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new g/f realising that in fact she's my other 'third'


HAHAHAHAHAHA you been listening in on the conversations with my new girlfriend then PHIL K!!!!! She likes the car but cant understand why I do it, Although she has come over past few weeks to help me wash and wax the car so I cant complain. She even watched Top gear last few weeks as well!!


I must be a lucky one!!

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Most of my mates are into cars so ok... mrs used to do my head in abt cars, so got rid of her!!

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Luckily my mates and boss seem to get it as they're all into their cars, although my boss does rip it a bit for me having a 'blingin' exhaust :lol:


Generally speaking though, as long as the car still gets me from A to B on a reliable basis, I'd much rather have a car that I spend money on and get something in return. If you drive a new car it costs you the same amount of money in depreciation, but you get nothing for it.


Case in point: I spent just under a grand at Stealth yesterday. In return I got a far better ride (H&R springs), the slop removed from the chassis (new um BJs, bushes and misc other bits) and half-way to some better brakes (braided hoses and Mk4 rear callipers... disks, pads and 288 fronts are on their way).


If I'd just driven a new econobox for 6 months, then it would have cost me exactly the same in depreciation and I would have received benefit. Yay.

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well my girlfriend doesnt get the rado scene at all, shes been spoilt with my last two cars, new golf gti 1.8t and a new audi a4 2.0 sport! but as time goes on she is kind of getting attached to it and now laughs at what im doing to it today!! most of my mates understand although i do get the odd boy racer comment, but when we all go out together in several cars its funny how many people want to travel in the rado!!!

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when we all go out together in several cars its funny how many people want to travel in the rado!!!


...until they see the size of the back seats :lol:

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Oh yes, this all sounds familiar!


Just cos I’m passionate about my Corrado, and talk about it at least once a day at work, I constantly get the pi$$ taken out of me. I agree with everything you all have said to be fair. It really gets me down and why do people think it’s funny to ridicule me cos of my hobby!


:( :( :(


I get the “boy racer” thing as well of the guys at work, at that gets right on my t1ts, mostly from my mate who drives a fookin Saxo VTR! Go figure?


Ah well, I guess I’ll just ignore it and not mention my car or this forum at work again! Makes for a boring life at work though, but hey, for a bit of piece and quite, I’ll give anything a go!

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I think the boy racer comments bother me the most because my car is completely standard except for wheels. I'm like - "I don't think it counts as boy racer if it was designed like this - do you understand?? It came out of the factory like this!!" and they're like "ok I get it stop choking me"


But then I feel like I have to beat everything that has a wing/stupid lights/exhaust/bodykit/sticker on it from the lights to prove that the corrado is better because I never feel it gets the kudos it deserves, and by doing that look like a boy racer - its a vicious circle.

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The one things that gets on my friends nerves is how we all wave or do the thumbs up when we see a fellow Corrado


Also i will never say that my corrado is better than another one that i see!


this really annoys people! then they call me sad! but who cares!


Work People tend to take the P out of my car for being a boy racer! but that never bothers me!

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When I can afford a "hobby" car (got to go for the "sensible" company car option at the moment :( ) there will be a Corrado VR6 in my garage. Oh yes.


Spot on with the comment about the waves and smiles - when I sold my Mk1 GTI I thought I'd seen the last of that. Turned out it was pretty much the last I'd seen of Mk1s on the road (they've all but disappeared now :( ), but still get the same from the Corrado owners. Always a buzz :) Especially the first time my (then "new") g/f asked "why's that bloke waving at you?" :)

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Yup, different peeps have different hobbies, we have ours. The truth, though is that most people just vegitate in front of the tellie most evenings and on weekends ! That makes them mind-numbing dumb ba*stard robots, that happily pay taxes, do as they're told on the tellie (ie. buy this, get that, do this, vote for that), and it makes them to perfect citizens from industry's and politicians' points of view. Or they just vegitate in the chain pub every weekend, keeping the beer industry going (oops, have shares in them :lol:)


We're different :-)


Fortunately my colleague at work is into cars, too, definitely not as much as me, but he's the one with a rather stonkingly quick Audi 20V TQ jobbie :-)


Friends do smile at me, but then admit that at least my car hobby keeps me out of trouble, I spend my money reasonably wisely :lol: and I get to switch on the brain occasionally, whenever I'm tinkering with any of my 3 cars. Now how often do people still get to do that in today's MTV "less than a second attention span" generation :lol:?



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Pretty much all of my friends are into vw's and the family knows what my cars meen to me and understand, pretty luck there i guess :)

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Getting depressed about what other people think of you and your possessions is unhealthy! And anyone that slags you off behind your back is no friend.


