted: , pay no taxes, rob people blind and all safe in the knowledge that the police are s*** scared of doing anything to sort them out - makes me sick

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I know, for months people have been putting pressure on police and council to move the gypsies off of the star lane site and they did nothing for so long. They were there for a good year paying sod all and left the place in a tip, nice!

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I know, for months people have been putting pressure on police and council to move the gypsies off of the star lane site and they did nothing for so long. They were there for a good year paying sod all and left the place in a tip, nice!



The star lane travellers have gone? they've been there for as long as i can remember, definately alot longer than a year. Hmmmmm Ramsden estate lovely place :wink: :roll:


I can remember driving down star lane once and there werent burnt out cars there were burnt out houses & the cars were just smashed to hell and riddled with bullet holes.

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Sorry, my mistake, they have been there for a very long time indeed, but it used to be in small numbers, then the next thing you know, theres about fifty huge caravans there! Then they have about 50 dogs running around the place and s****ing everywhere! There are still a couple of burnt out cars there! lol. They are living it up, sky television and all mod cons, but they don't pay jack s**t! And they fly tip around all the lanes. Yea, don't park your car in ramsden, they will either vandalise it, nick the wheels,hot wire it, or sifen the petrol out!

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They moved onto a school field near me, the kids can't use their own school field. Police wouldn't move them on. Eventually they were moved on by the council and police, they left the school field in a right mess with piles of HUMAN and DOG excrement everywhere. Now thats just wrong. Where did they go? The next school field down the road...

I saw them moving in their £50k land rovers and £50k+ mobile homes, surely they can afford a toilet??????????

There's nothing wrong with the Daily Mail anyway, just because they say things as they are. There's a few too many ignorant people in this country who live well away from some of the problems highlighted by the likes of the Daily Mail.

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That's fightin talk, that is ... :)


The Daily Fascist is the most ignorant knee-jerk reactionary pile of mob-inciting toss that you can buy in the UK. And the worst thing about it is it's pretence at being "interlecshuall" and moderate. Whenever there's a fuss in the media about the latest dumbing-down, the latest bird who gets her tits out on big brother or something, the Daily Mail is the first to run a full page spread on how AWFUL it is, and how it SHOULDN'T be allowed. Oh and they print the pictures in full... :roll:


Opinion is one thing, hypocricy is another.


But I guess this thread was never about the Daily Mail, so getting back on-topic:


Don't misunderstand me, I don't support the right of folks to move into a school field, turn it into a hole and then move on without any comeback or cost on their part. Everyone has to contribute to our society, myself and Daily Mail readers alike, and those that consider themselves to be outside of that normal society should not be allowed to be a drain on the rest of us. The human race has to cooperate to survive. It's how we got this far.


All that said, they have a right to their chosen lifestyle. I do not have a problem with them doing their own thing, living their own way, within the acceptable limits of society. Clearly in these specific examples they went beyond what was acceptable.

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I stopped reading the DM when it got to the stage where every issue was telling us new ways in which we will die by eating fruit and vegetables.


"Cabbage causes Cancer", "Weetabix has got a half life of 3,000,000 years", "Orange juice is bad for you", "Vitamin supplements will kill you" and other such unsubstantiated drivel.....

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"Weetabix has got a half life of 3,000,000 years"


i can believe that though, have you ever tried getting dried on weetabix off a bowl? im sure i read somewhere nasa where going to start coating the nose cone of the shuttle with dried on weetabix :lol:

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As I said, a lot of ignorant people. Most people I find who slate the DM are those that don't read it. Ostrich syndrome ;-) Nuff said.


What issue said about the Weetabix, I think I may have missed that one?

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For some unknown reason my mum "reads" the DM and despite the fact that it's not owned by Murdoch, I'll have to agree with the good Doctor on my opinion of it. But hey, it's just my opinion ;)


Lies and the lying liars who tell them by Al Franken is well worth a read tho :D


And back on-topic, no I don't think "travellers" should be allowed to do what they like without giving anything back to society, they should be treated just the same as everyone else.

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"Weetabix has got a half life of 3,000,000 years"


i can believe that though, have you ever tried getting dried on weetabix off a bowl? im sure i read somewhere nasa where going to start coating the nose cone of the shuttle with dried on weetabix :lol:


That and Porridge are the hardest substances known to man when dried onto porcelain!


Andy, Weetabix wasn't in the Mail, I was being facetious .... but Cabbage and dietry supplements causing cancer were though. I used to read it on the train everyday for 2 years before it turned to sh1t and it made you feel like there was no point getting out of bed in the mornings. I turned to a tabloid (Mirror) instead which was more believable than an established News(?) paper with a good reputation....

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FYI the DM was the "highbrow" news option in our works canteen until very recently, so I have plenty of experience of picking holes in their editorial..

Anyway, it would be a stupid world if everyone repeatedly bought things they didn't like, wouldn't it?

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Lies and the lying liars who tell them by Al Franken is well worth a read tho :D


I've got a copy of that at home, I really must get round to reading it!


Weetabix wasn't in the Mail, I was being facetious .... but Cabbage and dietry supplements causing cancer were though.


Remember those well, that and potatoes were carcinogenic. I absolutely despise that paper for what it's done to further stupify the masses. Couldn't believe it when my Mother started quoting the Mail as fact. I actually shed a tear.


edit - what is it with mothers reading the mail? grr.

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The Daily Mail is an awful paper! There the first to jump on any media scare story band wagon. I think tonight with Trevor mcdonut is the TV news equivalent. Its also aimed at middle class house wife’s!


As for ‘travellers’ the only reason there’s a problem these days is because Thatcher made it okay for local council’s to close all of there official sites. They used to be obliged to provide a legal site for travellers. Some will obviously believe understandably that the tax payer shouldn’t have to pay anything toward these official sites. But if they still existed then there wouldn’t be problems with illegal sites now.


Crime is also not on the increase infact its down quite a bit! It’s the fear of crime that’s at an all time high. (maybe due to journalism like that found in the daily mail)


my 2p! :lol:

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ahhh...thats how you spell facetious


Did you know its one of only two words in the English Language containing all 5 vowels in the right order. Anyone know the other one?

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