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I wonder how many female members there are on the forum....and how many actually own Corrado's!


I dont want to push it but...out of the small minority - I wonder what the chances of them being "pretty" are!


Well, I can tell you of one that fulfills both criteria mate, but I can assure you she's taken...! ;)

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:pukeleft: ....how sweet.... :pukeright: ....... :wink:



theres nothing more sexy than a girl driving a raddo in my opinion....there really isnt.

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I wonder how many female members there are on the forum....and how many actually own Corrado's!


There are 4 of us 'regular' girlies on the forum, all of us have Rado's (unlike yourself.....)

Myself - 2ltr 16v

M15VW - VR6

BlackCat - VR6

Butterfly - VR6 Storm.....


and as for your other comment, i wonder what the chances of you being a bit of a Tw@t are....... hmmmmmmm.......

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damn you girls like a bit of grunt, lots of vr's! and i know your still eyeing up a g60 scarlett


yup.... or possibly some kind of engine conversion on the valver... once i fix the other bits tho........

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g60 the valver!!!!!! do it do it do it!!!!

i expect you to be buying a charger at the next show :D :D :D

or a charged r32/24valve engine :D

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am looking into it, wont be starting anything til ive got the rest done.... but yeah.... supercharging/turboing the C sounds good!!!

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Nice one Scarlett 8)

Looking forward to meeting you somewhere down south (or maybe at E38?)

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yup Butteyfly, am looking forward to meeting u (and your C!), will defo see you at E38!!!! hopefully we'll get all the girlies together there!

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Welcome to the forum.


as for girlies doesnt Jo come on the forum anymore :-(

nearly forgot about katie too.


ach well I had herself washing the C tonight and toothbrushing the splits too


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Just thought to check out the E38 list and saw that yourself and M15 will be on the CF stand. I'm on the CCGB one but will be over to say hi , though hopefully we will be placed next to each other. What about Black Cat? Is she going to be there.... (Thinks...... I'll send a PM)


As for other ladies, Wendy (VR6) also registered on the forum a week or so ago.

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There are 4 of us 'regular' girlies on the forum, all of us have Rado's (unlike yourself.....)


Maybe its because I havent got a corrado I am being discriminated against..


Well I am sorry for not being able to afford one scarlett..

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Maybe its because I havent got a corrado I am being discriminated against..


Well I am sorry for not being able to afford one scarlett..



look mate - am not discriminating against anyone because they dont have a rado, i have only had mine for a few months and only bought this particular one cos she was really cheap... my issue is your comments. ive been part of this forum for months and my sex has never been an issue, nor has how i look... i am here, and i am sure M15 VW, Butterfly and BlackCat will agree, because i love these cars... driving them, working on them or just standing looking at them....


i come on this forum because i get treated equally, unlike on some forums, and ive made some good friends on it (and one who's more than friends)... lets not ruin the atmosphere now...


be nice and we'll be nice to you.....

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lol..looks like Dave's got his work cut out though...dont take any prisoners do you scarlett, 8)

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IMO there's nothing more sexy than a girl who likes cars. Check out VBH for instance. :luvlove: I've been trying for 3 years to get my g/f into cars and explain how internal combustion engines work and she's finally got a decent car! (see MX5 post)

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Well, I don't have a rado, do I?! Guess I'd better watch my back from now on... ;)


EnthusiasticEdward - don't be put off by the responses you may have had - I think that joining a forum and instantly making comments like you did may have been a bit unwise and inappropriate, but we are actually all really friendly here!


And yes, the ladies here are here because they get treated equally, so insinuating that their looks have anything to do with it is probably not the best way of making friends.


When all's said and done, breathe deeply, admit you may have been a bit daft, and I'm sure there ain't gonna be a problem... Bygones, everyone?


I wish you luck in your search for a car!

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Scarlett...........i think our emails regarding that feature says it all really dont u?!


Just because we are girlies and have rados that means u have to find out what we look like so u can perv ??? I dont think so !!!!


I would have been in there alot quicker with some replies but didnt see this post. Things like this REALLY wind me up!


Why cant us girls just enjoy the whole car seen the same as the guys. Why should we have to put up with things like this?? We dont go round perving on the guys, we r in it for the cars ffs!


The amount of slime balls ive met is horrible!!!

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We dont go round perving on the guys


i agree with everything you said :flower: ..please dont attack me :flower: ....but......im not sure than Scarlett can quite say that she doesnt perve at the guys can she?? :lol:

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We dont go round perving on the guys


i agree with everything you said :flower: ..please dont attack me :flower: ....but......im not sure than Scarlett can quite say that she doesnt perve at the guys can she?? :lol:


maybe she does one, but not every one she meets

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