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Who do you wave at? And do they wave back?

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Ok, since I've been back in a Corrado I've started waving at people that I felt too ashamed to wave to whilst in the Golf and it got me thinking.


I tend to wave at people in...




nicely modified old 'dubs


Yet nobody seems to wave back. Is it just because I'm an idiot? Who do you wave at? Do you get a response?

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Didn't used to wave at anything but other Rado's, but in the last few weeks I got flashed and waved at by someone in a Mk2 Gti and by some dude in an old camper.

Wasn't ignorant, and returned the wave to both, but dunno whether they were just isolated cases, (maybe also Corrrado owners?)


Suppose not everyone who owns Mk 2 actually "gets it", and don't wanna make a burke out of meself frantically waving every time I see a VW badge.

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most other corrado drivers wave back, now and then I get a wave off a sirocco (sp?) driver and the other day i got flashed and waved at by a young lad in a decked green lupo with black design 90's and a black bonnet... he looked a bit chavvy but the lupo looked nice so i waved back... i just didnt smile ;)

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Any VW i like the look of i tend to give a nod.


But i do wave at any mk1 golf's or any raddo's i see, and very rarely get a wave back, whats wrong with these people

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Other Corrados. And Mk1/Mk2 GTIs and Sciroccos, if (as they usually are) they're rubber-necking my car :)


Never got a wave back from the fit girl who drives a '90 Mk2 GTI sadly. And she's been driving that for years - I remember seeing her when I still had my Mk1 - thought I might have gotten a wave back when I graduated to a Corrado but no.


I wonder if she'd wave if I splashed out on an R32? ;)

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lol ok then your an idiot that can spell :lol:


but I am obviously very clever as I can get the message across using 2 less key presses ;-) :lol:

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Other Rados mainly, but have had a couple of nods/waves from people driving other tuned VW's recently

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If I see anyone in a VW, I'll have a look, and if they're looking back at my car, I'll give them a thumbs up, usually gets returned.

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Yet nobody seems to wave back. Is it just because I'm an idiot? Who do you wave at? Do you get a response?


It's your hair mate and the pink tilt to your personality :lol:


Actually, it's the region mate.... East Angular folk are miserable bastards! They'd rather lick a Hornet's ring than show some emotion and admiration toward another man's wheels.....

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Think its the country as a whole.. cars do just seem to bring out envy and jelousy in lots of people. Evident i'd say by the amount of people on here who've suffered keyings and other totally pointless criminal damage.

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I don't get that though, why would anyone be jealous of a 10 year old VW costing around 4 to 5 grand?! A spanking new Porsche 997 in black would undoubtedley get several dings and scratches if left in some sh1tty areas of the UK....but a Corrado??

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I dont think its a case of age or cost kev, i think its more the fact that for the most part they look nice and are obviously cared for and the nasty little f**kwits that damage peoples cars are being exactly that, nasty and f**kwitted.

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Stupid is as stupid does, unfortunately :(




*edit: Aimed at Kev's last post, being as it doesn't make entire sense in context :)

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I wave at most Mk2, Mk1, Rocco, Rados and some campers. I tend to get a response from most around where I live.


I also wave, beep, flash and shout at fit birds...............but never get a response. Its worth a try though, eh? ;-)

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flash and shout at fit birds


there was a guy wandering the parks in middlesbrough that used to do that, think he got arrested in the end...

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I was quite suprised to get flashed by on old lady in a polo yesterday - I was so chuffed my C was being appreciated by a diverse generation that i didn't realise i was heading straight towards a parked up B**tard speed camera van - speedo read 34 in a 30........only time will tell. :bomb:

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Strange one Dom, as those you wave at probably have no idea your an idiot LOL..


Most i wave at wave back, its a great feeling. Did get totally blanked by a girl in a grey C thismorning however ! J plate with a vr6 badge on the back, not sure if that was right either?

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