You're 28, so you've got about 22 years left to get the most out of your driving career/enjoyment before you get too old, lose interest or watch the UK turn into a car free zone.... so b0llocks to what your mate's think. Some of my friends spend 1000s on horses, boats, DIY, bikes, you name it and I let them get on with it as it's what they want to do and it's not my place to judge them.


The only opinions I truly value come from my other half...... what anyone else thinks of my car, or me I don't give a t0ss quite frankly.

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You're 28, so you've got about 22 years left to get the most out of your driving career/enjoyment before you get too old



im sure craigowl and 2cc will love you for that statement Kev!





i can't really add much to this thread as i no longer have any mates...they've all diss-owned me since i began a love affair with a particular make and model of car... :lol:

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You're 28, so you've got about 22 years left to get the most out of your driving career/enjoyment before you get too old,


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


How long due you think I've got on my pension book Kev! I want to win the lottery before I go.

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i ran off to spain so i'm freindless now

the only people i speak too are far more into there cars than me and thats saying somthing of course most of the spanish chav equivelents drive well ott ibizas and leons some are of but most look like big plastic bags of shite!

people here dont apreciate things like us brits though seems theyd rather drive hyundai's than have a clasic just so they can have a newer car! estas loco!

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people at work here used to take the p1ss until I showed 'em the videos of J-DUB at Santa pod and curborough and they saw the suntans I kept coming back from shows with last year! I took one lass out in the car 'cos she didn't think I'd done as much work to it as I said I had and she soon shut up! :lol: (this was before I was seeing my missus... 8) ) People at work don't say a lot about it now, but they know that if they scratch or dent it, they'll damn well know about it and be paying for the repair one way or another! :twisted:

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some of my mates just want to booze from friday till sunday night. that costs shed loads, so i have a fair argument as I have something to be proud of after the weekend (not a bad head and vague memory of that minger in the pub garden)


However I did hear my neighbour walk in to his house the other day and not realising the window was open shouted to his missus, "he's washing that old banger again". That Bites but atleast I dont drive a vaxhaul zaferia with bad parking dents all over it. :p

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ZippyVR6, SNAP!


I have alcoholic friends who spend too much time in the nuclear sub. I'm bored of it, and would rather invest the 50 quid pee'd up a wall on something I can actually enjoy. Hangovers suck.


Snap again, my neighbours had a little huddle a few weeks ago and a good laugh at my expense. Comments of "Why is it all different colours?" and "That car spends more time apart than on the road" were heard.


I explained the altercation on the M25 - AGAIN, and then I politely reminded them that my rado was more fun than a Fiesta, and I'd rather spend my time enjoying it than mowing my garden and having my arse kicked about all weekend by my wife demanding that jobs be done. Went a bit quiet after that. :D

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excellent, tact is a wonderfull thing. "got to go, the lawn wont mow itself he he he" :D


the migration from beer monster to dub enthusiast met with some Pi55 taking from so called mates. but watch them que up for a lift home from the boozer.


still their mates so what can you do?

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Most of my mates are into cars so ok... mrs used to do my head in abt cars, so got rid of her!!


class :lol:


most of the peeps at work are ok about it but they dont like the fact i take up 2 car park spaces 8)

the only thing i get is the - why dont you buy a newer car :roll:

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Wow, I never thought this thread would get many replies!


Heheh, though you all have Corrados to be proud of - I do get a lot of the "but it's just an old man's car!" and "you've spent how much?! you could have got something decent for that!" type of comments though...


Coming on here and getting even one compliment on the 'rat makes it all worthwhile though, cheers guys!

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There may be the odd snigger, sometimes to your face, sometimes behind your back.


BUT, there is a small group of VW owners here at work, each of whom has needed advice from me on repairs or sources of parts. When you can help yourself and others, the snide remarks soon fade away.


Thanks to all of you who have helped me and, indirectly, my colleagues with advice.


Best wishes



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Roger Blassberg, yeah, I hear you there... 8)

One of the managers here was taking the p1ss until his Golf GTTDI's air con died and VAG wanted a silly amount to sort it out... in three weeks time... :roll: a quick phone call to a guy I know and about 3 hours later a van arrived at work, fixed the air-con, charged him a third of what VAG wanted and left... He's not taken the p1ss since... Can't wait 'til I take him out in H-YYU, that's make him open his eyes 'cos he reckons his GTTDI is faster than my G60... :roll: :twisted:

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A mate of mine has just discovered the use of 'the knowledge' - his MK4 Anniversary needs new discs & pads on the front and VW price for stock parts and labour is £294.. I suggested he phoned Stealth.. their price for pagid discs and pads is £100 cheaper! Guess where he's going for the work! :)

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