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Stan 24v

The "Turbonator"

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' The Turbonator is a non-moving vortex generator that goes inside your air intake hose, right after your air filter. '


which as everyone knows is SO much better than silly expensive forced induction, I wonder why no one thought of this sooner?

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probably creates more turbulant air going in to the engine, but thats about it. The rest, i would expect, is bollocks.

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It sounds like a good theory to me but you'd expect that with all the development costs invested in cars that one of the companies at least would be fitting them as standard.

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Oh dear, another bolt on BHP increaser. Stick that one on the shelf next to those little FSE power boost valves :roll:


It's funny, K&N run a "nova-maths" advert over here in the US.


"you're engine bay is complicated, and is a maze of pipework. unleash your engine's full potention with a k&n power cone. feel the difference and get up to a 10 bhp increase"

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If you click on the "what is it?" link, it looks like a large PC fan :lol:


There are only two types of induction used in road car engines....naturally aspirated or forced induction.....that thing certainly isn't forced induction, so $69 worth of 'performance' add-ons on a n/a engine usually yield Jack Schit.


But Ebay is for the land of the gullible after all....

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i think pot may well have been involved somewhere along the lines of both the design, and any purchaces....


lmfao, you just made my day!!!

maybe it comes with a little sticker that adds 2bhp ?

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Forget the 'technology' involved for a sec and the price....Even if it was good would anyone here admit to having a 'TURBONATOR' equipped car??? With a name like that it's bound to be a load of manure!

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I have a K&N, does that make me gullible?





i have a k&n too, so if you are - i am too. :lol:


the point i was trying to make is that americans have k&n rammed down their throat as gospel on tv. the filters are nicer than paper ones as they can be cleaned an re-oiled as opposed to replaced at service intervals - which obviously we all know. but, from what i've read they not that amazing over standard filters but the yanks are led to believe they are... :)

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The flow of K&Ns has always been challenged by college professors that think paper is the be all and end all....it's what the manufacturers use, so it MUST be the best. The manufactures just make things with finite life cycles deliberately so that you have to keep replacing them all the time....so along came K&N with their million mile warranty and people were immediately threatened and sceptical by it. But there's no evidence of engine failure as a direct result of using a K&N, so they continue to sell in droves!


This thing with MAF wire contamination is user error, not a fault of K&N.


Paper is for wiping your butt with, K&Ns are for filtering :lol:


And before all you forum experts jump on me - again - for expressing an opinion....up yours :fist:

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Paper is for wiping your butt with, K&Ns are for filtering


OK, let it be me then to subtly challenge that statement. It's true for NA engines, but for G-Lader driven engines I'm actually a bit more sceptical, as the filtration of the K&Ns is not as good as that of standard paper filters. This in turn may lead to little impact marks on the scroll inside of the G-Lader, i.e. a moonsurface slowly building up, as particles that would otherwise be stopped from getting in by a paper filter do get through the K&N and hit the delicate scroll. Not good ... I am therefore actually considering chucking out my K&N again and replacing it with a VAG paper filter again.


Opinions on this issue welcome from the likes of G-Werks, though :-)



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Supercharged VR6s come with K&Ns and no such problem exists on those, but then it's a proper supercharger in the first instance and therefore is infinitely more robust to dust particles :lol:


I'm joking btw, before all you G60 boys get the hump....


I hear what you're saying, but unless you conduct your own tests with industry standard grit particles in a controlled environment, how do you actually know your paper filter is trapping more dirt than a K&N? Paper filters are completely useless when they get wet and they lose their dirt trapping efficiency a lot sooner than K&Ns do.


I use a paper filter at the moment too, whilst the K&N panel is being cleaned....you can definitely a feel a slight blunting of the throttle response.


Anyway, millions of people have debated this for millions of years and it doesn't get anywhere, so you pays your money and makes your choice!

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I agree with you there Kev but have something to add.


Honda did exhaustive tests as you mentioned they did use graded grit/dust and they found that the k&n filters didn't offer as good a filtration as the paper filters, i'm not going to go much deeper than that as that gets the essence of the point over.

I run a K&N and the Vortech kits do come with a K&N filter wuth the addition of a plant-pot and with mine i got a micro filter due to the afore mentioned test results, the micro filter that goes over the K&N was a part of the charger kit but is also available seperately for those whom can't afford a Vortech kit or don't have enough good taste or judgement to have one!





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