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100ron shell

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Judging by the once again over inflated price of crude, (praise America for securing the World's oil, praise America for keeping the oil flowing) it's pretty easy to see why we're paying through the buttocks for petrol:


Crude price:




Average 'gas' price (apologies, it's near impossible to find UK prices):





Check out the comparision prices around the world though:


AA Petrol Price Analysis June 2005 (.doc)


I know we're subject to a strong pound, which does make things look favourable, but once you factor in average salaries in those countries - everyone is getting screwed.


Ah Google Statistics :lol:

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Well check this out for taking the piss.. the Texaco at the bottom of my road charges 94.9p/litre for regular diesel.


The Texaco that is about 5 minutes drive away up the A45 charges 91.9p/litre for diesel. So what... the justification for an extra 3p/litre for the same f*cking juice is what exactly?! Con artists.

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Even if the price of crude didn't rise, Brown would still increase the duty though and still accounts for 70% of the pump price.


The average road haulier pays £30,000 per annum in fuel duty alone :shock: You can see why so many go out of business when Brown and Exon et al wake up one morning and decided to announce yet another price hike. Road haulage is essential due to the rail service being utterly useless, but still they bleed HGV operators dry....and yet Farming, another essential service, gets tax relief on fuel? :cuckoo:

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....and yet Farming, another essential service, gets tax relief on fuel? :cuckoo:


Does that mean if we all register as farmers, we get to give Brown the finger?



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Chip fat is the way to go for yor diesel barge, trouble is you need an oldish diesel to run it.


Biodiesel my man. Chip fat that's already been used for frying, add 5% methanol, heat gently, skin off impurities and you're left with a 98% used chip fat 2% methanol solution. It's not quite that simple but that's the bones of it. About 75p/litre @ the moment in York, or available wholesale on pallets in 1000l tubs for about £750.

I'm selling up out of 'rado ownership to move to diesel I think as I can't afford the fuel bills anymore.



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Ah but the stuff that's sold as 'biodiesel' in petrol stations is usually just normal diesel with 2% biodiesel added and just works like normal diesel (because it pretty much is). Although you do get the added lubrication of the bio oil.


If you use proper plant-based oil then it tends to be a bit thicker than mineral diesel and you need to pre-heat it to get it through the injectors. Modern diesels are very specifically tuned to get the most out of mineral diesel, so they don't tend to work very well on bio stuff.


If you can lay your hands on 'previously enjoyed' oil that quite often places will give you for free, or maybe even pay to take it away! Then you must strip the fatty acids out of it first otherwise you'll coke up the engine and do all kinds of damage.


Having said all that, it's worth noting that the very first diesel engine actually ran on peanut oil and was always intended to run on vegetable oil. It was only when the petro companies realies that the slimey goo by-product of petrol refining would do the job almost as well that it all went down-hill.


If you run an older diesel engine on vegetable oil instead you get better lubrication, slightly better mpg and/or performance and fumes that smell like friers...

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If you run an older diesel engine on vegetable oil instead you get better lubrication, slightly better mpg and/or performance and fumes that smell like friers...


Yup! :-) 1993 K reg Passat ran like a dream on it but it still had the glow plugs. Turn key, go and make cup of tea, come back, turn on engine :)



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Time to put on "Smug Git" uniform.


HM Customs and Excise takes a dim view of excise duty evasion, and the smell of frying is something of a giveaway.


Best wishes



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Well yes, you are supposed to pay fuel duty on whatever you use as fuel in your car, but even if you do, it still only costs you 40p/litre or something and that's assuming that you declare everything that you use...

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Yeah, I have a friend that runs an old diesel land rover off the used chip fat from the local take away. They pay him to take it away, he 'refines' it in his garage, and away he goes. I very much doubt he pays any duty on it, but he does it as much for the environmental implications as he does the financial aspect.


Thing is, we can all sit here bitching about petrol prices, but we need to make our voices heard to people that matter. Personally, I would support petrol blockades, but can't help but think there must be a better way, as inevitably blockades result in people stockpiling, which renders the whole exercise kind of pointless....

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...Just filled up with 98 RON at 1.429EUR (0.98885 p) /Litre!!


When I first moved to Holland 8 years ago petrol was 1/3 cheaper than in the UK, so it's not just Mr. Brown ripping of the motorists!!!


B*^tards all of em...




btw, Shell made almost 2 billion PROFIT in the last 3 months as their figures released today show, just behind BP. How can that be justified with the prices at the pumps what they are??? F*^king insane :bad-words:

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They were talking about having rebated fuel for trucks and it would be dyed blue to indicate it was rebated just like gasoil ( red diesel )

They have dropped the Truck road tax though from £1700 to £600 for an 18 tonner,

it was their way of avoiding this rebated fuel scenario as even the contemental drivers would benefit.

On the subject of 100 octane fuel there is such a thing with low lead as well so no use to boys with cats shame its for aircraft piston engines its called avgas 100LL shame its £1.10 a litre !


I hear it used to be used by the rally cars for extra erm PEP !



Hows the price of LPG nowadays here and in holland?



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LPG is roughly 40-45 euro cent per litre here in Holland now.


Damn cheap but in a VR? I don't think so...

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The VR lump was originally designed to be a sporty diesel - anyone fancy finishing VW's job off and actually making it one? :)

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Red diesel has already been phased out on the rivers, although this was only normal diesel with red dye in it. The dye was put in so as motorists couldn't use it. The boatyards sell the normal stuff at the subsidized rate but you can no longer just fill up your boat and 20 cans. You have to show your license at the counter to get the pump unlocked.

Plant is still allowed to use the red stuff.

AFAIK the newer boats which run on petrol are paying out more than the motorist!!

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You have to show your license at the counter to get the pump unlocked.



Not round cambs / ely / old west you dont. And red deisel is currently about 40p /l and still available.

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....and yet Farming, another essential service, gets tax relief on fuel? :cuckoo:


Does that mean if we all register as farmers, we get to give Brown the finger?



lol nope - just the brown finger

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Time to put on "Smug Git" uniform.


HM Customs and Excise takes a dim view of excise duty evasion, and the smell of frying is something of a giveaway.


Best wishes




Sorry I should have clarified, the place I buy it from in York for 75p/l includes duty to HM Customs and Excise. In the UK there is a 20p concession on biodiesel (unlike the rest of the Europe where there is NO tax on it at all). The smell of frying's rather nice though, you can pick out who's running in, and if you've got a good nose, which type of takeaway it came from :-)

Back OT, I've no idea about Shell 100 RON, but I find Sainsbury's Super 97 RON is plenty good enough, and the same RON as BP Ultimate Unleaded (and probably from the same refinery).



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You have to show your license at the counter to get the pump unlocked.



Not round cambs / ely / old west you dont. And red deisel is currently about 40p /l and still available.



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BP ultimate is 98 RON, at least over here and it's all I use now.


I avoid the Shells as they don't sell 98 anymore. A bit tricky though as Shell is a Dutch company and about 2/3rds of the stations over here are... yep, Shell!!



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